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Everything posted by Francesco

  1. good question, I just realized the thread rating system doesn't exist anymore: is this because of the forum purge? also, another thing that has disappeared is the reputation tab on the user CP.
  2. well it's actually 2 km/s less than to LEO.
  3. I've been procrastinating completing this challenge for sooo long... but I already know I'm going to start it from scratch when flags come out :/
  4. sì, il vantaggio di mandarla su intera è che avrei un allineamento perfetto delle docking ports. il vantaggio di costruirla in orbita è il non avere bisogno di mezzi terrestri/"rover tugs" per assemblarla al suolo. il vantaggio di costruirla sul suolo lunare (o meglio, Munare ) è la facilitàdell'intera operazione. ma per il momento ho posticipato la cosa, dando prioritàa questa challenge: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/27127-KSP-Grandmaster!-(Land-on-every-body-of-the-Kerbal-System!) in poche parole, atterrare ovunque voi a che punto siete?
  5. ground testing of my radially attached unguided rockets: basically an octagonal strut with two sepratrons, each one of those babies has some 2300 m/s in vacuum: a 2.5m wide tank fits eight of them through small docking ports. comes also in an airplane-deployable version.
  6. the guy in the middle is telling a Kerbal joke
  7. but it's only 20 tons more: a 12% increase in payload for a 54% increase in total mass.
  8. ora controllo ma quasi quasi la mando su intera, così com'è...
  9. intendo questa (ve la mostro in anteprima )
  10. yeah, aerobraking is either trial and error, or using Mechjeb and its ridiculously accurate predictions. that's all I'm using MJ for these days, it's not even a mod in my mind. "barely entering the atmosphere" only applies to Jool, and not that much actually - for all the others, you have to push pretty deep to aerocapture into a low orbit.
  11. if by "getting a Kerbal off of Eve" you mean ONE Kerbal, no, the rocket doesn't need to be so massive after all: you can check out Brotoro's signature on the first page of this thread for his Eve return mission. I'm preparing a similar mission in this very moment. tip: use aerospikes there were also a couple of interesting Eve mission reports, but sadly we lost them during the forum purge.
  12. very good, definitely will try this. but you already know that soon someone is going to ask for a 300 tons to LKO Ãœbernova, don't you? P.S. I was thinking that we may start to add a watermark like this to rockets that comply with the Clean Space Act:
  13. not true: you need to be travelling at almost two times the terminal velocity at that altitude to see mach effects appear.
  14. they aren't but I agree with rhoark, LV-Ns can't just be thrown on Kerbin, they need to be recovered.
  15. ok I've just seen this blog post http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entry.php/321-Flags and the flags made by the devs are already so beautiful I probably don't even need a new one
  16. "if i put an advanced S.A.S. Module on my rocket, do i need the other S.A.S. Module?" maybe. "if i put an advanced S.A.S. Module on my rocket, and there is a command pod onboard (especially the 3-seat one like in your screenshot) do i need the other S.A.S. Module?" probably not. there is not an absolute answer, but in general, you don't need them to pilot your rocket: one thing I've seen people mentioning though, is that SAS units are useful for space stations, to dampen their movement, instead of using an ASAS module.
  17. ah yes, this could be a great chance to learn some computer graphics, for those who suck a these things like me: I expect "flag design" tutorials to show up in the How To section in the following weeks in the meantime, if someone has any tips, like which program they used to create their flags, I'm all ears!
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