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Everything posted by Deadpangod3

  1. Banned for claiming to be sniped Edit: banned for being spotted by me and making me think its Sasquatch
  2. Granted, but it is invaded and taken over by an army of space krakens I wish Jeb would crash into my school right now
  3. Banned because u will or hug army will attack (<-- what's going on with me today?) (>o.o)> (>o.o)> (>o.o)>
  4. SPAAAAAAAAAACE!!!!! Sorry I could not resist XD
  5. Granted, it gets srbd down by Jeb instead I wish Jeb wasn't about to crash into the VAB...
  6. Still better then nothing U no have wish!?!?!? T_T Hug apocalypse: (>o.o)> (>o.o)> (>o.o)> (>o.o)> (>o.o)> (>o.o)> I wish Jeb would prevent the apocalypse
  7. Banned because I don't know what emoticons are
  8. Milky Way Earth or Kerbin?
  9. Granted, it is attacked by the kraken and is sent into the sun I wish school wasn't soooo boring
  10. Banned because I don't pan them, I hit them with frying pans!
  11. Either I'm going insane, or that flags alive!!! It looks like the stars are moving
  12. Bob: oh no, I know how this is going... Jeb: bob, get over here (>O\/O)> Bob: aaaaaahhhhh!!!
  13. Maybe you accidentally clicked RCS in the action group thingy and didn't notice it,
  14. *scream Pollution!!! Ksc control: can SOMEONE get Jeb out of the thruster?? Idk why that would happen... But I think if it were a bit more towards grey it'd look a little realistic
  15. Uh oh, people are already designing jebs rockets to send him flying on
  16. What sal said, clamp o tron's will not dock to clamp o tron jr.'s Oh, and nice space station
  17. Very Kerbal, Let me guess, he was laughing the hole way down?
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