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Everything posted by ZingidyZongxxx

  1. I don't really see the point in building a space station around Kerbin anyway, now that I think about it. I've built plenty of them, but I've never really had a use for them other than looking cool. Space stations around other planets allow you to refuel when there is actually a need of refueling. In Kerbin orbit, it usually easier to just launch another ship or a temporary refueling ship.
  2. Simulator? The world is your simulator! There are no consequences for failing when you can just revert to the VAH or SPH, so why be afraid to fail? The worst you can do is learn from your mistakes.
  3. We don't need landing legs anyway... and Too late to turn back now.
  4. Just add more boosters until it gets to orbit! And struts, of course. A few versions back, on a save that is now long gone, I had this insane 300 part mothership kethane miner thing with around 10k DV once it's in orbit. Probably the most difficult thing I've ever gotten into orbit. The hardest part was symmetry wouldn't work because the mothership itself wasn't perfectly symmetrical.
  5. I named it after a random Kerbal I thought had a cool name.
  6. Why are these parts forbidden? I already have an SSTO, but I'm pretty sure it uses some of these.
  7. Why is there never an in-between option on polls? I think there are a lot of people who think some mods are nice, but not YEAH ALL MODS ARE AWESOME MORE MODS MODSMODSMODSMODSMODS
  8. Heinali - Air Anyway, very well done. I loved it.
  9. Where is the no option? I'm not not saying Hyperedit is bad or anything, I don't really care what you do with your save, I just haven't used it. I can see where it would be useful, but I would be too tempted to cheat.
  10. These look absolutely amazing! I wish I had talent... Since I have none, I'd like to request a Gilly badge with a ship landing and "GKM-A1" at the top and "Building a Better Eve" at the bottom. Thanks! Keep up the great work!
  11. You can also check out the crew manifest mod for the same features and more.
  12. Agreed. This way we don't have 50 people asking if the same mod is working when someone already said it was on pages 6, 13, 25, etc.
  13. You people are insane! I can't even keep up with the new pages you guys keep making because the posts are coming in so fast.
  14. Maybe we will get one in a Chirstmas gift sort of .23.x update... I think that's how Eeloo was added. It would actually be a pretty small update to add a new planet if they had no other major game-play changes. *Crosses fingers*
  15. Very interesting question, I've thought about it before too. I have absolutely no idea, but I'm gonna take a wild guess and say no. And I would imagine that you would essentially be drinking something hotter than fire, so the best side would be a bucket of ice.
  16. I think it's a good idea, but the various facilities need more purpose first. Right now, they're mostly just about looking pretty and have only one or two functions, so you can't really upgrade them to have much of an affect on gameplay. The whole starting with atmospheric only flights also wouldn't work since the tech tree starts off without jet engines, but it's a good idea. If I recall correctly, a dev said this is planned awhile ago. That would be awesome!
  17. To be honest, I don't have a problem with just aborting debris from the tracking station. I usually just do that and pretend I had some explosives on board that I triggered from mission control.
  18. I like the idea, but it would need some limits to work properly. For example, you can only anchor something if it's landed and timewarpable (totally a word now). Seems like a good idea though.
  19. Hello Darkstar, and welcome to the KSP forums! That must be pretty inconvenient, how are you getting internet out there? On my recent visit to Jupiter it took forever to download anything... Must be hard to live there
  20. This made me think of something. What if Squad was planning to keep Eeloo as a planet for a while, then have it "demoted" later? It would be just like Pluto.
  21. Maybe if we build an elevator to the moon first. The amount of force an actual space cannon would need to use is ridiculous. Rockets are much more practical.
  22. So the plan is to return samples from an asteroid? Has that even been attempted before? I hope they pull it off.
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