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Everything posted by ZingidyZongxxx

  1. I believe that that resource system was out of date. They wanted to make it a little less specific or something. Still, it has some very cool plans for the future.
  2. They seem to work if installed the old way, but I'm sure there's a better method. I haven't been able to figure that out either, so for now you can just do it the same way as before...
  3. Thanks for the update! So the menu icon is supposed to be a question mark for now, or did I install it wrong?
  4. Okay, here's my entry: I decided to go backwards, and the ascent was really long since it can go up to 36 km: Getting the Speed Angel achievement: Descending: And... Well, close enough: I fixed it, but I lost some intakes getting back on the runway. How I can still get precision pilot for that and monolithic... Flight results: The only mod used was Mechjeb, because I'm not staring at a plane flying too high to see anything interesting for an hour. Achievements: A Winnar Is You, Precision Pilot?, Wrong Way, Champ, I SAID WRONG WAY, Monolithic, Speed Angel. (? means maybe) Original Time: 3670 seconds Time Deduction: 59 seconds Overall time: 3611 seconds No time records set, but this beast has a large wingspan and mass, so it might be in the top there.
  5. You can also Google r/ksp to find it again quickly.
  6. Yes, demo parts are included in stock parts. I'll give this a try soon, although it won't be nearly as good as Tavert's.
  7. Wow! Moho is a hard first planet to visit, considering that it can take around 7000 or 8000 m/s Dv to get there, and it has a very inclined orbit with no atmosphere to aerobrake in. I've only managed to return from it once. Good job!
  8. I thought we agreed that more SRBs is always the way to go?
  9. You can technically get a TWR of greater than one on Kerbin with RCS, but it lags a ton and is useless.
  10. All great mods. I recommend you try them out, they add some really cool and useful stuff.
  11. Ha, too much KSP. You're funny. Also, I now say Mun instead of Moon.
  12. Well, I built a jet that easily meets the requirements, but I'm having problems where it keeps accidentally going into orbit... I'll try again tomorrow and post my entry.
  13. Finished. 19 parts including the launcher, easily survives a fall from orbit. Yes it, it has an engine when coming in to land (crash) but there is no fuel left, so I think it's fine. Launchpad: (Barely) Stable Orbit: Gotta Love Those Effects: "Landing": Probe: Sorry there are so many pictures, but I took more than I needed.
  14. I'm no rocket scientist, so I honestly have no idea how this would be accomplished, but what we really need is a fully reusable, horizontal liftoff spacecraft. Launches would be easier and safer, as well as cheaper and more efficient. Like I said, I don't know how to design this, but it would still be a huge help to the space program.
  15. Yes I will, but I'll reuse my old craft files from .19. I don't have many missions going on right now, because I spent most of .19 doing single launch, exploration/challenge type missions.
  16. Probably some sort of variation of the Haystack mod, Sub-assembly Loader, Crew Manifest, and a lot of other utility/useful type mods. KSPX, a stock themed part pack, will also probably have some sort of variation included later.
  17. I like the idea. Are all mods allowed? It looks like you used KSPX in yours.
  18. Well, several mainsails would give considerably more roll power than a few RCS thrusters, especially on a large rocket. Also, you wouldn't waste your RCS fuel. And you don't give up the ability to roll when not burning in any way, since RCS and command pods still work perfectly fine with thrusters off.
  19. I actually really like the look of it. I can never build any sort of fairings like you did, but they look good.
  20. Well I did the challenge, but I accidentally deleted the save file before posting the link... I feel so stupid.
  21. That looks awesome. I wish I was good at designing things... Also naming things... Here's what I've done so far. I might make a new one when I get a little better at it. Not the best, but it's alright for paint. I didn't have anything else to use. KART simply stands for Kerbal Aerospace Research and Technologies.
  22. By far the answer is Moho. It takes a huge amount of DV just to get there, and there's no atmosphere for aerobraking. I pretty much ran out of fuel after getting there. All I had left was my lander stage and an underpowered return ship. After landing on Moho and getting back into orbit, I didn't have enough fuel to get to Kerbin. However, I had just enough to get to Eve. The advantage of this is that a rescue mission to Eve is much easier because Eve is closer and has a dense atmosphere. It actually all ended up working out, my Eve rescue mission went well and I landed just off the coast of KSC, near the island runway. I swam home and landed a rescue plane, and Bill was safe. This was also my first mission to more than one planet, even though that wasn't exactly in the mission plan. Moho man. Moho.
  23. I'm so sorry guys, I'm having a ton of trouble docking the module onto the station. Someone else will have to take this challenge, so sorry for wasting your time.
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