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Everything posted by reptile2001

  1. Lol! I'm glad I'm not the only one that read it that way.
  2. Oh man, the look on his face was KILLING me while I watched that video!!
  3. To me (not at all a math or physics whiz), it would make the most sense to let anything and everything that can help you do just that - if gravity/atmosphere is going to bring you where you want, why fight it? To me the most efficient way would be burning to close to your intended landing point and adjusting from there.
  4. Great read! I've actually been contemplating building a B-52esque dropship of my own, if for no other reason than the fun of it.
  5. Also, I agree with what FritzPixel said - your launch profile can make a MASSIVE difference in the performance of any SSTO. Practice practice practice!
  6. Congrats! SSTOs are something I had been working on since I first started playing. Landing on the Mun, rendezvous and docking were all milestones in my Space Program, but nothing compared to the first time I successfully launched an SSTO. To ROFLCopter - the Ram Air Intakes are necessary on an SSTO because it allows the jet engines to operate at much higher altitudes, allowing the craft to pick up much more speed before the more fuel hungry rockets kick in.
  7. You only build the crazy designs at the beginning? I still do! I couldn't agree more, Oleyo, in fact I was just telling my best friend something similar - this game is such a simple idea I can't believe it hasn't been done before. I didn't even bother with the demo, personally, as soon as I saw the game it was an instant purchase for me. Steam tells me I have over 120 hours in it...in about 2 weeks...
  8. That is a pretty epic craft!!! Following what "That Guy" said, turn the graphics settings down a bit. My dedicated gaming desktop is no slouch and it can even struggle at times in this game.
  9. I thoroughly enjoyed reading through this. Awesome rover and delivery system as well!
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