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Everything posted by PunkRockZoologist

  1. A retro-futurist style colony would be soooo rad!!! I can just imagine my atom-punk 50s sci fi funland on the Mün.
  2. Yeah, definitely want to see this. They should all still have "Ker" in them, or "Kerb", but I think some different Kerballey surnames would be really fun.
  3. That's the impression I got when they said it will be "easier for modders". Especially in terms of adding new stars and planets, seeing as there will be other star systems with exoplanets.
  4. I'll be interested to see which mods make the jump from KSP1 to KSP2. Given all of the base building functionality coming in the new game, and the better atmospheric visuals, most of the mods I use with KSP1 probably won't be necessary. So far it looks like only OPM and some form of Alcubierre-drive would be mods I'd look for, as those are both things they've said won't be in the base game. Trying a new install of KSP1 right now with all of my favourite mods and it's still a bit janky.
  5. I hope that when KSP2 comes out, if it doesn't already have these planets included, that you can recreate this mod for that too. From what they've said it sounds like planet pack mods will be easier to implement in that game.
  6. That sounds super neat. I'd love that. I love that they've said that the game will involve modding, but I'm hoping that for the experience I want it will require as few mods as possible. So far they've said the Kerbol system will be the same as in KSP1, and that there will be no FTL drives. So if that's the case I'll be looking for a KSP2 version of the Outer Planets Mod and an very-late-tech Alcubierre drive, and hopefully that will be it. So excited. Not eve upset it's been delayed, Make it right, not quick.
  7. Right!? I am just so tired of people complaining about a game not being worth "AAA Prices" or whatever they call it, just because it's an indie game, or it isn't long, or whatever other reason they come up with. As far as I'm concerned, play-time and style have nothing to do with how much I'm willing to pay for a game. What matters is enjoyment factor. I recently bought Star Wars Battlefront 2, and only did so because it was heavily marked down to like $6. I liked it ok, but I would not pay more than that for it, because I didn't enjoy it enough to justify more than that. KSP I enjoy immensely, and I would gladly pay $60 for that. And that's in US$. It will almost certainly be at least $80 for me in Australia, and I'll still be glad to pay that, because I know I'll like it that much. And before people jump in about budget and affordability, I have a very tight budget for games. I'm living on a PhD scholarship and saving for a house. I do NOT have a lot of money to throw around, and I would STILL be happy to pay $60+ for KSP2. I'm already saving for it.
  8. Now *that* would be awesome. They did have the ice moon in the trailer, and they've said some cryptic things about making the other planets more interesting, so maybe there will be ice over oceans. But I wouldn't count on it, just because they've also said no caves/negative space on planets. So I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
  9. Voxel/editable terrain would be pretty neat, but it would definitely be beyond the scope of what they're planning of KSP2. And they've stated outright that there will be "no terraforming" or other kinds of terrain editing. So yeah, mining will just extract resources from the solid ground. Not necessarily realistic, but the realism of Kerbal has always been to do with the space flight more than the infrastructure supporting it.
  10. Is anyone already planning out what and where their space colonies are going to be? If it's possible (and I know it probably won't be, but still, fingers crossed) I want to have a big O'Neill Cylinder station in Munar orbit, and another big colony in Jool orbit.
  11. Every new bit of information revealed makes me even more excited for this game. This all sounds like exactly what I want from a KSP sequel.
  12. I certainly hope so. This all sounds amazing.
  13. No word on that as far as I know, but they have stated that they plan to open up more of the game's code to modders, or words to that effect. I don't do modding or coding, so I don't know what that means exactly, but it sounds as if the game will be even more mod-friendly than KSP1.
  14. Or better yet, a sliding scale. I know there are people out there who want to make the game as granular and challenging as possible, so I think they should have an option for that. Either no worrying about life support at all, ar all the way up at the other end of the scale, you have to worry about *everything*. I think that would be sweet. Doubt we'd see something that complicated in the base game, but we can dream.
  15. Some form of logistics would be fun, but it would have to be quite simplified, I think. Or just something you can toggle on/off. I love the idea of life support requirements, but having a mission fail when you're 90% of the way to Duna because you miscalculated how much food and air you need really sucks, and not in a fun way like crashing into Ike would.
  16. Yeah, they said "Spring 2020" and that's Northern Hemisphere obviously, so I guess that would be like April-May-June-ish. If they reach that window I'm expecting it to be late in it, towards mid-June, which means I'll have a nice new game to play for hours when I'm hibernating for the Southern Hemisphere winter
  17. Yeah, that would be ideal, different planets are rich/poor in different resources, giving further reason for exploration and colonisation of multiple bodies. I think my idea is a bit simplistic, and it would probably end up being pretty unbalanced. I'm excited to see what we get in the eventual release.
  18. I just had a thought. Yes this is another "what I'd like to see in KSP2" post, which I understand is completely pointless, but I thought it would be fun to get other people's opinions on this. It's pretty clear they're expanding the resource model for the game. I'd really like to see the new resources to be as ambiguous as "Ore" in KSP1. Maybe the new ones could be things like Metal, Water, Air and Gas, where you can form your own conclusions/headcanon about what they actually represent. I feel like that would fit nicely into that Kerbal niche between realistic and cartoony. So you can harvest different resources from different planets/biomes, and even harvest things like "Air" or "Gas" from atmospheres, and then bring it to a refinery where you can refine them into different usable resources. A bit like the Community Resource Pack, but maybe slightly simplified/streamlined. Yeah, not that the enjoyment of going isn't reason enough most of the time, but you're right, it would still be nice to have more in-game incentive for late-game exploration, even after you max out the tech tree.
  19. Yeah, same here. Last time I played KSP1 I had Community tech tree and RoverDude's Alcubierre warp drive installed (along with a few other near-future tech mods), and it really gave late-game science collecting some meaning. I hope we get that in the stock version of KSP2.
  20. Even if they don't add any form of warp drive, there are two great mods for KSP1 that add those in a balanced and near-realistic way. I would be very surprised if those mods didn't make the move to KSP2 in some form if there was a niche for them to fill.
  21. They specifically said in an interview that there's "no warp drive" but I feel like they were referring to this in a Star Trek sense, because, far-fetched though it is, an Alcubierre-style warp drive could be considered plausible in the same vein as some of the things that it looks like they'er introducing with KSP2. I hope they do add an A-drive in some form, and use a similar model to RoverDude's mod or Kerbal Interstellar, where it is the absolute peak of the tech tree and costs hundreds of thousands of science, and requires a lot of energy that can only be generated from high-tier generators. Time will tell. I'm so excited to send out interstellar missions.
  22. This (and the bit you quoted) is the most intelligent and well thought out post on this entire forum so far. Thank you for bringing some more reason and level-headedness to this. I get that people are terrified that Take Two will introduce microtransactions or whatever, but as you so brilliantly pointed out, they would have absolutely no reason to. Thank you.
  23. You will almost certainly be proven wrong on all of those. Why would it be always-online? That makes no sense for a Kerbal type game. How many games are always-online these days? Most of the ones I play aren't. It probably won't because they've openly stated that they will be opening up more of the internal code for modders (or words to that effect, I don't know coding) It. Will. Be. On. Steam. They keep saying this. There's really no legitimate reason to think otherwise, just fear and cynicism. Keep on them about this I guess, just to make sure, but I'd be massively surprised if it moved to Origin or EGS or whatever. No it won't. Again, there's just no reason to think a Kerbal game would ever have microtransactions. How would that happen. Maybe small DLC with extra parts or cosmetic things, but that's all I can imagine for this. What kind of microtransactions are you expecting? I'm actually genuinely curious as to what people think will happen here. Nothing on this yet, but there's no real reason to think it wouldn't also be on Mac and Linux. It'll probably start on just PC though, sure. I know you're worried and I know that Take 2 and Private Division maybe don't have a good track record, but the actual tema making this seem to really know the game, and the community and they have a good understanding about what makes the original work. I know it's easy to be cynical about sequels, but I've got a really good feeling about this one. And hey, if it turns out I'm wrong, I'm sure someone will eventually be able to Mod KSP1 to give it a similar scope to what they're promising for KSP2.
  24. So everyone's adding their opinions on what they want to see in the game, so I guess I'll put in my 2 cents. Pretty much everything I wanted to see added to KSP1 (new star systems, interstellar travel, colonies) are already coming, but ther are a few things I'd like to see that haven't been specifically confirmed: 1. Start from scratch and build up to large space colonies. I want to still be able to start from your first space mission like in KSP1 and work all the way up to colonising multiple star systems. 2. Reason to keep getting science after completing the tech tree. I always ran into a wall with KSP 1 which was that I had basically unlocked everything before my forst Duna mission, and didn't really have reason to gain all the science from the rest of the solar system, I'd love to see something that makes this still relevant in the late game. 3. (and I know this one is pretty far-fetched) The possibility of building megastructures. Orbital cities, maybe even space elevators? I don't think we'll see this, but it could be cool. I'm very excited to try the colony builder.
  25. Thank you!!! Yes this is exactly the point. So many people being wary or concerned or cynical about this and I don't get it. I cringed a bit at all the stuff falling apart in the trailer too, because that's not how *I* play the game, but I know that's what happens for most people and it is definitely a big part of the humour of the game, and a big part of what made KSP1 so special. KSP2 looks like it's going to be fantastic. I really hope we do have interstellar travel between star systems because how else would they do it? Different instances that you load? That sounds awful, and it would completely break the flow. I want to make a giant interstellar ship and then send it off on a 10-year mission to "Alpha Kentauri" or whatever they want to call it. And then while it's on its way I can look after my colonies on Laythe and Duna and do whatever. They;'d have to have some kind of stock version of Kerbal Alarm Clock so you know when to switch to a certain thing and look after it. Everything they've mentioned so far that they're including sounds awesome. I hope we are still able to start completely from scratch and go from our first ever space flight to colonising multiple star system. That is the game I want more than anything else.
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