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Everything posted by Gryphon

  1. In the space center view, click the Final Frontier button, then click Config, then turn off the "Hotkey Enabled" option.
  2. So, is the SETI Community Tech Tree the only one?
  3. See last page. FAR compatibility is further along than stock, AFAIK.
  4. How much memory is KSP using after it loads successfully, and when it fails to load?
  5. I have encountered it with 1.0.2c.2 installed. It happened to me when building the rocket in the Tier 1 VAB, launching on the Tier 2 Pad. I built a rocket that was fairly tall (at the max 30 parts). The first stage was powered by a single LV-T45 with 2 BACC boosters attached. Through my first few test cycles, it was fine, then it began to consistently be stuck. (KER definitely reported TWR above 1.0) I have a workaround that has been successful so far. In the VAB, I typically build the rocket with it floating well above the VAB floor. When my rocket got sticky, I moved the rocket in the VAB so that its base was below the floor of the VAB. When I launch the same rocket with that positioning, the problem has not occurred. I haven't tested with 1.0.2d.2 yet.
  6. Well, there are already part mods that are expecting AblativeShielding, soo... Anyway, it's really a non issue.
  7. I am in favor of there being several paths to the orange bag. Whichever they are, they should be experiences such that you could imagine that Kerbal saying, "I've seen things, man." Also, I'm against gender-specific ribbons. They all ride the same rockets. Just because WE have a history that makes it important to us, doesn't mean that Kerbals do.
  8. As has been mentioned before, KCT makes time into a resource. Since I am playing with TACLS, I prefer to have one rescue ship on orbit, and another prepped in storage. Though TACLS doesn't start consuming resources until the first time you come in range of the ship (or Kerbal), it makes rescue contracts more realistic to me if I can actually start the rescue immediately.
  9. I'm new to this mod myself, but I'm betting more details will be required for useful troubleshooting. Pic of the ship (ideally, showing the engines), configuration of all the engines, configuration of the mod... these come to mind, just for starters.
  10. U-2 and SR-71 pilots wore a distinctive orange flight suit for many years, and they called it the "orange bag." I suggest we refer to the Kerbal's special orange flight suit by the same name, in their honor.
  11. Is it possible for those mods to expose the value to you? Then if neither MJ or KER is installed, just do it the existing way. That way, you don't have to replicate and maintain that code yourself.
  12. I'm not a CKAN user, but I've read a lot of threads in the Addons forum, and one issue I've seen is that CKAN users report CKAN install bugs to mod authors regardless of whether they maintain their own CKAN metadata. For non-CKAN supporting authors, this just annoys those mod authors, and doesn't get the metadata fixed. CKAN currently includes the author & homepage, but perhaps it would be useful to indicate if someone else is maintaining the metadata? This would allow problems with CKAN metadata to be reported to the person who can fix it, and therefore make CKAN more friendly to mod authors who choose not to support it.
  13. For some reason, the latest version of Procedural Fairings makes me think of pie... mmm, pie.... Oh - and check the title of the thread...
  14. It sounds like you want it to be easy to make DRE FAR harder.
  15. This is just a shot in the dark here, but I've seen mention of similar symptoms (sticky pad caused by only certain parts) that ended up being Kerbal Joint Replacement - and were fixed by getting an update for that.
  16. I agree, this is a great piece that I didn't realize was missing from my game. I also agree about CKAN. My first taste of it was people coming into the threads of my favorite mods, all "CKAN? CKAN?" and I ended up with a mental image of those seagulls from Finding Nemo. Anyway, the instructions behind the spoiler link are fine, but I'd suggest pointing folks at the Contract Configurator thread (as you did for the other two dependencies) instead of directly at the Github link. (Hey, maybe they will want the SCANSat pack too!)
  17. Not if you don't ever use "Active Vessel" targeting. I didn't use it when I started with RT because I wasn't sure what it did. Heck, I didn't even use planet targeting for a while.
  18. Yes, the Interstage Fairing Adapter is designed to have something on top of the fairings. I did successfully fly a ship with an upper stager powered by a single aerospike. I put the Interstage Fairing Adapter upside down, above a little tank and the aerospike. (It's worth noting that without something like a stack separator between the stages, all the fuel below the adapter and above the fairings will be pulled down to the lower stage, as it should.)
  19. Yes, you can use Procedural Fairings to fair engines that don't have their own - or that you just don't like the built-in ones. I have used the inline fairing base when I want the lower stage to have its own probe core and science gear, all hidden in the fairing until separation. I've never used it to create an upper stage with, for instance, an aerospike. Hmm, I will have to try that. It should work fine, though it will require a little funky placement. Regarding your problem with open tops - What fairing base are you using? Also, a VAB screenshot might be helpful...
  20. If 29 days for a mun mission seems too easy, then don't take along a hex can. Remember, Command Pod Mk1 includes about three Kerbal-days worth of supplies. THAT should be enough for a Mun-mission, with a day out, a day back, and the rest for exploration time. (You may want to have a plan for what happens when your lander tips over and breaks.) - - - Updated - - - My best TAC-LS-related emergency rescue was caused by a power shortage with no solar panels available. (Follow the quote link for the details.)
  21. What other mods are you using? Say, for instance, RealChutes? Gah! Ninja'd by the dev!
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