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Everything posted by DaveofDefeat

  1. In space combat I am going to stay 1 light minute away from you can throw missiles at you till you die. Also the effectiveness in using lasers to actually kill something is doubtful...You gotta put a lot of energy in a very short time to leave a tiny little hole that somebody can put duck tape over. Missile defense? sure. ship to ship combat? nah. That is if you can even hit anything with a laser at a million kilometers out.
  2. The way the U.S electric system works is when everybody desperately starts running out of power you build a new power plant, otherwise you don't make any money. Nobody with money is going to risk a huge investment in solar power unless the world is 100% going to run out of power in like a year. Otherwise its just not economically feasible. No politician is going to risk there terms in office for something years in the future. So unless there's a world war about to start over energy resources its probably not going to happen, and even then war is more likely.
  3. Or build a stealth missile invisible to radar. or just bomb it with a stealth bomber
  4. In ground combat? put a mirror on a missile and shoot it at your laser ship. Or just torpedo it to death with a sub like normal people.
  5. Idk how to edit stock parts but I could just model something like it in 3ds max.
  6. Never fear Dave is here! If its worth doing its worth overdoing! http://www./download/vqq6w807n7qurjx/Dunar_Tug.craft
  7. They used to say that going to the moon was impossible.
  8. Well it has a nasty habit of wanting to go straight up. But i have cleverly mitigated this by saying I did that totally on purpose so you can add heavier payloads.
  9. This is one of those use a space plane to launch a rocket into space kinda thing. Get up to about 12,000 and launch away! Download http://www./download/q9dyez1lmenjh20/launcher+craft.craft Demonstration video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=076Ay74H8h0&feature=youtu.be
  10. Dude im still trying to beat my 400 tons into orbit. Trust me there is nothing better than seeing a ridiculously large payload floating above kerbin its awesome.
  11. Come on guys all you gotta do is overclock your processor to around 4.2 ghz and it'll run with only a moderate amount of lag.
  12. Taking all the lessons I learned from previous designs I give you the Lagnaught. Because building it small just isn't an option. Part count: 3,180 Size: Large Known issues Game crashes if you load directly to launch pad. You have to load craft in the vab and launch from there. Can be hard to control A little laggy Will freeze for a few seconds when you disconnect the first few stages Will break if you timewarp before launch, as seen in picture Other than that its great. Download http://www./download/hk8a87zqjwdi18r/Lagnaughtv2.craft P.S Just in case its to small for you I will be building bigger versions and updating this thread.
  13. I can actually fly 2,000+ part ships now without completely unbearable lag.
  14. I close my eyes and pretend really really hard that it isn't there.
  15. Mass on liftoff is 3981.793Mg according to kerbal engineering Mass in a low kerbal orbit is about 522Mg
  16. Well I built a rocket that could make it to eeloo. Then I decided that wasn't enough, so this is the result. It has lots of delta V lots and lots of delta V, maybe even more if you put a payload on it. I wouldn't call it practical.
  17. This is my rocket, there are others like it but this one is mine. UPDATE Now comes with a reduced chance of exploding! Features: Asparagus staging Lag Lots of lag seriously major lag warning Kerbal engineering mod gives it a delta v of 19,439 with perfect isp, mod not required for download (hopefully) Space craft performance depends almost entirely on how much lag your getting. Tested successfully up to kerbin orbit. It goes far. I do not recommend turning the craft until the entire outermost layer is jettisoned. I am not responsible for any injuries or deaths of kerbals while using this vehicle. I am not responsible for the game crashing potential this craft may have.(Well maybe I am) Download http://www./?6dhkt5rd33tda1e Should be stock let me know if its not. Also the original design, This one is actually useful. DOWNLOAD http://www./download/hzz210nepsdzbd6/not_so_laggy.craft
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