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Everything posted by DaveofDefeat

  1. Not a very good attitude for science doncha think? WHY IS THE SKY BLUE BECAUSE REASONSSSSSSSSSS
  2. But then again light is not just a particle but a wave!
  3. Here have a look at all of the default keybinds, easily found by searching ksp keybinds. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Key_Bindings
  4. I feel like exhaling out into space has the major side effect known as dead.
  5. Don't listen to the naysayers, this idea is genius! Mark my words this device shall revolutionize mankind Mr. Guedez will be the next Stephen Hawking!
  6. This is a historical moment ladies and gentlemen, one that will revolutionize space travel! Alas Victor Elias Espinoza Guedez is a pioneer, for he took newtons laws not as a obstacle but as a challenge. With his wonderful device we will forge a new destiny among the stars.
  7. The rules confuse me, can I only use electric from launch pad to minmus? if not when can I not use chemical? Can I use rcs? Can I use docking?
  8. Ive landed on jool, kinda, you end up just bouncing around. As far as I know eva is impossible.
  9. I would put soft bodied physics in the magical imaginary ksp that only exists in my head, where the physics are multithreaded and run on a real physics engine. the game is 64 bit and not in origin and all of my parts are not made out of nitroglycerin and explode on impact.
  10. The space industry is looking more at reusable spacecraft rather then extreme payloads.
  11. First off the aim-120c that most fighters carry only have a range of between 100 and 30km depending on which way the target is moving and can be easily avoided at longer ranges so there is room for a little dog fighting. There would probably not be fighters in space combat. I also don't see lasers being of much use in ship to ship combat. O and nukes don't create a emp in space.
  12. You wouldn't believe what I had to go through to get this thing up there! Started with four kerbals and ended with two. R.I.P those two kerbals who died.
  13. Boom Press space when stuff goes out Press 1 in orbit. http://www./download/j78o2ww48dahdcj/z-map_satalite.craft
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