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Everything posted by DaveofDefeat

  1. I'm loadin my rifle in anticipation. Though in all honesty the thought of shooting them down is silly, you could simply order something cheep then just grab the drone as it delivers it. Sold for parts, you could make a pretty penny.
  2. Must suck to be a developer of a game, your wrong no matter what you do, apparently.
  3. Man I'm sorry I can't help but I just had to comment on the pascal thing. I can't even think of a place that would teach pascal. Most entry level programming is java, and everything else is c++ and c Sharp. But yea find the equations and maybe make a simple GUI to input your values. Idk if pascal has any support for GUI.
  4. I just wonder if solar panels will be enough to power this thing.
  5. Isn't negative energy just a mathematical concept created to make these equations work? Do we have any kind of theory that predicts negative energy?
  6. I really hate it when the ships have gravity, then the ship starts falling towards the planet/tilts in a different direction, AND THE DIRECTION OF GRAVITY STAYS THE SAME. So you have this nice comical effect of people falling down hallways and the such, big pet peeve. Other than that the movies would be awful boring if they were realistic. Just like how sword fights would be boring if they were realistic, how modern warfare movies would be boring if they were realistic.
  7. O there is also electric jet engines, which could be used on a multitude of atmospheres provided you had the electricity.
  8. Only problem is once you start having to give these sentient robots rights and wages nobody would continue making them.
  9. I think it would be more plausible if you switched it around and brought your own oxidizer, having the jet engine use native gasses, such as hydrogen or methane, maybe...
  10. Ion engines have recoil, that what makes them move, an ion engine that can vaporize a human being would make something move a whole heck of a lot faster. Though ill accept that the phasers are firing some mass less particle.
  11. Btw this thread might as well be named why everything in star trek is impossible. The phasers that can disintegrate an entire human body while magically negating the recoil that would be strong enough to send you around a planet. The inertial dampeners that apparent don't work the moment the ship gets shot. The big cushy seats that seem to have forgotten how important seat belts are. The ship consoles that are made out of Nitroglycerin and explode at the slightest vibration. The magic impulse engines that can propel a ship by glowing really hard. The transporter, with its "Heisenberg compensator".
  12. The surface of the sun isn't that hot compared to about anywhere else on the sun, and yes, yes it is. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2189318/Atom-smashing-scientists-reach-highest-recorded-man-temperature--100-000-TIMES-hotter-Suns-interior.html
  13. If you have the cash, they'll do what you ask.
  14. Good luck getting to orbit from sea level. Thats 11,500 m/s of delta V, which is more than even the 9k/ms delta v needed for EARTH.
  15. You can get some nifty plugins to make city building easier.
  16. Aw k^2 can't you let us dream for a little longer before you crush us with painful reality.
  17. Anti-mass? Even the ability to reduce mass, Light speed here we come.
  18. Step 1: Place those tiny cubic girders everywhere Step 2: Spam Ram air intakes, 2 per girder Step 3:??? Step 4: Profit Then to go to the darkest darkside, use mechjeb to control Intakes and throttle.
  19. I know an engineer who just barely passed his math classes and is doing just fine now. You really should get to understanding it though, sometimes it just takes a little while for you to get it, I failed my college algebra class and then went on to get a B in calculus, so its not that bad.
  20. We shouldn't militarize space, government puts up gps system for entirely military purposes, o well. Also,nukes on earth would be far more effective than nukes in space. At least for blowing up things on earth.
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