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Everything posted by DaveofDefeat

  1. Making a 70km long part, stupied ksp memory limits.
  2. Dihedral means you angle the wings upwards, Raising the center of lift above the center of mass and making it more stable.
  3. Make sure your center of lift is behind and above the center of mass in the Hanger.
  4. If you buying a cpu to only run ksp then a dual core would be fine. If you want to run ANY other game then you'd be better off buying a quad core at least.
  5. I mostly build something over the top and needlessly complicated, then get frustrated when it blows up and stop playing for a few days, then come back and rebuild it all over again.
  6. I have a strong dislike for steam workshop.
  7. I just built one with enough delta-v to go to minmus ill fly it tomorrow.
  8. Not to mention we are losing our atmosphere, we need to stop it! What will our children breathe??
  9. Has anybody told you that your awesome, because your awesome.
  10. 64 bit windows, multi threaded physics. bigger load distance memory optimization.
  11. Always do: Build gigantic asparagus rocket Strand kerbals everywhere dump nuclear engines on every planet aboose air intakes aboose aerobraking eva kerbals in aerobraking maneuvers bomb target planet with kerbals. Make 7km long stations. Never do:
  12. Yes that was me, and the 2.4 load limit still exists it just gets kinda wierd with long parts.
  13. Its ksp 4gb ram limit, I suppose it would be possible with the linux 64 bit version and i would be happy to give the cfg file to someone who has it. Also while the game will load the part the 2.4 limit still exists, it wont calculate physics for it beyond 2.4 and if you move your kerbal away from the command pod? it will unload at 2.4 km Yet at the same time you can still make it stand up on the launch pad so these parts are kinda like the twilight zone in ksp.
  14. However there are mods to deal with the part count issue, there is nothing for memory usage.
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