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Everything posted by DaveofDefeat

  1. I could see legged vehicles to give it access to a greater variety of terrain, I don't think they would be bipedal and would probably be designed to stay as low to the ground as possible.
  2. I say that we are not violent because we play violent video games. Rather we play violent video games because we are violent.
  3. I'm beginning to think that m drive guy is related to our good friend VictorEliasEspinozaGUedez.
  4. Intel's are more expensive, but generally superior than other processors.
  5. SSD is only really ever worth putting your OS on, I have one and its amazing but doesn't seem to help load times for ksp all that much. and all that stuff about limited writing, ya if your writing 10 gigs on it every day its going to wear out in a few years, but itll last you a good while for normal use. -maybe ill record loading times on HDD and SSD with some mods installed to see how it fairs.
  6. Also, unless you have AWACS, your going to have your radar on, no fighter pilot is going to fly blind.
  7. I heard the f-35 wasn't even that stealthy. Unfortunately the f-35 suffers from make one airframe do every single role a plane can have syndrome. A long range air superiority fighter that can also do VTOL? That also has to do close air support? At any rate the military is going to need a plane that will fill in the gaps, you simply cant buy enough f-35s to provide a proper air force.
  8. Kinda reminds me of the mass effect 2 easter egg, the one where you can probe Uranus .
  9. Not to mention bringing 5 tons of diamonds into the market would decrease their value significantly, then you would have to find somebody to purchase all of those diamonds which would have to be jewelers or something similar, because diamonds sold for industrial uses are worth far less. So at the end of the day it would take you 10 years to sell them all.
  10. Scientists have generated more energy output than the input it was able to generate 17.3 kilojoules... A far cry from the amount of energy put in to initiate the reaction Wut?
  11. Considering how common diamonds are on earth, I doubt you'd ever make money transporting them from Venus.
  12. Stick somethen in a Lagrange point, and itll orbit with its respective planet, thats what I take from it.
  13. Well considering much of the heat is do to the greenhouse effect, coupled with the face that the service pressure is 92 times greater than the earth, your best bet would be to find some way to fix all the carbon in the atmosphere. Of course you would have to do this on a massive scale.
  14. Sure you could, if you had the power of a supernova laying around.
  15. I'd also name one "Atlantis" so I could tell everybody I found it.
  16. I'll just have to choose the red pill, or the blue pill.
  17. I don't know who would keep alien existence from the public, considering how incompetent governments generally are at their jobs.
  18. Seems more accurate to say that he wants the definition of black holes redefined, not that black holes are some imaginary thing we have been making up.
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