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Posts posted by Kerbface

  1. Yeah, I agree rotating the entire ship would probably be more practical. I've heard that a fully rotating ship would be difficult to turn but even if you've got the ship stationary while the habitat spins, I think the gyroscopic effect would make changing orientation difficult so you'd probably have to stop the centrifuge regardless.

    Still, I can think of situations, like a station that requires use of both gravity and microgravity areas and needs stationary sections if it needs to dock several craft (if it's one or two at a time, spinning the ships at the centre like in 2001 would be okay) would really benefit from the partially rotating ship idea.

  2. I'm sorry about your depression and I know it can be a problem but I think you need to learn how to handle things a bit better. From those images, all I see them saying is "like a kid" and "Maybe he is only a child" and the rest of the time they're just trying to play the game. I mean if you're threatening to KILL yourself because you were called a kid I can't imagine how you'd react to serious bullying, and yet it seems you have experienced serious bullying as well as you mentioned up the top. I'd like to see what was said leading up to that, but as far as I can see, they say the tiniest thing and then you go on about stabbing yourself in the head in a VLOG. It all sounds like a severe overreaction and honestly childish, and it doesn't seem all that surprising to hear them say "maybe he is only a child". They obviously didn't see it as a serious threat of killing yourself and we can see it wasn't. Seriously, I don't see a lot of malice coming from them, just irritation at your antics, it just seems like you're trying to get attention and sympathy for your condition in an innapropriate context, and while I can understand that it is hard going through depression (I have been through it but not to the point where I was seriously considering suicide), bringing it into a game with strangers is completely inappropriate. You need to get some therapy, that is a healthy way to deal with depression, and while it won't solve your problems right away or anything it will certainly help you cope a bit better.

    Even if their intentions were actually simply cruel and malicious without basis. What you did still isn't going to help.

    I'm just being real here, if I were talking with you as a stranger and you said something I found unpleasant like "What you just said was really dumb. Makes no sense at all." and then I pulled out a pocketknife and threatened to slit my throat, would you think I was the kind of person you'd enjoy talking too? Sometimes people insult people and they don't mean anything particularly serious by it and even if they do, reacting to it in such an extreme way is not the way to deal with it. Ignore it and if they meant it they'll not get the reaction they want and if they didn't mean to hurt you then there's no harm done. If they keep it up, you can ask them to stop, but don't be crazy and reactionary about it, just explain why you have a problem with what they're doing. If they still refuse to treat with you with a basic level of respect, just don't talk to them. Go off and talk to someone else (if it's online this is easy) or do something else.

    I know I probably seemed harsh here, but just trust me that I am not trying to attack you, I'm trying to give you advice without sugarcoating it or absolving you of all responsibility for your actions. The way you were behaving was very provocative and is seriously not a good way to prevent bullying.

  3. No, i meant it exactly like that. Of course you are right but when you only consider volume, the result is different even though the endvolume is the same.

    Yeah, so if you're looking at it purely mathematically, 1 + 2 is the same as 2 + 1. It's only when you use those numbers as adjectives for different things that you get a different result, and that result is different only in nature, not number.

  4. A mathematic teacher told me once ( a long time ago) that in some cases 2 + 1 isn't the same as 1 + 2. I couldn't believe it then but i do now. It all depends on the definition of rules, f.e 7 + 1 isn't the same as 1 + 7 when making lemonade with water and syrup.

    Are you sure you don't mean "2a + 1b is not the same as 2b + 1a"? Because that's how I'm reading the lemonade with water and syrup argument, water and syrup being a and b. 1 + 2 (by itself with no other variables) is the same as 2 + 1.

  5. Most centrifuge ship designs I've seen have the centrifuge spinning distinctly from the core ship. Now it's easy enough to understand how to make this work in something like the Discovery where the entire centrifuge is contained within the pressurised section of the ship, but what about when it's spinning in the open vaccuum? How do you possibly seal it without causing loads of or even unsurmountable friction? A centrifuge would need to have minimal friction so that power could be used at a slower rate than it was regenerated or at least enough for a full mission.

  6. I know the simplest but with some issues is simply hydrogen and oxygen, I would think that wouldn't be too hard to attain on Mars. I was thinking if they could develop some method of obtaining and refining the required chemicals for a rocket it would make having a Mars base capable of return much easier, assuming reusable spacecraft. It would probably be a lot easier to make an SSTO ascent/decent crew ship on Mars due to the gravity, so fuel would be all you'd need to go back and forth as often as you like and also to resupply an orbiting craft for returning to Earth orbit when needed.

  7. I've never been hugely into classical music, and I'm still not really, but since watching 2001 the Blue Danube Waltz has had a certain magic to me. Also like In the Hall of the Mountain King.

  8. Don't know if I agree entirely. Humanity has made a lot of progress since IP laws came about, a lot more than previously, and while obviously there are many other factors as to why this happened, I don't think it didn't help.

    Lots of things are made simply because someone wants them but often that simply isn't a feasible model. Many inventions simply take far too much money, time and effort to create that simply "being able to use it" at the end is NOT a strong enough incentive to put yourself under years of financial and, physical and emotional strain. Also, we could end up with a situation where if someone puts years of effort into writing a book, they can ask to get it published, have their rights denied and then have the company publish it themselves and take all the profit, that is until another company also starts publishing it. This would give all the money to those with means of selling things and none to those with means of creating things, which means that creating things can't be a full time job unless you're selling paintings on a street corner or performing. These are just a few examples of problems.

    I don't think that certain types of IP are a problem, but I think what laws currently exist on them are. Copyright is insane these days and has long since past the purpose of providing a creator with the means to create and a reward for doing so. Now everyone involved in a project can be long dead and someone can still be getting money from them. And then there's things like patenting genes so that research into them can be made illegal except by the owning company. Now that's just terrible and not how patents should work.

  9. Well we don't know what advantages we have over aliens, even aliens more intelligent than us. Our intelligence and dextrous hands give us the advantage over animals on Earth and they have other advantages we don't have. As for aliens, we may have a larger range of vision or sharper vision or better ability to see in the dark. We may be more mobile than them, we may be stronger than them, we may be able to handle higher levels of gravity, we may reproduce faster than them, we may have better hearing and they may only have unilateral hearing or sight, we may have better immune systems, the list goes on.

    In movies, it is usually our ingenuity or our ability for compassion (Happens a lot in cheesy scifi like Doctor Who) which allows us to defeat aliens, probably because making them more capable physically or technologically than humans provides challenge and intelligent solutions are more interesting.

  10. It could provide Aussies with a way to escape from all those hellishly poisonous creatures roaming their country :D Sorry Australians, i hail from a country where we have exactly one species of poisonous snake, it's rare, not very dangerous and avoids humans. Whew.

    The dangerousness of living in Australia is vastly over exxagerated. If you live in a city or even a largeish town it's basically no different than the US. It's not like we invite taipans and scorpions into our homes or anything.

  11. If we lose ten sample return missions due to mistakes easily fixed by humans for every one that works, that'll still be value for money, easily. Looking at actual missions, we've achieved a lot better than that.

    A manned mission to Mars or another body would undoubtedly be more complicated then just getting a couple or rocks and looking at them. It would allow a large number of samples to be tested in a short period as well as fast place exploration of the area of landing and it's surrounds, physical features and all that. Would you say that looking at a sample taken from the grand canyon is equally as informative as actually going to the grand canyon? I mean the Curiosity Rover is great, but it's got a very limited area to cover and takes a long time to do anything.

  12. I don't know, Australia isn't that big of a country demographically though I think our economy is fairly good right now. What would we do though? We have had an important role in space before though, we recieved the signal for the moon landing (See the movie "the dish" for a dramatised retelling of this event).

  13. It's not "rigged" it's just difficult and I will give this mem to the first person to rightfully solve it.

    Giving us an "anagram" missing letters without even telling us is rigged because it gives you a clue which can only lead to false answers and denies correct ones, umless you mean to say that the missing letters was accidental. I didn't know using an anagram solver was against the rules (not that I didn't try to figure it out by myself first), but regardless I was only having a go for fun.

  14. I was going to say homour or comedy, but then you gave the anagram thing.

    I'm now guessing it's at least partially not in English because Internet Anagram Solver gives nothing with less than 3 words, 2 spaces.

  15. Looks really interesting. I love hard sci-fi. The end of the trailer did make it seem like it might be just another monster horror film but with Hollywood advertising they'd probably have to up that sort of element in the trailer for mass appeal so who knows.

  16. So sorry about your brother and your medical problems, but I'm glad you've come to find some semblance of your astronaut dream in KSP. Also, I like that word, astoundished. I think I might start using it IRL.

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