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Posts posted by Kerbface

  1. I don't think this should be in until it's a conceivable option in our near future (next 30-40 years). Kerbal Space Program is not about far off theoretical tech, it's about building a practical space program based off real tech and physics.

    Plus, there's a million other things that need to be done before the devs even give interstellar travel a serious thought.

  2. I don't know why people assume that belts would have thousands of asteroids or moonlets in them, hence kill performance. I would think you would just use polys with texture & visual effects, and no collision mesh. Then throw a dozen or so asteroids/moonlets of varying size, like Magic Builder.

    But if that happened, there wouldn't really be any point in them being there, nobody would ever stumble across one, and if they did stumble across one on the millionth crossing of the belt, they'd be extremely dissapointed that they can't even land on it.

  3. Yes, this is a planned feature:

    they are planning on making an asteroid belt, so a ring wouldn't be too different.

    Correct me if I'm wrong but I think rings around planets are a lot denser than asteroid belts. In an asteroid belt, you'd very rarely see two asteroids at once.

  4. Someone put basically this in the impossible/stupid suggestions thread but really I don't entirely agree with it. Sure, it's probably far off if it's ever going to happen, but we're in the age of 3D printing now! Inexpensive custom model building who's cost is based on mass and not complexity. Doesn't seem that farfetched.

  5. Really? You think there's a point where scientific curiosity decides, "No, we know enough about that completely alien location already"? :)

    I think there's a point where scientific curiosity decides "We know enough about this no longer completely alien location already that is not worth spending a lot of money to go back to it again when with the same money we could go to a truly alien location where we could learn a whole lot more".

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