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Posts posted by Kerbface

  1. Everyone has to work to a deadline in business!!! Squad have a deadline, they have a final vision, and they must have a plan to get them there - you can be assured of that. They aren't thick.

    No they don't. They can just do things. That's the advantage of not being under the control of executives. Freedom. They can just add whatever features at whatever rate they want for as long as they want. I'm not complaining. I think the game even in it's current state was well worth the $23 it cost me and I know there's still a lot more to go. What exactly that is I think I more or less trust them with. Lots of great art is made without deadlines.

  2. We all know voyager is leaving or has left the solar system. In a few years it's going to stop sending information back though. I can't help but wonder if it might be a good idea to send something out of the solar system a lot faster. Put it on a much bigger rocket and get it going at several times the velocity with a longer lifespan for communication.

    Bear in mind I am no proffessional so I know some things I'm saying might sound stupid to those more educated in the matter of space, but I wonder what we might be able to do if we made a probe like this. We could find out more about interstellar space and things like the oort cloud (though I'm sure that would take many years).

    What of it? Is this just stupid and voyager has already given us all the really valuable info and there's nothing but unremarkable space beyond what it will find until you reach another star?

  3. Maybe a planet/dwarf/moon could have spikes for terrain. That'd be hard to land on.

    I'm still hoping for something where Kerbin's L3 point would be....

    Yeah, a planet with some crazy tectonics might be good to see. Lots of steep mountains and valleys and cliffs and jutting rocks.

  4. KSP is meant to resemble our solar system in many ways. Obviously there are differences (and it's scaled down) but generally speaking, it's meant to be similar to our own solar system like the rocketeering technology is similar to ours.

    A planet like that would firstly take forever to design and be really hard to render but also would be too much like Kerbin, too far from our solar system and take all the mystery out of the search for life. Also, it's not really plausible to have even the tiniest bit of mystery regarding the life on this planet as you'd be able to see signs of it from a billion miles away and it'd have to already be close to Kerbin to be in the habitable zone.

    Now if they ever added interstellar travel, and I am not really a fan of the idea but if they did it would have to be after all features that fit the game in it's single system status are completed and worked out well, in that case I would be happy to see a planet with some kind of serious macroscopic life, but make it really weird and bizzare.

  5. Motorcycle helmet... interesting thought. Wouldn't want it to look too sporty but if I look maybe I could find one that with a little alteration could make a good space helmet.

    Also, is that skintight suit a more effective spacesuit than your standard bulky suit? Just wondering in case that's the direction all spacesuits are gonna go.

  6. I found an orange coverall (did not know that that was a word for a jumpsuit) for $30 delivered, that seems good. It has a collar but that can be covered by whatever I use as the neck of the helmet. Would spacesuits ever have pockets? Could be useful for holding onto tools in EVA I guess. Else I'll just cover it up with something or take them off. I imagined I would just have a reasonably small pack on the back for life support. Would that be plausible if it's not intended for particularly extensive use? It'd mainly just be an EVA/short distance exploration suit.

    Anyone know of some search terms which might yield results for partial or full plastic/glass spheres? All I can think to look for is "fishbowl" and the absolute biggest I could find had a 30cm diameter, and I don't know if a head would fit comfortably in that.

  7. Hi, I am looking to make an astronaut costume for something, supposed to look like something that might be made in the next 50 years or so, not a NASA one (though if necessary I could remove the NASA logo or put something over it).

    Anyway, I was wondering what exact sort of look I should be trying to get and also where I can get parts for it. Most importantly the space helmet. I'd imagine making one myself would be pretty hard, though possible if only I could somehow find a massive round vase/fishbowl or a partial sphere peice of glass or plastic. I've also looked for premade ones online, haven't had much luck.

    For the suit I've looked up costumes, found a lot of flightsuits (I'd imagine future spacesuits would be less bulky and more like flightsuits), NASA ones and generic non-spacey ones. I'm not ridiculously fussed about details, I just want the general look. They're usually at least $70 with postage though. Don't know if there's a similar thing that could be found cheaper.

    Gloves and boots should be easy to find something that looks okay.

    I want to keep the cost of this thing as low as possible, under $100 if I can. Any help would be appreciated.

  8. Woah! Cuaron made a space movie! One of my favourite directors! Remember Children of Men? I don't think this would match it but it could be good. It does look too blockbusterish however with Clooney and Bullock.

    From an "realistic time" point of view, collision would happen in a moment and Astronauts would probably have to react dramatically/adrenalinally =) ..for about 5 seconds after which everything would be calm and they would suddenly start assessing damage and what can be done to stabilize situation, which would probably take days (even enough to send a rescue ship). Not the Hollywood-overdramaticized 5 minutes of action as I presume from the trailer. But it's Cuaron so this trailer might only look dramaticized and not the film itself.

    From the physical point of view, beside the Hollywood dramatics, I don't understand why is the stuff deorbiting in case of space collision. It would need a lot of retrograde force to move that mass. If that force came from a single collision, the station would rather completely shatter. You would need constant force (eg. if thrusters would accidentally fire) to deorbit and keep it in one piece. You could send it into dangerous spin however. If the altitude control was off it would take months or years for the station to deorbit.

    From the graphical point of view, it looks surprisingly realistic wow! All craft models are 100% accurate, the amount of debris looks realistic too IMO.

    Yeah, I didn't get the deorbiting thing either... The only thing I could possibly think of is that it was being deorbited intentionally... but that makes no sense. Why would they still be there and in EVA? So it looks likely they just didn't really know how orbits worked and went with the "spacecraft are planes" thing so when it gets broken it falls down.

  9. I'm trying to learn how to dock to test out a multi-part craft I have made (It's a funny design, not sure if it will work) and I'm rather dodgy at it but I'm slowly getting better. Anyway, the issue which I don't THINK is supposed to happen is that if I hit the two parts together not perfectly on the docking ports, even if it's REALLY slow, the entire thing (both parts) just instantly dissapears and turns into a puff of smoke. That seems a little extreme... is this supposed to happen? Haven't had a successful docking yet. Any advice?

  10. I'll say it again, bring on the FTL and other solar systems, for those of you that don't want that, you simply would have the option to not use it.

    I do want those things, and luckily the devs have mentioned both as likely additions to the game, hopefully they don't pay too much attention to those of you that don't.

    You do realise that the question isn't "something or nothing?", right? Every moment of effort put into these things is a moment of effort that could be put into making something that actually fits within the style of the game (plausible semirealistic newtonian physics based space program (compacted for practicality's sake)).

  11. I'd like to see David Attenborough do a nature documentary on THAT

    On the scorched rock known as Moho, first planet from Kerbol, strange activity is afoot. Kerbanauts near the North and South poles have reported strange forces attracting them towards enormous holes of unknown depth. The question of the identity of these holes has been a question since they were first discovered. Now, thanks to extensive investigation and examination from probes and unlucky kerbals alike, the secrets of this bizzare state of nature have been revealed.

    The giant Mohoan space worm is the largest living thing ever known to have existed. In any case it's a lot larger than the average kerbal. This creature fills the entire height of Moho. With a mouth at each end, it is speculated that the planet may have formed around it. On the surface, it appears to have a rather strange but simple physiology. It has a round mouth, no teeth nor jaw mechanisms and simply appears as a large rocky hole. But scans have revealed a more complex structure. Tendrils extrude from sides of the body, which may have been used to grasp passing peices of material, assisting it in forming it's rocky cocoon. At the base of the mouth, these tendrils reconnect to form strange rings. A bioelectric current is generated and a magnetic charge is generated to pull metallic objects continually towards the more central rings until they are forced into the gaping mineral coated mouth. From there, the objects sink down into the bely of the Mohoan space worm until they reach a point about 5 km down where it seems the trail ends. However, given enough time, the presence of matter here will cause the worm to begin digestion, crushing the item and consuming all of it's material. From there it is presumed that what the worm cannot benefit from eating it ejects into the surrounding rock, making it's trap ever larger.

    I don't know, felt like elaborating. Not very documentaryish though.

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