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Everything posted by ProjectXMark1

  1. Get moar RAM, up to KSP's minimum of 4GB, my computer's about the same age (and same OS) and has 4 gigabytes, I can run KSP fine (Lagsbane is on yellow when I look at the planets, but other than that).
  2. Can you give me the image link? Don't want this combo to be broken.
  3. We'll just rob your train if you don't mind.
  4. Typing Kerbal Space Program with a 2x2x2 Rubiks I happened to have lying around, with my eyes closed. kewtrgbvfgp; f]<there was a line feed here, but I removed it to avoid confusion>tjhby phkbn gbdxnm
  5. Granted, nothing happens. I wish for a human-sized hamster ball.
  6. Granted, every beach is turned into a graveyard marked with SR-71s becuase they cannot support themselves in flight. You monster. I wish for the ability to introduce arbitrary error into Nate Silver's predictions.
  7. Granted. You get sucked into a jet engine. I wish I'd stop forgetting to post my wish.
  8. Looks like it can be pried off pretty easily.
  9. "Come on, almost there!" That was right before hitting the moon at quite a velocity in EVA, a few metres short of a rescue craft.
  10. A plethora of Rubik's Cubes (2x2x2,4x4x4,5x5x5), Physics/Chemistry playing cards, laser pointer, a spectroscope + diffraction gratings, couple of books. Also this strange bamboo puzzle thing which says how environmentally friendly bamboo is compared with wood instead of the objective of the puzzle.
  11. Granted. Vashta Nerada. I wish for a thorough explanation of spin.
  12. Granted, welcome to Kepler 70b! I wish for this wish to ninja somebody.
  13. Planted trees along the river bank, primitive flood protection in about 15 years:D.
  14. Banned for living in the past (OKBs went out with the Soviet Union, I believe OKB-1 is now RKK Energia).
  15. Is there a problem? All you need is an RCS thruster block far off from the centre of mass, it's what Mir used to steer and control it's orbit.
  16. Science mission to Minmus, due to lack of proper electricity generation I guesstimated that my probe would run out of electricity on the return trip. Set the parachutes to deploy a few hdays before I ran out, prayed they would deploy even without charge, and they did. Recovered without a hitch.
  17. Currently, there is only one set of intersect markers for getting close to a target for, say, docking, and manoever nodes change that set. This is annoying, as when you get rid of that node they could change a great deal to reflect what has actually gone on, not what the manoever would have done. Adding a second set of markers, to show what is actually happening (like what we have with orbits, the manoever displays a predicted encounter with Minmus but your actual orbit is still shown orbiting at 100km above Kerbin), would solve the problem.
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