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Everything posted by ProjectXMark1

  1. I'll find a way in. My hill.
  2. What do you think humanity would have done in order to prevent extinction from thermonuclear war? Go to space, it's cheaper to just use kinetic killers in space if you want the guy to be destroyed in any reasonable time.
  3. Bad spelling doesn't really bother me. I stick the next poster's computer in a microwave without them noticing (explosion imminent I hope).
  4. Meh, I just SCRAM it, the reactor design is not like that of Chernobyl's. Meanwhile, I bust the dam on the hydro station that the next poster works at.
  5. That would be a bit of paradox, nah. Press, and you can see the end of Monty Python and The Holy Grail as they originally intended, there's a significant chance that the film projector may catch fire and destroy the film it's stored on however.
  6. Anyone mentioned Venus lacking a magnetic field or having a day longer that its year? Those are the real difficulties in making Venus habitable, I suppose the atmosphere of Venus prevents much of the bombarbment of the solar wind out. The challenge would be to get the rotation faster, and the core spinning, and I'm not sure how to execute the second.
  7. Brand: Zoostorm Model: G31 VP Series M10 RAM: 4GB CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E7400, with unsuprisingly two cores, at 2.8GHz/core GPU: ATI Radeon HD 4300/4500 Series (couldn't find the VRAM for it, but hte model should give someone more savvy an idea) HDD: Hitachi HDP725050GLA360 ATA (500GB estimate, but since the OS et. al. takes up space it's something like 458GB?) OS: Windows Vista SP2 Cooling: An "ACPI Fan" as the Device Manager calls it, although SpeedFan says there are two. It's keeping the two cores at 32 and 39 degrees Celsius. Is that good? No idea. Age: It's getting on for 7 or 8 years now. It's done quite well, hearing about Zoostorm. Oh, and accessories too: Mouse: Genius XScroll (off the bottom of the mouse) Keyboard: Genius K639 (that's the model number anyway, also off the bottom) They both came with the computer. I have said this many times before when talking about PCs. My computer is an underperformer by modern standards.
  8. You can't nuke what's not there. Fly me to the Mars.... *Throws a fastball Phobos at the next poster*
  9. Ha ha! Wet gunpowder doesn't explode! I LOX the next poster.
  10. Nah, not really into romance anyway. Pressing the button will give you Dwarf Fortress 1.0, but all the embark locations are in evil biomes.
  11. If we wanted to study an new planet, we could have just built one somewhere way out, with an artificial sun or something. That would have been wayyy cheaper.
  12. Granted, you are run over by a de-railing train. I wish for chlorine triflouride.
  13. I am in no position to audit my family's finances. The user below has pressed the button at least once.
  14. No. If you push this button, you shall see into the mind of Douglas Adams and find out how the Hitchhiker series would have ended, there is a 50% chance it might be terrible.
  15. Nope.avi, I call some dolphins to get the backup planet. It is now mine.
  16. It's Chinese New Year tomorrow. After a bit of time travel I have the world end, you do not survive. MEIN.
  17. Yeah, we have an rarely-used, rarely-cleaned heater at home, and when you turn it on it smells awful, it's stuff burning inside it (dust and its associated fauna).
  18. That advancing army is that of The Google Picture War. Turn's out the hill has always been the property of Deepmind Technologies Ltd., and Google just bought Deepmind. Make a guess as to whose hill it is now.
  19. Falling, that's what. What is the square root of rope?
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