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Everything posted by ProjectXMark1

  1. Granted, good luck pleasing everyone! I wish that this wish is to be granted.
  2. Banned for possessing a picture in your sig that we cannot look at in detail and appreciate the humor! [heavy breathing]
  3. In IMG tags for ease of viewing.
  4. Square-Cube Rule: As size increases, force capable of being exerted by the object increases squared, weight increases cubed. Good luck supporting your own weight. The ability to control which direction newsreaders are looking when they talk. to whoever gets the reference.
  5. Max Plank is the father of quantum mechanics.
  6. "No suitable storms formed in the 1962 season. Next year, Stormfury began by conducting experiments on cumulus clouds. From August 17 to 20 of that year, experiments were conducted in 11 clouds, of which six were seeded and five were controls. In five of the six seeded clouds, changes were observed that were consistent with the working hypothesis." -Wikipedia, on Project Stormfury
  7. The rocket was carrying a probe with an RTG. So you have This Guy and Co. to deal with.
  8. I wonder how stable the system is, the planets aren't smaller than our planets (most of them are bigger) so... it would be very interesting to watch.
  9. Warded Stone is indestructible to anyone but the owner. Good luck.
  10. Build that. OT: How do you shrink images here?
  11. Granted, you are immune to all laws. Have fun. I wish to know the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow.
  12. Granted, but then they go bust. I wish for Broforce on Steam Early Access.
  13. I have a feeling that little bottle won't be enough.
  14. Instead: http://www.machinemart.co.uk/images/library/product/huge/06/060518417.jpg' alt='060518417.jpg'> Angle grinder.
  15. Graham's number, it's the largest number ever used in a mathematical proof. It's so big it's impossible to give a representation of it in the current volume of the observable universe. Edit: My number: G64! Also, could CanadianVendingMachine explain his loop? I have but a vague idea as to what it does.
  16. Vengeance Weapon 3, WW2 cross-channel gun, designed to bombard London from northern France. I believe there is no (real, working) gun bigger.
  17. Just to clarify, tetration is repeated exponentiation, 679G is still not coming close. And just as has been recommended, show repeated exponentiation like so (replace {} with []): {SUP}a{/SUP}b. Saves reading all those gs and everyones fingertips.
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