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Everything posted by Cdr_Zeta
Greetings: Jeb and Bill having been rescued, are now relaxing for a few days before working on getting their engineers and Kerbynauts into space. The Kerbin Mission begins ... May 2013 Earth time ... There is a live stream that has recorded the event; sorry no video is available at this time. Cdr Zeta
Live Stream: The Kerbin Mission, Kerbin Academy...and other stuff !
Cdr_Zeta replied to Cdr_Zeta's topic in KSP Fan Works
Greetings: I will be flying (in FSX !) over a few areas over our wonderful planet tonite for about 1 hour or so; long enough to obtain certain 'clandestine' communications data to be taken to Kerbin. This is a collection of data retrived by the various organizations studying anamolies in outer space on Earth; recent events have made the data ready to be collected by special equipment on board the T45 I will be flying. Special transportation devices brought here by the GSC allow me to travel instantly to anyplace on the planet in an instant; this in part fue to my cryo features I must employ to allow the reorganization of my molecules! So far I only have 2 or 3 areas I am aware of; I get information on the data retrieval after every flight to insure security. Let the flightsbegin...(You will be seeing me research data on the web to gain info as to where I need to go; I cannot communicate any data across chat!)...if there are any technical issues; they will be explained in chat. Cdr Zeta -
Greetings: I have report that both Jeb and Bill have been safely rescued. There were some mishaps with the aircraft as we had a rookie pilot flying. However he handled the job very well, even safely recovering the aircraft from a problem and eventual flat spin; this pilot is to be commended! Unfortunately, there may not be a compiled video soon due to technical difficulties; I am working to resolve the issue. As it stands, the Kerbals will be having games night at the Kerbin Launch Center tonite later on...see the Kerbin Mission Live Stream thread for more info. There are still many last minute details to be completed... Currently I am still here back on Earth...I have a few scheduled flights that I will be live-streaming - again see that thread for more info: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/26435-Live-Stream-The-Kerbin-Mission-Kerbin-Academy-and-other-stuff-! These flights are located in a few places around planet Earth; running live thru the simulator as they were executed during normal daylight hours...there is pertinent information to be gleaned from these flights... More info above a to scheduling... >>>>>>>>Mission Brief>>>>>>>> From the ESC/GSC Boards (Earth and Galactic Space Councils) Brief: Certain data has been recieved and partially decoded. We are pleased to announce that Commander Zeta will lead a team of Kerbal Space Engineers to investigate the anamolies. Cdr Zeta has informed us of total cooperation, and funding is forthcoming. Altho we are privy to much of the information, some of which does need to be confirmed; we believe there is no threat at this time to any of us or the Kerbin System, and that this is purely explorative in nature. Cdr Zeta has been informed to make certain 'flights' over certain 'areas' of Earth to accumulate certain 'data' streams; this must be done manually and locally to insure total security. "Operation Collectives" is in force for 2 hours; Cdr has that time to obtain the necessary data; he is then released to continue his duties on Kerbin. We are greatful for the GSC to allow the ESC collaboration in this effort. ESC correspondances...All data secure... <<<<<>>>>>
Jeb to MC: MC Copy? MC: Rgr Jeb we are sending out the team - espect rendezvous in .5 or so... Jeb: Rgr will inform Bill...Good Luck ! OUT...
Live Stream: The Kerbin Mission, Kerbin Academy...and other stuff !
Cdr_Zeta replied to Cdr_Zeta's topic in KSP Fan Works
Greetings From Commander Zeta on Planet Earth The prelaunch activities for Kerbin Days has officially begun. Unfortunately I am still back on Earth tidying up some minor details prior to my hyperjump to Kerbin. I may be releasing some of my flight activities here on Earth for your review; details are sketchy. My fellow Kerbal Space Engineers assure me that all is going well for the static displays setup... Rescue Ops are underway for Jeb and Bill; we hope for their safe return. I hope to be pleasantly surprised when I return...I have many personal issues to attend to, but I am on my way back. The most important issue at hand is the remembrance of our fellow astronauts; I hope to get this done today. The stream is up; however there may be several breaks both intentional and unintentional as the program proceeds... Until then....Please visit for mission updates: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/26149-The-Kerbin-Mission-Commander-Zeta The stream is at: http://www.twitch.tv/cdr_zeta Official Kerbin Days Begins This Day May 25 2013 13:13 Hours ... Cdr Zeta Signing Off. -
Both Jeb and Bill have successfully done their first orbits around Kerbin. They been camping out for a few days....Kerbin days that is... Celebrations are underway for their safe return...all hands on deck rest assured ! .......they are in 2 seperate capsules some few km apart, camping out and fishing..... Jeb: Hey Bill catch any fish? Bill: Ya caught a small walleye and a few crappers...when we gettin picked up? Jeb: Soon Bill; soon. We gots lotta work ahead of us back home...Zeta is fixin up the DC and setting up new designs for our Mission Control Center. SOmethin's goin on at the LC though -probly some kind of pomp an circumstance.... Bill: Heh I cant wait to see what those kids are doing; too bad Billy wont be there. Jeb: Ya I know poor kid; he is smart though just always a little rebel at heart I think. Hey Zeta told me he revamped the observatory and got it running again ! Bill: Nice ! I know the beans got splattered on the ET they found- I cant wait to see the video when I get back. Jeb: Zeta is doin a fine job with the mess an all; maybe he can locate Billy for us... Bill: Naw tell him not to bother - let him be for awhile; poor Billy got a lot on his Kerby brain these days probly; he kyped a msg to me a few days ago; says he found some wierd talkin plant that makes sounds in his head...and he says he made a friend where he is at; whereever that is. Jeb: Yep - sounds like Billy to me. Ok take care over there - see ya when we get rescued. <<<<End Of Comms>>>
Live Stream: The Kerbin Mission, Kerbin Academy...and other stuff !
Cdr_Zeta replied to Cdr_Zeta's topic in KSP Fan Works
Greetings ! This is a busy week for the Kerbal Space Engineers ! The crews have been working day and night to get ready for the first annual Kerbin Days celebrations. Kerbin Days are where people from Earth and KSP Engineers are recognized for their various duties in the KSP. Who knows who will be spotlighted - or roasted ! This was an idea proposed by Bill Kerman, our oldest KSC member and founder of KSC. Generally, Kerbin Days will follow some various Earth Day Holidays: New Years - Earth and Kerbin (?!) Memorial Day(s) Flag(s) Day (!?) Independance Day(s) Russia Day Veterans Day and some other of the various esoteric holidays..... Links appropriate for the holidays will be located on the main website (located in the SIG here as always). This weekend will be the first Kerbin Days celebration...we look to recognize some astronauts who have given their lives in the pursuit of great dreams - to explore space. We celebrate their lives and what they have given us and contributed to the various space programs. We are looking at either Saturday or Sunday afternoon for the event; preparations are underway ! Updates will appear here and on the website when they are ready; we are revamping the website(s) ! Wish us luck ! The Kerbin Mission begins ... Jeb and Bill need to be rescued and they will be recognized in the celebrations on their successful first time orbits around Kerbin. Commander Zeta -
Live Stream: The Kerbin Mission, Kerbin Academy...and other stuff !
Cdr_Zeta replied to Cdr_Zeta's topic in KSP Fan Works
Greetings, There has been an update on the DATA Center. The main site link is below in the SIG; plans are being made to move the site; the SIG will be changed when this is done. The DATA Center link is on the menu. Cdr Zeta -
Hello, We are not sure here if the Kerbin Sun has a 'gameplay' SOI... however as one poster said they made escape...however...>>> I would suggest start with Escape form Kerbin to get into the first easiest orbit around the sun; then set orbit to that of the inner planet; I htink you can get a rather close orbit without burning up; people could try various close orbits and try to get escape vel out of the Kerbin system from there; you could cheat using infinte fuel to setup guidelines. The problem is using fuel up to get the orbits setup; maybe that has to count too... Cdr Zeta
this newly released video cinematic is a prime example of the fine photography and 'stuff' and things those Kerbal Space People can do... we have heard of a few podcasts around the galaxies...I am sure this would fit in nicely... dont we have cameras here? I dunno Zeta ever get off his planet an get back here maybe we can do stuff like this...wat is youtube anyways? a tire you crawl into?... <<<<comms break>>>>> Hi ! SImply Awsome ! Cdr Zeta
Live Stream: The Kerbin Mission, Kerbin Academy...and other stuff !
Cdr_Zeta replied to Cdr_Zeta's topic in KSP Fan Works
Hello, All this week I will be working on...>>>>>>>> Static Displays, Parade Route Setup and Parade Vehicles, Building Layout and Design, and Ground Cutting Ceremonies (or somethin like that HAHA). There may be fireworks; there may be an actual Parade... All of this is to welcome back Jeb and Bill from their first orbit around Kerbin. Activities around the launch center are booming - literally ! Well ya sort of -we do have a cleanup crew thankfully - they been workin overtime ! I will be streaming, but mostly music for me to listen to while I work on the displays for the air show - oh yeah did I mention - there will be an airshow, games, rides for the kerbal kiddies and more... I will keep you all posted..oh and also - this event does not coincide with any Earthly event - we want to get Jeb and Bill back ASAP so we can get our exploration missions underway. But before we do that we need to have ground-breaking ceremonies ! We will be building a new Mission Control Center, the Kerbin Astronomical Observatory, a Comms Center, a DATA Center, and whatever else we can think of...all of these buildings will be fully operational and accessible. Wish us luck and see you around the streams...you never know what may pop up there ! Commander Zeta -
<<<<>>>> Telecom MSG To Earth: From: KSC - Kerbin Space Council Greetings Earth: Due to changes in Comms procedures... Now that I think of it - NO ! I think this thread should remain here as it is a 'WRITING' storyline of 'The Kerbin Mission' as a whole; not put in the 'Mission Reports' threads. Individual mission reports of actual missions....hmmm (hey Jeb do we have collation to the DC in here?...Jeb: Ya Cdr Zeta ever get his butt in gear and get me back home we can finalize any comms procedures in the conference room here...let's hold off on any mission report sending...we got some anamoly problems and they need to be dealt with; we can report any status updates to Earth via "WRITING" linkage to the DC) Ok so we do not know the mission reports status; they may stay here or be included in any ongoing storylines here for the sake of brevity...did I get that right?... <<<<EOM>>>>
Live Stream: The Kerbin Mission, Kerbin Academy...and other stuff !
Cdr_Zeta replied to Cdr_Zeta's topic in KSP Fan Works
My thread got moved out of General ! Sweet ! We have our own production threades people ! NICE ! Cdr Zeta -
Live Stream: The Kerbin Mission, Kerbin Academy...and other stuff !
Cdr_Zeta replied to Cdr_Zeta's topic in KSP Fan Works
Hello, Who is one of our just favorite l'il cartoon characters? Well as I was thinkin to get back on 'Blender' today, after having built up some scawny lookin chairs and a conference table, I thought it is time to build a character; I think 'Blender' can do that and even animate it. I am clueless about animation...but I also want to operate as third person and other programs may add that for me. I figure if I build up this particular 'toon' character (in 3D of course!), and make a few mistakes on him (haha) he wont mind. This character is pretty resilient I think...and would you believe now I just thought why not build a 4-legged critter - they wont care if I mess them up either! Have patience though I am a slow learner - but feel free to hop on over; and if anyone is fluent in these areas feel free to chime in ! Cdr Zeta -
Live Stream: The Kerbin Mission, Kerbin Academy...and other stuff !
Cdr_Zeta replied to Cdr_Zeta's topic in KSP Fan Works
Howdi, I will be goin thru a bit of a slow down this week - however I am wokring on designing and building stuff in modelling programs; although this isnt KSP directly, people who make vids and streams etc use this stuff - oh yeah and MODS too! And of course there is the ARG<<<<<< If you want to learn more about this and get involved: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/29273-ARG-Alternate-Reality-Game-The-Kerbin-Mission-Cdr-Zeta If you have any questions to ask me regarding the ARG that is the place to ask! ^^^^^ The actual ARG portion of "The Kerbin Mission" is located here: (This is where the KSP community and others get involved in the discussion to solve the various mysteries presented in the ARG; I forgot; I need to organize it better and provide names for each mini-mystery!) http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/29276-The-Kerbin-Mission-ARG "The Kerbin Mission" main storyline (where people DO NOT WRITE IN POSTS !!!) is located here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/26149-The-Kerbin-Mission-Commander-Zeta It is here where the story takes place...I have made a major update there (^^^^^)so check it out! In all cases there may or may not be mention of current LIVE STREAMS. Much of the ARG is behind the scenes; you have to research everything from A to Z; sometimes the ARG can be difficult towards the end depending on the mystery. There are websites involved as well. I am working on building buildings (lol), learnin how to render vids, workin in Blender...I gonna be doin this alot this week; if anyone is interested: http://www.twitch.tv/cdr_zeta Every so often I may make a short live stream and leave clues; or post on the website; clues can be found anywhere; even in OOC posts; anything and anyplace is fair game. The only thing I dont do is get involved in other games to find clues; most everything will be public on the web. Good Luck! for your enjoyment>>>>> + = ?Cdr Zeta -
OOC>>>> Greetings, Websites have seen some limited updates... There is a new twist in the game...The ARG... I will mention for some sake of clarity...All actions played in the game and mission are considered of a Exploration and Scientific Nature. It is known that forces used in scientific investigations can be used for malevolent purposes; no such actions occur intentionally in this game format. The ARG nature of the game presents a unique feature to roleplay - it makes things that are fake, seem to be real. I will propose that Kerbin really exists in a real system in our galaxy in space. Our technology currently allows communications over long distances - there's a LOL there; as in light year distances - the technology used has different forms - we choose to use communications that cross dimensional boundaries in the areas of the chaos field. This technology exists in some form in real life; we just roleplay it to it's 'fake reality' mode - gotta luv double negatives - errrr..... With SIMULATIONS out of the way; most lifters built; and basic orbital manuvers done; we are ready to press on with the real mission(s) - The Kerbin Mission. An epiphany...?...ok so ya...I had this project once I started a long time ago in a galaxy far far away ...no correlation there but there is a minor...ok so things on these planets and muns need to be discovered...I wonder if the Kerbals care where they come from as much as we do? I never really got that influence from them...yet. I do know that it has been inferred so far that some kind of contact with an IET (Intelligent Extraterrestrial) has been made prior to Cdr Zeta's induction to the KSC and Ambassadorship to Kerbin from Earth. The stage has been set, and it is time for meetings to take place; but we have a problem...we are lacking some things. So far the Kerbin Space Academy with the SIMULATOR has been built and is now in use by the various Kerbal space Engineers to train to be Kerbanauts etc. There are certain design essentials that need to be completed in order for misisons to progress. We need office space ! And We Need It Now ! That mission is being fulfilled as we (I!) speak behind the scenes. The SIMULATOR display models have been designed are ready for display for the 1st annual Parade Of Ships - well sort of a parade ! It will be more of a static display. The display(s) and buildings are now in the process of being setup; this will take some time; and I need a breather from KSP as I am gettin burnt out. With that in mind...let the building continue... OOC<<<< IC>>>> Jeb: Plans made for rescue yet Cdr? Zeta: Yessir; we had hoped for tonite but we want to do daylight rescue as our crews are rookie. Jeb: Rgr no problem the fish are biting so take your time. Zeta: I have almost graduated KSA and after the static displays are up with the mission building, comms, and DATA center in process, we will do a short Parade and walk through after your rescue. Congrats on a fine first orbit to both you and Bill. It has been suggested to 'restart' the mission due to anamolies in the KSA SIM after the parade; we will run diagnostics on all sytems and clear up the mess at the academy; we have many duplicate parts to clean up as well; just stuff that is unreliable. Jeb: Agreed. Zeta: During mission phases we can also send the streams to the DATA center; there needs to be DC (DATA Center) collation to the Comms center; that link needs to be highly secure with the hack we had in the KSA SIM incident. Jeb: Understood...What are your plans? Zeta: Design and building stuff for our Mission Control Center; we will be streaming this stuff live throughout the week: http://www.twitch.tv/cdr_zeta As for the radio contacts; they are being investigated by our motley science crew. They are a musical bunch and play musik while they work; stuff I heard was GTO and BTO lately - some old music from Earth (Cdr Zeta is currently on Earth working on Designs - they schematics are then sent to Kerbin for the Kerbals to build th structures. The Parade will occur upon Cdr Zeta's return from Earth and Jeb and Bill's rescue.) There was a rumour going around over there regarding "SOL", conjunctions, some astrology stuff, and one of the songs; they are certainly an inquisitve lot; just what we need over there! They continue to decode the messages and are making progress I understand. Jeb: OK Thanks for the update...now go make a "smoothie" ! Zeta: HAHA ! You know what software I am using dont you ! How did you know I was using "Blender" to design stuff with ?! Jeb: Oh I gots my sources - you dont get to be head cheese at the KSC for nuthin ya know !!! Zeta: Rgr that...Take care out there we will get to you soon...OUT. IC<<<<
How to stay at the sunny side
Cdr_Zeta replied to Dedjal's topic in KSP1 Gameplay Questions and Tutorials
now I undertand the geo-sync orbit better lookin at the posts... I didnt think a polar orbit was or could be geo-sync as that doesnt follow the motion of the planet... thinkin back now I see that the geo-sync orbit maintains position over the same spot over the planet...the terminator will change seasonally too; and I didnt know you could do a polar orbit such as to get the sunlight for most of the time in orbit; it would degrade over time and need corrections to follow the orbit around the sun. Nice topic; made me put my brain to work ! But there was another solution I think it was mentioned...if you escape Kerbin just to the point of getting into Sun orbit...? Lemme just get krakken on my missions an learn this stuff ! Cdr Zeta -
Hi, Not to be a bugger - but first off - Earth is not part of this game literally speaking. In roleplay maybe; which in fact I am doing and including Earth ! We need to keep our names straight. Doing rescue missions...a rescue mission, in my opinion, is just that...rescuing cause someone needs help. That may or may not have been the case here; if you feel guilty about leavin yer Kerbal buddies away for too long; then ya it's probly a rescue and you will catch double hokki stikks for waiting so long. Normally missions are planned such that time frames are adhered to, or Kerbs die; of course we dont want that to happen. Now anyone can do any thing they want and play the game any way they want to make them happy; this is just my take and mine alone and how "I" would 'play the rescue ops. I would not use items that are normally used for other things besides rescue; like those hitchhiker pods. I know I know...they can be used for whatever; and I will probly even use them as a rescue once in a while; it just isnt the norm for my Kerbals and here is why. Those pods are habitat pods not for transporting; in general (my gameplay mind you!); because we are all new and the game is new and our Kerbs are new, well they can make decisions too; and if they want to use those hitchhiker pods to rescue many Kerbs at one time; possibly. The problem is that they are bulky, probly heavy; etc. I would consider a rescue to be rescuing only one Kerbal at a time. Meaning maybe do several trips in small(er) pods and bring them back to a hitchhiker pod in orbit; this might be acceptable. For me it isnt a question about quickness or efficiency (I dont think, even tho efficiency plays a part too); it is about safety. Your rescue team and equipment have to be better than the average ships, and withstand more damage; they arent out there for their fame and glory; they are there to bring fame and glory back home. I would say that with the posts etc that you have done well to have accomplished your mission(s). Also for me, looks is playing a big part in this game, and I still have a long ways to go balancing looks with efficiency! I have yet to go to the Mun etc in real missions; and I hope to get krakken soon. I stream all my missions; for the last month or so all in the Kerbin Academy SIMULATOR; now it is time for me to make it 'real' - just as you are doing. As for docking and lights etc...good luck to all of us...I am gaining slow but sure ! Cdr Zeta
How to stay at the sunny side
Cdr_Zeta replied to Dedjal's topic in KSP1 Gameplay Questions and Tutorials
Hi, Sorry it just seems like the posts are making this too confusing; talk of lagrange points etc...? I read where there is a geo-sync distance from Kerbin; Imay just look into that tonite (during my livestream)...why make this more difficult than the OP's question already isnt. I did breeze thru this thread mind you... Cdr Zeta -
Live Stream: The Kerbin Mission, Kerbin Academy...and other stuff !
Cdr_Zeta replied to Cdr_Zeta's topic in KSP Fan Works
Howdi, Wow lots of posts a day I cant get thru them all... I was gonna run my 'REAL' Kerbin Mission tonite then somethin came up and now I am like not motivated to even move let alone type. Sukks when things in life get you down and some things kinda well you cant control them; you are somewhat forced at the whim of others if you want to preserve what little dignity you have - sorry I am ranting abit - I know ther been some threads here about people havin a tough time with KSP - ME TOO so yer not alone ! I am glad I have found this new challenge of KSP, having added the Kerbin Mission ARG to the action (still hoping for some activity in there dont be shy !!!) - I will be advertizing the ARG elsewhere as well. As for tonite; well as you have read my motivation just dropped alot - watchin a few SCI FY movies helps - dreamin about how I need to make my man cave bigger to support my bigger tv screen ! Arghhh...what's a KSP'er to do...stream I guess... I have been thru my final lifter designs in the Kerbin Space Academy SIM; playing with Blender on occasion and that is getting better (!); playing my getar once in awhile; so now I dunno I need to take care of some personal stuff now my mind is buggered all up; tijme for movies I guess... And yes 'DO' go over to TwitchTV and watch other peoples' streams; I do; I may just end up doing that over my own tonite; I dunno. http://www.twitch.tv/cdr_zeta C Ya's around the galaxies... Cdr Zeta -
Hi, Kudos go out here to a job well done ! I was workin on a project of such magnitude and can I say it isnt easy. For now we will be opting to lazer blast the stuff. Cdr Zeta
Live Stream: The Kerbin Mission, Kerbin Academy...and other stuff !
Cdr_Zeta replied to Cdr_Zeta's topic in KSP Fan Works
Hi, I gonna take it easy for abit; I have laid down the tracks (lol) for the mini-ARG in place...tonite I am gonna play Blender, mess about with my modelling programs; run a few tutorials and try to follow them maybe. I dont know if I am up for a live 'real' mission yet. I told Bill (or Bob? I forget now) and Jeb to take a few weeks off and go camping; once the missions begin...woohoo th docking fun begins...ugh. Hop on over to TwitchTV and check out the streams folks ! I havnt felt all that great...I need to look at rendering vids too. After thats all done I may go back and rerun the SIM for our lifter rockets; I till need to iron out a few things. I havnt been happy with the ASP system; I may end up goin full out on fuel as safety is paramount; I would defintely pay more for a safer mission. Cdr Zeta -
Hi, Mods make the game; 'vanilla' only gives the Kebals a basic understanding of their space future; it is up to them to advance or not. My Kerbals will advance, in such a way as to advance slowly, with patience and perserverence. They will learn alot of thing about life and science. As you can see, MODS are what make the game; as it seems this was intended. Cdr Zeta
Greetings, KSP Launch, Communications, and Data Center, would like a column in the Science section. We are Division Zeta of the Kerbin Space Council. We have funding for all of our main projects, altho Kethane is low on our totem pole, we have yet to investigate the various sources of propulsion, and other uses for them. You may take blurbs of our reports off our main website, and we will gladly reciprocate by adding the Times there; emphasizing our Science Section of course! Cdr Zeta
i wanna sleep in i am sposed to do chores - i aint a kid either i got some age on me lol ksp is callin my lawn is callin the garbage is callin my many hobbies are callin hold the horse - even ET is callin i am seeing a pattern here - who is callin ? i never seem to really feel, well, hungry my compatriot is, well, always hungry my dog and cat are always hungry and no i do not live in hungry my computer is hungry .....gads...epiphany...hey Jeb, let's order Pizza Dude ! Call + Hungry = Puzza ! cept I can only eat pizza like twice a month if that - so...basically I hope to work on my modelling, video rendering, any things KSP and sci fi; or in my book as we say - 'sci fa' as in science fact ! (oh yeah I will be workin on my websites a little on the KSP ARG I got goin) Zeta Dude