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Everything posted by capi3101

  1. Waited a bit to post today - wanted to get at least one screenshot for y'all. Why not. Yesterday began with the docking of the Nostromo 7 resource hauler at space station Dunaport; the Nostromo arrived with a consist of 11,200 units of Uraninite ore destined for the Enchova Central outpost on the Dunan surface. Owing to low available delta-V (one of the prerequisite requirements of Pathfinder's Pipeline mass drivers), a mere 140 units of Uraninite were shot down to Enchova Central, where uranium enrichment commenced. Once Enchova Central had produced fifty units of Enriched Uranium, they were shot back up to Dunaport and used to power the station's four SAFER nuclear reactors, allowing the station to keep its mass driver activated on a permanent basis. A refueling operation at Dunaport subsequently took place, with the required resources again shot up to the station from Enchova Central. More enriched uranium will be sent up to the station as it becomes available (to finish fueling the reactors - total capacity is 400 units), and in the meantime I can begin sending down more Uraninite ore as time and resources allow. With a lander docked at Dunaport, this puts me in a position where I can conduct ground excursions onto the Dunan surface whenever they become necessary - such as when the boatload of tourists I've got headed that way finally arrive... The Scan Queen outpost at Ike finished its print of a Bill Clinton 7b grabber probe, which launched into a 77x10 low equatorial orbit over Ike and then maneuvered to rendezvous with LSV House Atreides in higher orbit. Maneuvers for grabbing were tricky; it was difficult to find a spot to park the probe where the whole thing would be encapsulated by Atreides's warp bubble. After four attempts, a suitable location for the probe was attained, at which point Atreides fired up her Alcubierre Drive and warped back to Kerbin, ultimately attaining a 650 kilometer equatorial orbit. The Clinton let go after orbit was achieved and proceeded to burn down to entry, splashing down safely. In the process, the Clinton accomplished my latest exploration mission - which was to "return" a craft that had landed on Ike to the surface of Kerbin. The next exploration contract will see me achieve orbit over Eve and conduct a spacewalk. Plans are now in the works to setup a TBD base on Gilly, and as soon as I get the crew assembled and trained to do that, Atreides will likely be heading to Eve. Meanwhile, Scan Queen began printing a Dystopia Planitia 7 orbital drydock, which will become the fourth and final planned space station in the Duna/Ike SOI upon completion. Printing is expected to take ten days. Speaking of getting a crew assembled and ready to go, two new kerbals were hired this morning - pilot Edsy Kerman and engineer Gilford Kerman; no scientists were available, otherwise I'd've picked some up as well. These two along with tourists Sigmund, Gilzer, Kimburry, Jedmore, Kenrod, Hellin, Hanson, Geofsted, and Henfal Kerman along with colonists Pado, Camdun, Matmon, Supont, Merul, Dudke, Johnler, Wehrrey and Sigfrod Kerman - 20 kerbals in total - were all loaded aboard an Auk XIV 36-passenger spaceplane (the biggest spaceplane in my inventory) earlier this morning, which took off for a rendezvous with space station Kerbinport. I don't get the XIV out of the barn very often - always worth a screenshot when I do. The Auk affected a successful orbit, rendezvous and docking at Kerbinport. Kerbinport is pretty busy right now. And at close to 350 parts at the moment, it's getting pretty laggy. Auk XIV is in the foreground; an Auk II is in the background, with Strange Cargo (right) and Next Objective in the docks. The plan is for my new crewmembers along with Sigmund, Gilzer, Kimburry, Jedmore and Hanson to load up aboard Strange Cargo and visit Mun, while my nine colonists head to their final destination at Minmus aboard Next Objective; the Deepwater Horizon outpost out there is pretty full of colonists these days. Strange Cargo will swap out some folks once it gets back and then she too will be headed to Minmus, where among other things scientist Rodemone Kerman will be picked up from space station Minmusport - he's manned the outpost by himself for long enough at this point. Once the two ferries are away, I'll go ahead and land the XIV; most of the tourists I've got are heading on to Duna and Ike (a few are even Eve-bound), so it'll be a while before they need a lift back to the surface. Tourists are going keep me busy next few days, plus I'd like to install some SAFER reactors at Enchova Central. Despite having three fusion reactors there, the outpost is still having power issues, and it'd be nice to have a steady, reliable power supply going there so I can keep its mass driver active at all times. I need to finish unloading the Nostromo so it can be reconfigured for the return trip to Ike; finishing construction at Scan Queen is still high on my agenda, but I'll need a supply of Minerals before that can happen. Still got the Minnow and Necessary Evil heading back from Minmus, and it's still about 120 days before the Ray Charles 7 telescope reaches its final position...
  2. This. Very much this. Would you mind posting a screenshot of your GameData directory?
  3. Pretty much. Here's a visual of the innards of my own GameData folder: I hope that's helpful to you. And if I personally have written anything at all on this thread that has confused you, please accept my sincere apologies.
  4. Pathfinder (like most mods) comes with MM bundled. 4.0.2 is the latest version of Module Manager; I don't recall if that's the version bundled with the latest version Pathfinder or not. Pretty sure it is. You might double-check to see that you don't have multiple MM versions installed. If you do, clear the cache files and just keep the latest version you've got. Or go get 4.0.2 manually. Whatever works.
  5. See @JadeOfMaar's post above. Pathfinder also lists KAS and KIS as dependencies (as per the original post), so you will need them to make full use of the mod. The other mods listed in the original post of this thread are all optional, but they do add quite a bit of fun to the whole experience, IMHO.
  6. RL did a right fair job of truncating my KSP playing day yesterday, but there were still some things that happened. The day began with the departure of a Minnow 7 touring craft from space station Minmusport; pilot Eridred Kerman made the burn to return to Kerbin about two minutes after undocking from the station, and should return to Kerbin in about 11 days. This should put the Minnow back about a full day later than Necessary Evil, which departed Minmus the day before. Shortly after the Minnow's departure, Minmusport's Liquid Fuel, Oxidizer and Monopropellant resupply needs were determined and the necessary amounts were shot to the station from the Deepwater Horizon outpost on the surface via mass driver. A little bit after that, I finally received word that a long-term Pathfinder colonization contract at DH was finally complete; as of this morning, my space program has just shy of √125M available to it, which is more money than I've ever seen in-game. I'm thinking I can safely set things up to where my contract rewards are shifting toward reputation; I'm pretty well off in the other two categories for the moment... After doing a quick ore-drilling contract at the Piper Alpha outpost on Mun, I received word from the Scan Queen outpost on Ike - the build of the Nostromo 7 resource hauler was complete. The Nostromo's center tank was reconfigured for Liquid/Fuel and Oxidizer, and the craft was fueled and filled to capacity with Uraninite ore (which took a bit; the Nostromo had greater capacity than the outpost as it turned out). Once all fueling was complete, the craft launched from Scan Queen's Rangeland pad. Watch out for strange looking alien eggs, y'all... The Nostromo achieved a very low orbit over Ike and then burned for Duna. As of this morning, a rendezvous between the Nostromo and space station Dunaport is set; once it arrives, a very small amount - no more than 600 units - of the available Uraninite ore will be shot down via the station's mass driver to the Enchova Central outpost on the surface. The plan is for uranium enrichment to take place at the outpost - should yield a little over 400 units unless I'm very much mistaken. That Enriched Uranium will then be shot back up to Dunaport, where it will be used in the station's SAFER reactors to keep the station's mass driver running indefinitely. At that point, I should be able to shoot down the remaining Uraninite load and I'll be ready to reconfigure the Nostromo for the return trip if all goes according to plan. Meanwhile, a Bill Clinton 7b grabber probe has been ordered up at Scan Queen; that probe will be heading back to Kerbin with LSV House Atreides currently in Ike orbit. 122 days until the Ray Charles 7 telescope reaches final position...
  7. You need to upload them to a photo-sharing site (Imgur is the one most folks here use), and then post them in from there as links. The forums themselves haven't supported photos since the Great Coffee Spill of 2013.
  8. I've had a Breakthrough Tech experiment going on at a Doc at Piper Alpha on Mun for a while now. I'm noting that it's only gaining Lab Time if I'm actually at the base. At the current rate of data accumulation, I'm concerned that I might actually time out on the experiment contract before I complete it (been ongoing for the past forty days and I'm up to a whopping 12/180 Lab Time gathered). Is this intended behavior for that particular experiment? What are some things I can do to increase the rate of Lab Time accumulation, and will I absolutely have to be at the base the entire time? Productivity of PA is 5.1 overall, and I think the Doc in question has a part productivity of 3.6; I'd have to check that. Bob's in the Doc - he's at two stars. Scientist Dilbur Kerman is also in the Doc; he's two stars at well with Stupidity 0.0486 (less than Bob).
  9. Yesterday's activities began with the landing of the Crater Maker 7 8-passenger lander at the Deepwater Horizon outpost on Minmus, with tourists Donpond and Wehrming Kerman aboard along with rescuee-pilot Kardon Kerman and colonists Shannon, Stauki, Tansey and Kabert Kerman aboard. The lander nearly came down on top of one of the base's Castillo domes, missing it by scant inches - I really need to go ahead and define a landing waypoint at DH. Owing to the fact that it was night-time at landing (of course) and that I couldn't remember where I'd put the base's Mineshaft crew tube (which I needed to offload the colonists), the tourists had to wait in the lander for four hours until local daylight. At that point, Janbles got out, found the Mineshaft and moved it to a location where it could hook up with the Crater Maker. The colonists offloaded, the lander was refueled and began making its way back to space station Minmusport. Briefly. I remembered about ten meters off the ground that I wanted Kardon to plant a flag on the surface; it was the whole reason why he tagged along. The engine shut off and the lander set down about fifty meters south of DH, at which point Kardon scrambled out (used Ship Manifest to do it), planted his flag, and then promptly forgot how to get back aboard the lander (because no open hatches - you know, why I had to use Ship Manifest to go EVA)... Kardon's stupidity level is comparable to Ceri's, but I don't think it's fair to say he was the stupid one in this case. Really should've left an open hatch on that lander design... It became necessary for Janbles to leave her precious fusion reactor a second time so she could temporarily remove one of the lander's Mineshafts, allowing Kardon to get back aboard. Engineers. Don't leave home without them. Once Kardon was safely aboard the Crater Maker once more, Janbles put the Mineshaft back in place and returned to the outpost. The lander then made its way back Minmusport. Upon docking, Donpond, Wehrming and Kardon embarked aboard Necessary Evil docked at the station. After refueling and final checks, Necessary Evil departed the station and burned to return to Kerbin. The other big story of the day yesterday was the completion of the construction of the India-2 rover at the Scan Queen outpost on Ike. The rover's skycrane delivered it to a target zone about eighty kilometers to the north of Scan Queen, where it successfully conducted a 4-point gravioli survey. Job done, the rover is probably just going to sit there for the rest of this career save. Meanwhile, back at Scan Queen, final adjustments to the design of the Nostromo 7 resource delivery lander took place and construction commenced; it's expected to be completed in 11 hours. Among the last-minute adjustments, the Nostromo was set up to carry Uraninite in its initial consist. The plan for the lander is to deliver a load of Uraninite to space station Dunaport, where it will be shot down to the Enchova Central outpost on the Dunan surface for uranium enrichment via the station's mass driver (the necessary facilities for enrichment were also added to Enchova Central). The Nostromo will then be reconfigured for Minerals handling at that point, and Minerals will be shot up from Enchova Central for final delivery back to Scan Queen. I am a little concerned that the lander won't have sufficient fuel for a full consist; I can make any necessary adjustments as the need arises, though. It has a main resources tank and two side tanks; I probably can reconfigure the center tank for fuel. Pathfinder's a pretty awesome mod, I must say... Prior to the end of the day yesterday, I received the word that the first eight Colonists delivered to Deepwater Horizon had, after 40 days, finally finished out their contracts, netting me a whopping √20M. I'm about three hours from finishing up the rest of that contract with the other seven Colonists - three hours from having a space program flush with cash. I'll be sending a Minnow 7 touring craft home from Minmus at the next opportunity, and once the Nostromo is finished printing I'll probably be building a Bill Clinton 7b grabber probe next. The idea is to have that probe latch on to LSV House Atreides in Ike orbit, which will then warp back to Kerbin. The probe detaches, I land the thing, and then I should be heading on to Eve on the exploration contracts...
  10. Not too much to report for the weekend's activities, though I did get some important things done (and good screenies...). irst up was the successful landing of the Hellhound 7 rover - designated India-1 - launched from the Scan Queen outpost on Ike; the rover set down within 500 meters of an initial gravioli survey waypoint. It wasn't nighttime on Ike; it's just so naturally dark there that it's easier (and more fun) to see/drive with night vision cameras turned on. India-1 hit all four waypoints easily, successfully clearing the contract. Meanwhile, the print of the India-2 rover and skycrane commenced at Scan Queen; India-2 will be performing a nearly identical mission north of the base. The print should be completed in about another eight hours. The Minnow 7b touring craft carrying tourist Donpond Kerman arrived successfully over Minmus, and the craft was able to get a very close rendezvous with space station Minmusport at its orbital insertion burn. And by close, I meant close. The Minnow docked with the station at approximately the same time that Necessary Evil, which had departed Kerbin for Minmus well before the Minnow, arrived in Minmus's SOI. Evil's rendezvous and docking with Minmusport happened last thing just this morning. Donpond along with tourist Wehrming Kerman and colonists Shannon, Stauki, Tansey and Kabert Kerman are scheduled to head down to the Deepwater Horizon outpost on the surface. Donpond and Wehrming will head back up and embark aboard Necessary Evil along with rescuee pilot Kardon Kerman, who's been aboard Minmusport for quite some time now awaiting a ride back to Kerbin. Both Evil and the Minnow will depart at that point; the Minnow is slated to haul tourists over to LSV House Harkonnen currently in a resupply orbit over Kerbin, which will then ferry the tourists on to Duna. While Necessary Evil was en route to Minmusport, the Enchova Central base on Duna completed the print of an Ikeport Core 7 space station with booster; the craft was fueled and launched. No Johnson jokes, please... The nascent space station - Dunaport - achieved a 75 kilometer equatorial orbit easily. Not the most efficient booster in the world; those side tanks were jettisoned with about a third of a tank of fuel left in them - I could've shot this thing all the way to Ike, I think. The new space station doesn't have any Enriched Uranium aboard to power the SAFER reactors in order to keep its on-board mass driver reliably active; there's no Uraninite (uranium ore) to be found at Enchova Central, but it's present at Scan Queen. I have an immediate goal to set up a "pipeline" between the two bases - Scan Queen doesn't have access to Minerals and therefore can't make Konkrete, which is needed to finish outfitting the base; Enchoval Central has Minerals in abundance. Dunaport is the fourth of seven pieces of that pipeline - I still have plans for an orbital shipyard over Duna and a sister station over Ike (which is now under construction at Enchova Central and will finish in just over eight days). A dedicated resource transfer craft is also planned. Other than that, not much else is going on and I'm in a holding pattern on contracts. I have tourist contracts for Duna/Ike starting to pile up, with now 11 tourists wanting to come and visit. I need to print up a return-to-Kerbin module at Scan Queen, which is now second in the queue behind India-2; the hope there is that it can hitch a ride back to Kerbin aboard LSV House Atreides currently in Ike orbit and clear the latest exploration contract, which would then hopefully direct me to do some stuff over Eve. Really want to get Eve going before 1.7 drops. Seriously. I've never made it further than Eve in a career save...
  11. Relatively slow 24 hours to report to y'all today. With the range finally clear at the Scan Queen outpost on Ike following yesterday's launch of the Infans Calcitrant Yards, a Hellhound 7 rover and skycrane were ordered up and construction commenced. Construction of the rover took nine hours to complete and the very last thing I've done so far today was launch that rover into a low polar orbit; I'll be using it to conduct a gravimetric survey near the southern pole later today. A second Hound has been ordered up at Scan Queen, which will be conducting a similar mission north of the base. While that was going on, the Minnow 7b touring craft that had departed from LSV House Harkonnen in orbit of Kerbin yesterday rendezvoused and docked with space station Kerbinport. Probably should've picked a different docking port for the Minnow; came within inches of knocking the airspike off of an Auk spaceplane also docked at the station... The Minnow took on fuel at the station and dropped off tourists Eduki, Ludvan and Shepus Kerman, who boarded an Auk II 8-passenger spaceplane also docked at the station. Tourists Eligan, Lanwell and Podgun Kerman then embarked on the Minnow, which subsequently departed from the station and burned to rendezvous with Harkonnen. Before the Minnow conducted its burn, I got treated to a Kerbol-rise solar eclipse. The Minnow eventually rendezvoused and docked with Harkonnen. Since I don't have a current mission for Harkonnen to do, I went ahead and did a slow conventional burn to put her in a 304 x 102 kilometer equatorial orbit; I can pass along supplies via mass driver when she's close to periapsis, while the apoapsis is above the activation fail-safe altitude of the ship's Alcubierre Drive (i.e. I'll be able to warp out closer to apoapsis when the time comes). Daylight finally came to the temporary outpost I had on Mun, so pilot Patrod Kerman and engineer Haydorf Kerman were able to print up an antenna and a docking port for the outpost from the supplies provided, finishing out the contract requirements. With no use for another Mun base, Haydorf disassembled and packed away the structures aboard the nearby TBD 7a rover. The two Kerbals roved three klicks back to the Piper Alpha outpost on Mun, where they transferred out and the rover was recycled. Not much else to say there - really wasn't a terribly interesting contract, all told. Other things that happened yesterday included the burn to circularize the Infans Calcitrant Yards in a 30 kilometer equatorial orbit over Ike, and the docking of a Spamcan 7a lander at the nascent shipyard with pilot Lerod Kerman and scientist Willin Kerman aboard. The dock won't be operational until I can get an engineer aboard; unfortunately, the only engineer currently available is Ceri, who's currently running things aboard LSV House Atreides in higher Ike orbit. I may still send her that way; grabbing a third star has done much to offset the productivity penalty I get from her truly exceptionally high stupidity rating... Lots of stuff in holding patterns at this point. I've got the two Ike surveys to conduct and with things the way they are, I might get to do both of those later today. I need to print up a return-to-Kerbin craft at Scan Queen at some point for an exploration contract; that will likely happen after the second Hound finishes. I am considering getting a new outpost crew up and ready to go, which would involve flights to Mun and Minmus at a minimum; I do have a tourist heading to Mun and several en route to Minmus right now, so that might actually not be a terrible use of my time, all things considered. The Ray Charles 7 telescope still won't achieve final position for another 120 days...we'll see if I finish that mission up before 1.7 drops...
  12. Got a couple...only tried the switch one time. Here's the log. Timestamps [EXC 12:17:44.504] and [EXC 12:17:51.665]. Got a lot of error messages in there regarding something called WildBlueIndustries.WBIParachuteHelper.FixedUpdate ()
  13. Not at the moment, but then again I've been doing things the hard way. Let me do a switch and see if one does pop up. I am seeing a lot of "NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object" in my last log on my diagnostic save from a few days ago... [ERR 11:11:18.175] Module WBIKISInventoryManager threw during OnStart: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at WildBlueIndustries.WBIKISInventoryWrapper.HideToggleInventory () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at WildBlueIndustries.WBIKISInventoryManager.findInventories () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at WildBlueIndustries.WBIKISInventoryManager.OnStart (StartState state) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Part.ModulesOnStart () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 ... [ERR 11:11:22.200] Module WBIKISInventoryManager threw during OnUpdate: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at WildBlueIndustries.WBIKISInventoryManager.OnUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Part.ModulesOnUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 But I don't think that's related not being able to switch craft. I noticed nothing when this was going on.
  14. Had a pretty eventful day yesterday. After a visit to the Enchova Central outpost on the surface of Duna the day before, the Spamcan 7c lander carrying Jeb, Val, Bill and engineer Gemlorf Kerman made its way back to LSV House Harkonnen in orbit, docking successfully. The crew transferred over and the fuel from the lander's outboard tanks was transferred over to Harkonnen, after which the Spamcan undocked and made its way to a 75-kilometer low equatorial orbit over Duna. The intent is for the craft to act as a target for the establishment of the planned Dunaport space station as well as an orbiting shipyard. Once at least one of those two stations are in place, the Spamcan will dock with it. Enchova Central then shot a full load of Rocket Parts up to Harkonnen as well as some additional conventional LFO and monopropellant, while the ship's drydock printed up a Bill Clinton 7b grabber probe. Once the print of the probe was completed, it was given a load of monoprop and released from the bay; the probe cleared the bay, immediately swung around and re-grabbed Harkonnen, as the bulk of the probe would've otherwise been outside the ship's warp bubble (and would've therefore blown itself off once Harkonnen went to warp). Once the probe had grabbed on, Harkonnen aimed directly for Eve, activated her Alcubierre Drive and departed Duna. The Atreides may be taking over Duna for now, but you can be rest assured that Harkonnen will be back at some point. Doesn't bode well for the Imperium, though. Harkonnen entered Eve's SOI just long enough to get a fly-by counted as a requirement for the latest Exploration contract; she then set a direct course back to Kerbin, eventually establishing herself in a 600 kilometer high equatorial orbit over Kerbin. Despite my efforts to prevent parts of the Clinton from sticking outside Harkonnen's warp bubble, when the ship finally did come out of warp in standard orbit over Kerbin, I was dismayed to find some nearby debris, which turned out to be the Clinton's terrier engine. The intent had been for the Clinton to land on Kerbin and fulfill the remaining requirements of the Exploration contract, and for that it definitely needed an engine, so an emergency plan was put into place. First, since the Clinton still had monoprop, it released itself from the drydock and maneuvered just beyond the drydock's outer boundary, at which time the drydock's recycler was activated and the probe thrusted back towards it, decoupling its transfer stage. The transfer stage was recycled and the recycler was shut down before the business end of the probe reached the perimeter. At that point, the Minnow 7b touring craft hauling Jeb, Val, pilot Gwenlock Kerman and tourists Eduki, Ludvan and Shepus Kerman undocked from Harkonnen and began maneuvers to have the probe grab a hold of it. LSV House Harkonnen high over Kerbin, with Minnow 7b and Bill Clinton 7b probes visible. The Clinton successfully grabbed the Minnow's forward docking port and the Minnow was able to act as the transfer stage. The Minnow lowered its periapsis and aligned with space station Kerbinport, and at the closest approach marker, it burned enough to enter a sub-orbital trajectory. The Clinton was released, and then the Minnow burned to get a rendezvous with the station on its next orbit. This morning I went ahead and road with the Clinton as it successfully splashed down on Kerbin, fulfilling the Exploration contract. The next Exploration contract involves returning a craft that landed on Ike's surface to the surface of Kerbin; I'll be printing up a craft to do that job at the Scan Queen outpost on Ike at the earliest available opportunity. The latest thing to happen was a call from Scan Queen; the print of a Dystopia Planitia 7 orbital drydock that had been ongoing there for the past ten days was finally complete. The drydock's booster was fueled and the nascent station launched to a 30x10 kilometer equatorial orbit over Ike. The earliest time at which I could circularize the station's orbit coincides with the Minnow's rendezvous with Kerbinport, so it'll be a little bit before that happens, but it is on my short list of things to accomplish next. Once it has achieved final orbit, the Infans Calcitrant Yards will just need to be staffed, at which point I can build new craft in Ike's orbit as needed. The station's launch, as hoped, also cleared an outstanding contract to put a new space station over Ike. On my short list of things to do, I plan to begin printing up a Hellhound 7 rover and skycrane at Scan Queen. I have a pair of gravimetric surveys to conduct on the surface and the Hound is the best candidate for that kind of job. The Minnow will head back to Kerbinport where the tourists will be swapped out for a new group heading to Duna and Ike, and I'll be putting ICY into its final orbit. I also plan on bringing Harkonnen down closer to Kerbin on conventional drive for some refueling of ship's stores there. I'm guessing Harkonnen's next voyage will take her out to Eve, but I won't know more about any specifics until I get the contracts. Finally, I'm about an hour out from daybreak at a temporary outpost three klicks west of the Piper Alpha outpost on Mun, where I've got a couple of kerbals trying to finish up a new outpost contract there. I'm hoping that one will finish up quickly; rather not waste more time with it...
  15. Y'all having problems with the game saving too? That's very interesting. In my case, I can't save the game anytime I switch craft to another craft outside of physics range using any method other than the hard way (i.e. going to the space center, then selecting the craft you want through the tracking station); KAC and KER have both been rendered useless for that purpose as a result, but even the stock map mode "Switch to Craft" will break things. I've gotten into the habit of quicksaving before I try to switch ships - quickloading still works for getting the game un-stuck. You can tell if the game's going to bork by looking at the little triangle marker up on the altimeter (the one you go up to pull up the Recover Craft/Space Center thing) - if it's black when it should orange/blue/green, you might as well quickload. I don't use USI-LS. I do have a pair of colonization contracts in progress; four tourist contracts as well although those aren't tourist trap contracts.
  16. You need to listen to Gene when he tells you to turn off your thrusters when you're trying to turn; you want to be making lateral movements with your RCS thrusters, not rotational. Having SAS turned on is going to help you out too. One other thing you might try (I don't know if you can do this or not - I learned to dock before there was a tutorial for it) is to switch over to the target ship, set SAS on and set it to point normal. Then go back to your ship, set SAS on and set it to anti-normal. You at least know that as far as their respective headings are concerned, both you and the target are lined up. Then it's just a matter of doing lateral movements; position the camera behind your ship and then manuever until the other ship disappears behind your craft. Thrust ahead a little. Maneuver some more. Rinse, repeat. Try to keep your relative velocity under 0.5 m/s or so if you can help it; when you're learning how to dock, slow and steady's a good bet.
  17. Yeah, the WBIClassConverter module is at each of my Castillos - only attributes I'm seeing are isEnabled=True and stagingEnabled=True. Doesn't necessarily rule out the age of the Mun and Minmus Castillos; the Duna one is brand new - definitely built since the change - so I'll see what happens with the first batch of colonists that go there.
  18. I, like @Martian Emigrant, also use Imgur. Once you've got your files uploaded over there, you can click on the pics you want to post over here; on the right hand side there'll be one that says "Direct Link". You just copy that and then paste it into your post where you want your image to show up. Been using Imgur for five years now; it has yet to fail me. Also has the virtue of being free to use (last I checked anyway).
  19. Thanks for the advice - the Pipeline at Duna was indeed using the non-tweaked maxKineticEnergy value. That's been updated and it's working like I want it to now. This makes me wonder if the same sort of thing is going on with my Castillos on Mun and Minmus, which is why I've had trouble re-training kerbals; they were installed before the different templates were consolidated into one. Which module handles re-training, and what should the values be?
  20. Last couple of days have been fairly eventful. With a Minnow 7b touring craft en route to Minmus and nowhere for it to dock at space station Minmusport, the day began with a print ordered up of a Minnow Docking Adapter at the Non Mentha Yards in low Minmus orbit. The print was completed before the day was out and the module successfully docked at the station. In the meantime, refueling mass driver shots took place at the South Base outpost near KSC and the Deepwater Horizon outpost on Minmus, refueling space station Kerbinport and Non Mentha, respectively. A TBD 7a base-seeding rover completed its print at the Piper Alpha outpost on Mun. Outpost pilot Patrod Kerman along with engineer Haydorf Kerman boarded the nascent rover and roved three kilometers west of Piper Alpha at night, finding a suitable location to set up a temporary 5-kerbal capacity base for contract. Haydorf unpacked and inflated the structures and both kerbals boarded the temporary outpost. At this point, the two are waiting daylight to have sufficient power to print up a docking port and antenna, which I really oughta get around to adding to the rover's design at some point or another... Finally, the Enchova Central outpost on Duna was able to shoot up a sufficient supply of Oxidizer via mass driver to LSV House Harkonnen in orbit (special thanks to @shdwlrd for suggesting I look at the individual craft for module changes; details on the Pathfinder thread). With enough fuel finally on board, the Spamcan 7c lander that had been printed aboard Harkonnen several days earlier was fueled to capacity. Jeb, Val and Bill along either engineer Gemlorf Kerman boarded the lander and it was released from Harkonnen's drydock. Only been waiting to do this for something like the last two weeks... Yesterday the Spamcan landed at Enchova Central. The crew piled out individually to plant flags and re-boarded, and then the task of hooking the lander up to the outpost for refueling fell to Bill. The refueling effort was a success, and as planned, Jeb and Val's visit cleared an outstanding contract for a new outpost on Duna; no replacement contract was offered. Refueling complete, Bill returned the KIS resource transfer station connector used for the job, then stowed that part aboard the outpost and re-boarded the lander. The Spamcan then launched to rendezvous with House Harkonnen, which will take place later today. The plan is to leave the Spamcan in orbit over Duna in a target orbit for the planned Dunaport space station, which is currently under construction at Enchova Central. Harkonnen will also prepare a return-to-Kerbin module at this point; she'll fly by Eve for contract on her way back to Kerbin, which is going to happen as soon as possible at this point.
  21. Are either of the last two sitting on the Blutonium Throne of Westeros? If so, I'm surprised they passed their psychological profile test...
  22. What kind of contracts do you have going on, and what does your rep look like right now? With 828 sci, the Research Rights Sell-Out would net you between √34,776 and √42,966. Bail-Out Grant might be your better option, depending on where your rep is; it'll get you between √84 and √103 per point of rep spent. Really your only two choices if you don't want to cheat, unfortunately.
  23. The configuration changes happened prior to installing the Pipeline on Duna. Y'all can ignore me. I just realized that I didn't carry my tweaks over from the previous Pathfinder version. #facepalm_hard_enough_to_break_the_Internet Put them into 1.32.4 just now; I'll see if I'm still having problems next time I fire up the game.
  24. Got 1.32.4 up and running now; clean install. No change to report in outputs of the Drilling Rigs. Now, this save is using CRP mode, so that might have something to do with what I'm seeing. If that's all that it is, I'll live with it. Incidentally, the base there - Enchova Central - is the same one that I was having some weirdness with the Pipeline. I have tweaked the kinetic energy parameter of the Pipeline to let it shoot 15 tonnes of payload up to a 100km LKO, and in fact I did that very thing just today in the same save game. My target over Duna is at 93x92 kilometers and 0.17 degrees inclination - lower orbit, lower gravity, thinner atmo - so it should be capable of that same shot (15 tonnes) easily. Game's telling me I don't have sufficient delta-V for more than 3.5 tonnes. I don't know what to check to see what's going on there. EC has most of the newer Castillo structures installed (Observatory, Factory, Tracking Station, ARC reactor, Rigsx5, Depot) where as South Base on Kerbin just has the Castillo. Do any of those other structures have an effect on the Pipeline?
  25. Had a reasonably busy day last Friday. In an attempt to bring down the guidance requirement to shoot mass driver loads between the Enchova Central outpost on Duna and LSV House Harkonnen in orbit, Harkonnen lit up her conventional engines and adjusted her orbit down to a 93x92 orbit over Duna with 0.17 degree inclination, a delicate operation since Harkonnen's center of mass is no longer in-line with her center of thrust. The slow burns brought the guidance requirement down from 32 mits of data to just over 9, a marked improvement. I'm still having issues sending up payloads of any significant mass, though, which is puzzling to me - I've tweaked the Pathfinder mass driver parameters to allow 15-ton payloads into a 100 kilometer orbit over Kerbin, so payloads of similar mass should be attainable at Duna, yet I seem to be limited to 3.5 tonnes at most. Still not sure what's going on there. Enough liquid fuel was transferred up to Harkonnen to supply the Spamcan 7c lander, which had just completed construction in Harkonnen's drydock. I'll have to send up the oxidizer when EC's mass driver has again accumulated sufficient guidance data to do so. In the meantime, additional structures were added to the outpost, including a new storage depot and four drilling rigs. The presence of the drilling rigs make me much more comfortable with the idea of naming the base after an oil refinery. It's still capable of much more than that, of course...maybe I can start calling them "colonies" or something. The other thing that took place on Friday was the return of a Minnow 7b touring craft to Kerbin from a jaunt to Mun on Thursday. The Minnow docked safely at Kerbinport, at which point tourists Eligan, Lanwell and Podgun Kerman disembarked awaiting a future journey to Duna and Ike. Pilot Eridred Kerman and tourist Donpond Kerman remained aboard the Minnow, which was then refueled and departed the station for Minmus. Unfortunately, there was a mishap - when burning for Minmus, I had mistakenly used Mun to judge the alignment, and forgot to quicksave prior to the burn. The transfer was aborted but by then the craft hadn't the fuel to return to Kerbinport, so the decision was made to have the Minnow come in for re-entry. I suppose the reason why I don't actually give the Minnows proper names is so I don't get too attached to them. They are supposed to be disposable, after all... The command stage survived to landing, and a replacement Minnow craft carrying Eridred and Donpond launched for Minmus from KSC just this morning. The craft should arrive in just under four days, and there should be sufficient fuel available for it to brake into orbit from the obviously high relative approach speed. I do still need to check to see if there's a docking adapter for the craft installed at space station Minmusport and have one installed quickly if there isn't, and I could stand to do a resupply mission at Kerbinport; it might shed some light on the difficulties I've been having over Duna. Otherwise, I'm still in a holding pattern until I can get the Spamcan down from Harkonnen to Enchova Central. Need to move some serious oxidizer...
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