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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Rijeke već ima ovdje, jedino šta nisam u zadnje vrijeme uopće aktivan ovdje.
  2. It may be that space travel is so unnatural to humans that everyone is expected to have a phobia of some kind. I haven't read the whole thread, so maybe someone feels the same effect, but my phobia is definitely wierd and hard to explain. When approaching an another planet for the first time, I get scared of seeing it. Just the idea of establishing first visual contact makes me freak out. Like the first time I went to Duna, I've seen the planet on a lot of pictures and other playthrough videos which was fine, but seeing it closing in from far away makes me very uncomfortable, and we're talking about a game here. If I was on a real mission to Mars, I'm certain that I would be too terrified to look out the window upon arrival.
  3. If I'm not mistaken it was the first of the SRB tree (red), but that makes sense, I haven't installed pretty much anything besides the essential mods. I'll probably add some before I play again.
  4. Hmm, it seems to be working, but I still have to give it more time to see if there are any anomalies. I have noticed that one research tree node has no parts (besides the root), I don't know if that is in any way related. But yes, I did exactly what you proposed, and it seems to be working! Thank you very much. Now I just have to accomodate myself and learn again, because this is the first time I have played KSP non-vanilla.
  5. Question: The guide provides an option for playing without Realistic Solar System, but one of the dependencies, the Realism Overhaul Tweak lists it as a required mod. I want to play in the original Kerbol system - what do?
  6. NiÅ¡ta ne vidim nikakve announcmente za 0.24. Trebao je biti minoran update sa niÄÂim previÅ¡e znaÄÂajnim, a joÅ¡ ga nisu izbacili. Jel se to meni ÄÂini ili razvoj ove igre ide sve sporije?
  7. Eh, ja se joÅ¡ muÄÂim sa Dunom...
  8. 0.22 zasad je zakon, stvarno što bi neki rekli, vraća te na osnove. Još kad bi idući update ubacio budžet i trošenje novca, career mode bi već bio skoro gotov.
  9. Rijeka, Croatia. It's on the northern coast of the Adriatic sea. Built around the ancient roman town Tarsatica and has quite a history behind it. The city changed states around 5 times in the 20th century alone and was once split in half by the state borders. Austro-Hungaria, the kingdom of yugoslavia, Italy, communist Yugoslavia, Republic of Croatia, and at some point it was also a pirate city-state with it's own army and laws (in other words, a drug-infested smuggler haven). Most of today's Rijeka was built by the Austro-Hungarians including the railways, the port and pretty much everything downtown, so the centre mostly consists of neo-baroque edifices and dead industrial facilities. No really, some parts of the waterfront look as postapocalyptic as scenes from HL2, including the old Torpedo factory, where - funfact - the torpedoes as we know them today were first invented and built. Today with the industry dead, the city is slowly collapsing. There's a steady outflow of population, few jobs (if the shipyard goes bankrupt soon, that won't really help as well), but for some reason, that wouldn't be your first impression with all the cafes always full and people driving pretty nice cars. I'm quite upset with that kind of mentality and the overall local political lazyness, so I call it a village with skyscrapers, but the place itself ain't too bad. It gets obnoxiously hot and humid in the summer ,but there's literally clean beaches a local bus ride away and the nearest ski park is a bit more than 30min away (if driving). I'd say that's pretty unique...
  10. Manual only. Over here you'll find some AT in cars but only in the most expensive ones - the Mercs and Beamers, newer Audi's and so on. In our part of the world it's reserved only for the richer elite, no middle class citizen that would buy a Renault or a Ã…Â koda would pay more to have automatic transmission in it. Therefore, I've never tried any form of AT myself, but I'd never buy one. The only pro for the auto in my book is dense traffic and city driving where all the excess shifting and footwork becomes a nuisance. Besides, I'd never have a car just for getting around the city. If you live in an urban center, public transport is always a better option. Automatics also take away all the joy in driving. Having to know when to shift and how to best use the engine power is the name of the game. Granted, the majority of folks that drive would be better off with an automatic because I know a lot of people who seem to lack some feeling for the car handling and constantly overuse the brakes or upshift too early.
  11. I find that huge R&D building quite intimidating. For my performance, I mean. The new KSC hurts my performance so bad I have to run on quarter size textures. Hope this will not be the case.
  12. Without sandbox we wouldn't be having so much Scott Manley's epic experiments and Danny2462's craziness, but for me, the career mode should be what it's all about. As the game's title says - I want to manage my own space program. Even playing freely I could experience the thrill of building stuff that works, but I want to start out with early and inefficient rockets and be able to barely launch sattelites and make my way to the tech that could allow me to make round trip ships and such.
  13. Opsesija mi je pronaći idealni reuseable tanker da potegne do LKO i uspije dostaviti bar jedan onaj tank srednje veliÄÂine pun goriva. Skinuo sam par SSTO aviona sa foruma ovdje, ali uglavnom ne mogu ponijeti mnogo. Zadnji put sam probao napraviti vertikalno vozilo sa 4 mlazna motora i 5 raketa, ali mlazni motori mi prekratko traju. Siguran sam da bi se moglo, ali opet ne bih uspio nositi velik payload.
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