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Everything posted by dethsturm

  1. I've noticed that there is an issue with the English localization file installed with 2.2 from CKAN. Items in the localization are tagged as #OHS while the in game settings are showing as #FND. Swapping the tag in the localization seems to fix it. Not sure where else there may be issues because some items are #OHS. Also looks like there are messages that don't even have text for them defined in the localization file such as the remote repair text for some kind of failure but I have no idea what the failure is.
  2. Thanks. I tried searching, but I guess I wasn't looking in the right area/keywords. Guess I'll try changing my scaling.
  3. I literally just installed it a couple days on my computer after updating to W10. Im away from my computer, but It's using the current Steam build.
  4. I just started playing again and the icons for the currencies seem to have changed. Tried with no mods installed, W10 x64 and 32 bit. Is this intentional or am I missing something?
  5. An idea I thought of at work to allow people disable the LES or use it as a Landertron or even an OMS: Cut the engines off the pod and have slots with attachment points to add in the module you want to use. Downside is that its a lot of work, but people could customize the capsule load out/functionality. You could then add storage containers for various mods that fit in the slots (TAC/KAS/ORS). - - - Updated - - - It appears that removing the TAC section of the .cfg file that is supplied for the HCV allows TACs MM .cfgs to correct the issue. - - - Updated - - - Also, the newest BDAnimationModule causes the engines to bug out and activate/deactivate rapidly, sometimes hitting escape interrupts the cycle. Tested with a clean install.
  6. Your TAC Lifesupport numbers are off. The ship has less than 10m of O2 and more than 4D of Water with a full crew. - - - Updated - - - Also, if I remove the engine module, how do I retract the engines?
  7. I am having issues with stock solar panels not generating waste heat. Reactors still generate. I don't have any mods installed that change how solar panels work aside from tweakable everything (sun tracking enable/disable).
  8. Are the radiators from Interstellar Lite compatible with the full version?
  9. Will there ever be a way to specify what axis are being controlled? Also how about a way to exclude an engine from the controls, such as a center lift fan on a VTOL? Or a way to flag an engine as normally off and only to be used when rotating (throttles up when turning, then goes back to 0)?
  10. Woot, KSP launching hard mode engaged! I always thought that the engines worked strange, I just assumed that the pumps were able to provide enough fuel to get a higher thrust than the engine was designed for, and the throttle setting was computer controlled to control thrust output and not fuel flow.
  11. So is there a way to have it not tied to the 'T' and 'F' keys to activate? Basically I want to make it so Killrot is only active when I click it in the flight control window but still have the ability to turn on my SAS modules with 'T'.
  12. Question, is there a way to keep the 'Killrot' flightcomputer command from turning on when I turn on SAS? I find it really annoying when I just want to use my SAS modules to dampen my rotation and it starts firing all my RCS thrusters.
  13. Downloading the new MM and placing it in /gamedata/ and placing the remotetech.cfg in /gamedata/remotetech/ fixed it. It had to be the new MM cause I tried that setup before. Thanks!
  14. That's what I did the first time but it didn't seem to go, I'll try it again just to double check. Is there any known conflicting mods?
  15. Tried that, Did not work. Both dll and cfg are in GameData/RemoteTech/
  16. When I open the .zip from spaceport, I have RemoteTech_MM_ProbeCompatability/ModuleManager.dll and RemoteTech_MM_ProbeCompatability/RemoteTech/RemoteTech.cfg and Readme.txt. What needs to go where? I have tried putting it all in the gamedata as is.
  17. I appear to be having problems installing the compatibility pack, can anyone assist me with this? Where exactly does that .dll file need to go and where does the .cfg go?
  18. I do remember changing the in-game name of the part but not the name in the general parameters. I will test this as soon as I am at home. Edit: Seems like that was the issue. All Engines are working fine!
  19. That's what I'm thinking based on the results I had. I do not know exactly how this game is structured for parts and this is all trial and error for me. What other files in the part folders contain properties related to the actual function of the part and not just the model/mesh?
  20. I decided that I want to try to learn how to mod in KSP and I was starting out simple. I'm trying to convert the LV-909 from being a LFO engine to a Mono-propellant engine from I the CFG file. I removed the second propellant requirement and changed the first requirement to MP, updated the ratio and removed the line to enable the fuel bar. I even compared what I did with the MP engine from Kosmos Space Station Parts. Every time I try to test it, the engine flames out and claims it is out of liquid fuel. Am I missing something? Is there another file I need to modify to get it to burn Mono-propellant? My goal is to create an OMS system that is throttle-able and independent of RCS.
  21. These engines may be the final thing I need to make my B9 shuttle hit orbit without spinning wildly out of control when the tank drains. This would be very useful!
  22. If I remember correctly, one of the part descriptions says you can activate the chutes after decoupling them from your craft if they are in staging.
  23. I've gotten sever fps drops when targeting landed probes with haystack when they are out of range. I may have been outside the SOI of the body the probe was on (was targeting my Mun probe). I'll have to test it some more to see for sure what caused it.
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