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Everything posted by Rhyunix

  1. Honest to God you guys are trying to make me torn between decisions! I'm gonna put this comment and its gonna move this up so more votes to break the 50/50!
  2. A really unfriendly future! Lets hope this doesn't happen to our now
  3. Don't feel bad - frankly Its some kinda magic that you haven't made that many mistakes. Its where proteus is scheduled to aerobrake in 3hrs30
  4. I looked at my screen I saw draeaths face
  5. You guys aren't making this decision easy, still 50/50! I foresee the poll being like this a long time
  6. I'm afraid too mate - I can promise you though, I'll live a life dreaming not staring blankly at a TV with my "favorite star" on it.
  7. Really good chapter! Poor Johndon, I sense abuse. You did screw up an underline but in the fray of images and writing, I don't think you wouldn't of made some mistake
  8. Thanks! I've also been to NASA as part of my vacation - I now have a new mouse-mat: Its got failure is not an option with the Apollo 13 insignia on it Its setting me up for great fails every time I look at it
  9. This is really good! However, one thing stands out to me There's no background objects - you can't see a planet and the nebula like ring isn't there. I still think its good though
  10. Well, im 13 - It would be nice that withing our lifetimes (collective "our") that we really cared about exploring. Everyone goes: "90% of the ocean hasn't been explored and blah blah blah" But do we get the excitement from looking at the blue - For one minute in the whole of mankind's war-torn history, we stopped fighting, we stopped arguing, hell, we nearly stopped trembling about superpower politics. One man changed history yet an army of people helped him there. For one minute, we all looked up at the grey sphere and thought about what we can achieve. So I look up now as the Moon rises and I'm actually able to see it and I think about all that this world suffers from - I think to myself Why can't we just do it for humanity? The moon is an interesting place for science and stuff but look at what it does to people. It unites them which leads me to where I leave off Why can't we be united again.
  11. Its a ground base though spacesphere, although its still 50/50 at this time on the votes
  12. Why is flag planting so stressful damnit?!
  13. I think I'll mix and match - I'll probably use the standard docking port for connecting small parts and the large docking port for habitat modules and large tanks etc
  14. With the new overhaul of the terrain, finding the new residence of SESEOR Munbase was difficult. But we found a medium-sized, flat area on top of the ridge from the 2nd trip in Exp. Juno. Unfortunately, one of our rovers broke so progress is slow - we may find a better place but its really difficult
  15. That's a nice idea rryy...
  16. So what your suggesting is that I mix and match?
  17. I see what you mean there Goddamn evenness!
  18. I used bi-couplers and fafed around until they were at the standard ground level. The thing is, I fear that there will be an IVA that will use the already sideways (for me) storage can.
  19. Very Nice station there - I am currently reassembling my SESEOR Munbase after similar circumstances so will get images soon!
  20. Dead simple vote: I'm redesigning my Munbase - SESEOR - and I want to know, irrelevant of if you've used them the way I have or at all Senior Docking Port Or Standard Docking Port The vote is on! Please?!
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