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Everything posted by Rhyunix

  1. I name all my craft after their location (eg KerMun)
  2. It should of kept it, Its annoying because when I want to attach it, its not on straight
  3. Probably is although, it looks a bit shallow
  4. That's a rover nightmare right there
  5. Why Did they take away the attachment bubble for the gigantor solar panel - I mean, I was using that! It was really useful. I want to raise this so people know how I feel - Comment if you are the same
  6. I see what you did there with the crystallize effect, A good shot at it!
  7. That's. Beautiful. I don't know what other words for it. I would make a video with that music however I have no editor
  8. The first Module Post-Overhaul is down! Its the same as the Module above, next launch, a solar farm
  9. I think that I put the hints and tips from Umlux and his Mun Program to good use: The flag behind is a design by Levelord
  10. I love that flag! I have to use it - will show you image of it planted proudly when done!
  11. As small of an ask and as seriously misplaced as a thread as it gets, could somebody make a flag for me? It just needs to be simple and effective, with SESEOR written on the side. A grey(ish) colour scheme would be nice (to blend with the Mun) I am prepared for the "WRONG THREAD" comments
  12. That is the most theraputic thing to watch! I can't top that but boy I would be proud if I did
  13. I see, are you going to dock your modules together? I sense competition between you and I
  14. A very nice reusable and efficient design. Like it!
  15. You bet I am! Anyhow, I also brought a poster but I'm not allowed to show it because of copyrights etc. The Card poster is called Explorers Wanted, so look it up and be jelly that it is on the wall adjacent to me
  16. Damn, I wish I'd thought mine through as thoroughly as you have! Say, could you give any tips on landing sideways modules? Edit: Where do I find the lit up habitat thing?
  17. Well, the thing is Mercy, Its a compatibility issue- I make my modules (this is a base) able to connect with the standard level of rovers. Its an interesting problem, is it not?
  18. A Little sneek peak at our new view Setting up at this time, a new expedition will commence soon!
  19. To be honest, I dread many features. However, I'm not worried, there's nothing I can do about it
  20. I would of gone for the Radar dish - several people have created craft files of their designs but a simple radar dish would look nice (personally)
  21. It normally (for me ) takes a century and some for the VAB, Astronaut Complex and the SPH to load as well as the launch pad! It sucks
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