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    Spacecraft Engineer

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  1. Ah, got it to work by downloading the Installer package and installing, as opposed to the portabler version. Never to do that before, but ok, it works!
  2. Still no success, even from a newly downloaded install, with zero mods added. That fresh install seems to hang on the "Loading Asset Bundle Definitions" Thanks for chiming in though!
  3. Interesting. I don't see that option at all under 'Get Info,' not sure what to do now
  4. Got one of those new Macbook Pros with the M2 chip, started up my kerbal save and the application hangs. Then I downloaded a fresh copy of the app, 1.12.3, with no added mods and tried again, application still hangs. Is KSP able to run on the M2 chips?
  5. Yes, I've tried both, but nothing happens. It shows the Ballast tanks (Forward and Aft filling), but no sinking occurs.
  6. Does the Guppy sub actually work. I put one together, put Forward and Aft Trim parts on either end, but the darn thing refused to submerge. It just sits, FLOATING, heh.
  7. I'm moving an installation and I must have forgotten to install a mod. The game is complaining that the following parts are missing: "WBIConvertibleStorage" Anyone know which mod it's a part of?
  8. Downloaded 1.4, excited about the MEM. Yet it doesn't seem like it's much, there's not ascent and descent parts, is that correct? It's just all one piece?
  9. Hey, anyone know the starting position of Kerbin if you want to go Cerillion. Where should they be in relation to each other? Yes, I'm dense.
  10. How does the engine work? I built a test craft, loaded with pellets, liquid hydrogen and electricity, but the engine never works. It charges and then just seems to flame out. Suggestions? Here's the ship: DSEV test
  11. What a brilliant idea for a mod, really changes the situation up, you have to totally rethink how do things!
  12. Is it just me, or is it possible to build the Fuji with the parts? I can't seem to find the pieces other than the command and habitat module. Very odd.
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