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Everything posted by Echostatic

  1. So it turns out the sun is pretty hard to photograph and work with in Registax, but I tried anyway using my own Coronado PST. Actually I grabbed a frame from a video, it's not terrible either.
  2. I imagine it will be a good long while before the cost would be less than simply using special effects.
  3. Even if you did somehow encounter a planet, if you aren't actively controlling the space station, physics will not apply and it will remain unaffected.
  4. Lol thank ya, it's a Celestron 8 SE. Great views of the planets from it with a nice high power lens.
  5. Thank you! I have a Celestron 8 SE (8" aperature). I also had unusually good seeing.
  6. Oh, I tend to throw everything into one big gallery, who needs to sort? They're totally for sale if ya want 'em!
  7. All my photos come from my iPhone. I just got this tonite. It's the first image I ever managed to improve with Registax. (I'm sure it could be *much* better, but I'm not really sure how to improve it.) These pictures are older, before I knew of stacking software so they are pretty much unedited.
  8. Goofing around with planes. Moving a rover out from it's landing cage on Duna. Not from KSP, but I'm just so darn proud of managing to get this photo of Saturn from my driveway tonite.
  9. So, do SAS modules kill rotation, or assist in torque? I think I've read people saying both in this thread...
  10. I have never used SAS... Mostly because I'm still not exactly sure what it does. Maybe I should throw one or two on my next craft and see what happens.
  11. It's a tiny little thing. I wish I could see it, but I don't plan on being awake at 4am. :/
  12. Agreed, and maybe have lines running out of the markers along the x,y,z axes, to make aligning things easier.
  13. So what you're saying is, we need to mash all of those dwarfs and moons into a single mass, and maybe cut chunks of mars and venus out and smush them into it too? We could call it Super Pluto.
  14. Perhaps if we bring all of Pluto's moons to it's surface, that'll give it enough size and mass to be loved again...
  15. How is it that the very first time I run across this word is today, when playing Sim Earth for the first time, only to immediately afterwards run into it again here?
  16. I sorta figured that they just cloned Kerbals...
  17. Even without all the rage inducing qualities, I still wouldn't get one. I just can't get into consoles anymore, PC is where it's at.
  18. I have to wonder what happened to my Kerbals on one mission then... It was a while ago, I can't remember if I was trying to land on Laythe or what, but after the chutes deployed, I lost all control of the craft. No controls would do anything. After ending the flight, I saw in the events box that my Kerbals had simply been killed. I quickloaded and tried again, and when the chutes deployed, the portraits in the lower right corner vanished, due to them dying. I assumed it was the extreme Gs, as the gauge maxxed out when the chutes deployed.
  19. I mean, I know how to do one, I just don't know how to do one that actually helps get me somewhere I want to go.
  20. I have no idea how to go about taking advantage of something like that... But it sounds like it would be useful.
  21. Heeeey that looks neat! KSP replaced my Minecraft (tekkit) addiction, but now it might come back... Should get some KSP folk on a server and have some fun!
  22. I'd definitely encourage playing mod-free for a while, but don't be afraid to look around in the spaceport. There are some great mods like one that adds "quantum struts", which I love simply because they allow you to dock and undock while keeping your vessel/station rigid. (Currently, docking ports alone cause a lot of wobble.) I also like infernal robotics, because they add hinges. Hinges open up soooo many possibilities. So yeah, at least give some mods a look eventually, whether you use 'em or not. Edit: And flight engineer! That mod is SO handy for figuring out how much delta V your ship will have, as well as the thrust/weight ratio for different stages. Critical information that would be a pain to have to do by hand.
  23. The first time I "landed" on the Mun, it happened to be on the dark side without any lights. It made quite a mess... The first successful landing was much smoother, and I got the guy safely back home.
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