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Everything posted by TheCanadianVendingMachine

  1. "People are nice here" >mfw I get called pre-pubescent because they don't agree with me
  2. 5/10 Was about to so 0/10, then saw your name Stop changing avatars
  3. TIL about a lot of things. Because I don't browse Reddit/4Chan/9Gag/Imgur/ANYWHERE ELSE BUT HERE I didn't notice anything on the twitters, or the reddits becasue I don't use them Unfair to all, that is
  4. With the Moho lake one Lets see, so we would have to program random areas (or set) to toggle between liquid and solid. At random times. I assume you would have to update physics on moho craft. Can take a while. And don't forget to replace the whole planet of Moho with a Moho with liquid there A bit time inducing, not necessarily hard or practical
  5. I want to see the chemical formula for that OO1?
  6. Distance() { feet = 0; } End of clipboard (Ignore the code blocks, that't there so it is clearer)
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