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Everything posted by TheCanadianVendingMachine

  1. You are correct. If Max would've alluded to that in the tweet, or one ahead, there would be less issues. It makes sense for people to go space, and not just be the standard joe. But still, I would rather see that be implemented later. The changes in Kerbals, that is.
  2. It's easier to concentrate on one thing, than to spread out what you're doing
  3. Right, so, if you look at my profile. I usually bring up topics like this, (and the stupid "hype-train") because I think it needs to be addressed. I do not want to hold myself to seem like I am all high and mighty. But I think, as I said after you posted, that big features should be the main point of the beta updates. And bug fixes, of course. If SQUAD work on the big features, and maybe get one out every month-or-two, many would be happy. With occasional bug-fix months. Once the major features that SQUAD think are done, add small stuff like female kerbals, and the such - - - Updated - - - Who the hell brought up RAM? The first poster that the OP had nothing to do about?
  4. They should be added when major features have been fixed. Like Aerodynamics, resource collection, life support, re-entry, and that. After the majors are created, implement minor things.
  5. Yes, they have been asking for them. But they also are asking for small features that will (hopefully) be added into the game. Like launchpad lights. Resources, colonization, terraforming, aerodynamics, life support, and others. 2/5 there have been confirmed, and they are huge. Which is why I am not against female kerbals, but the way it was marketed. I would of rather seen the new sounds being guessed at, and female kerbals outright announced Source: https://twitter.com/KerbalSpaceP/status/558796495760023553
  6. PA's dev cycle is this - Mandatory update at the end of each month. Features implemented (almost) all the time. Only exception is the "bug-bash" months. Where they fix only bugs, and don't worry about features. The features they add aren't small, however. In a month, they add AI improvments, optimization, and mod support. But this is a experienced dev team, unlike SQUAD's Game Making Department.
  7. This is what i'm talking about. We don't need that, at all. We need features that help the user - - - Updated - - - As with PA (Prison Architect), they do it through the most "supported" bug. They get that bug, and resolve it. They do this to the most supported, and common bugs. Fix them, better game altogether
  8. Hell, your lucky. I think in the Alberta Education they are teaching what was the first satellite, and that's it
  9. I feel as if I need to reiterate myself. My original intention of this thread was that Female Kerbals shouldn't of been added yet. They should bugfix, and maybe go the route of Prison Architect, and do a update of bug fixes. And no features. I think that Female Kerbals are a good feature, but stupid in the sense of them being unneeded.
  10. Programmers have to add it, and make sure that the names are properly allocated to it. That takes work
  11. Now, I agree with you. But I think that it shouldn't be a "secret feature" that leaves a guessing game open. If they add a feature, tell us! Say - "Our artists have decided that female kerbals are now a thing". And leave it at that.
  12. Well, you see. That's why it's in quotes. I don't find them stupid, just not needed for now. I would rather better RAM allocation, optimizing the game, and the actual behind the scenes work that a BETA should be doing. Rather than a unnecessary feature
  13. You know, they should add fat kerbals. And anorexic kerbals. And multi-colored kerbals. And short kerbals, and skinny kerbals. Homeless kerbals, retarded kerbals (Retarded - "less advanced in mental, physical, or social development than is usual for one's age"), and Genius kerbals. Why not add monkey kerbals, don't want to offened ANYTHING
  14. There is no issue, it's the other people taking my point of view and deciding that they need to warp it
  15. You know, there is another issue the game forgot about. Fat people. I think the developers are fat-shaming anyone who is obese because they refuse to create slightly larger models for slightly larger people. And height-shaming, and mocking the homeless because of there being no cities. And mocking the hungry/thirsty because of the lack of food, and weather. - - - Updated - - - Explain how one could divide it. Enlighten me
  16. This is also what i'm getting at. - - - Updated - - - May I refer you to:
  17. Yes, but with "The Barn", they where openly critique. Even if it was harsh, it was still tips. Like B9 talking about the things that where wrong. And the community trying to get them to change it. Not get rid of it, just adjust it so it is better.
  18. Because of the FEATURE. That's why I am upset. It could of been anything, but it was a feature that wasn't needed, and doesn't change anything about the game in any way. - - - Updated - - - Please explain how it will be a positive addition, besides sales.
  19. I will restate my opinion on this: I don't mind that they are adding this. But they could've waited, openly talked about it, or pick another feature of this guessing game
  20. But it's true. Look for it in other mammals. Where female, and male organisms strive for mating. That's humans, but add free thought. That's why women in the past (BC - 19th Century) where mistreated. Because males are BIOLOGICALLY STRONGER, because of the amounts of testosterone they produce EDIT: this was written and posted before Tao said that. I will try and refrain from posting about biology again
  21. Oh God forbid I mean any harm to women, and their past. I don't want to have inequality in the world, to the point where I would kill oppressors to get people better lives. But I think that MAKING PEOPLE GUESS WHAT IT IS, instead of announcing it is the issue. The way they market it makes it seem like there will be nothing else. Personally, I would like to have the developers talk openly about features like this, and put pictures up for people to critique. I would rather open development rather than closed, "hype" inducing guessing games.
  22. I'm fairly sure people would want clouds more, and would bring more hype. And ultimately more sales due to better screenshots - - - Updated - - - Thing is about girls is that they are social beings.
  23. As I said, I'm not saying that this is bad, but announcing and bringing it HYPE. For a female kerbal sprite. That's it.
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