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Everything posted by TheCanadianVendingMachine

  1. Granted. This fungi enslaves Humanity I wish to get into ALL the courses for High School I want next year
  2. You forgot something about Canada - Their rocket, the Black Brant series. Over 800 have been launched
  3. First things first - I am terrible at Aesthetics. But, I know how to make a non-practical things. Also, I am terrible at names. The Low Profile Plane As the title suggests, it isn't. Infact - It has terrible flight. But it flys, and I enjoy it so, http://www./view/4x1nw55lx1v1lgh/Low_Profile_Plane.craft SPECS Top Speed - Above 300 Handling - Poor Landing - Hard Armed - No KIG 13 - A plane I made for fun, and named MIG instead of KIG. Whoops. I like it, and has weapons! Without Weapons http://www./view/forq12eqxk6f1j1/MIG_13.craft With Bombs http://www./view/3hluvbk6alrac6i/MIG_13_(Bombs).craft With Missiles http://www./view/iy0587522hukvi6/MIG_13_(Missile).craft With Both Missiles and Bombs http://www./view/iy6uz83bx3lzza3/MIG_13_(Missile_AND_Bomb).craft SPECS Top Speed - 286 M/S Handling - Great Landing - Medium Armed - Very BOMB SPECS Max Speed - 250 M/S MISSILE SPECS Max Speed - 300M/S
  4. Can I get a summary of the news in the Squadcast?
  5. Why is this here? I mean, sure it's a minecraft server and advertisements. But why?
  6. Do not get only 4 gigs of ram. You won't be able to do much more processes in the background. Get 8, or 6 even
  7. http://mnras.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2014/02/19/mnras.stu083.long Oh yea, I was joking with a friend about this. I would make the joke here, but in fear of angry moderators I will not
  8. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=232875670 Showing The Destroyer my bombs
  9. Well, for me it's middle school, grade 9. The thing is - the school has a lot of kids in it, that I can infect.
  10. As the title suggests. I seem to have a virus that is killing me (not literally), and I am missing 4 days. On the fifth, I suspect I will be bombarded with homework and the 2 tests I missed. How can I catch up on all my stuff? Thanks!
  11. I feel as if the forums will be a littttlllleeee bit bias about this.
  12. Granted. The ISS is about 5 seconds to be in the atmosphere to burn up I wish for strawberries to be more juicy
  13. 4/10 I don't like much of it, but there is no pictures or ribbons so I like it
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