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Everything posted by TheCanadianVendingMachine

  1. Ah, I see the problem now. This happened to me twice now. Sometimes, Shaw just decides that you don't need internet for a month, or two. Then it goes back to normal. Happens a lot, frankly. But Shaw is better with its Gigabit internet it's spreading across Alberta through Edmonton.
  2. 8/10 Nice quote, no ribbons But not enough quotes
  3. I am going to repost my quote, because no one guessed it... "It’s a sultry night in July. You’ve fallen asleep in the armchair. Abruptly, you startle awake, disoriented. The television set is on, but not the sound. You strain to understand what you’re seeing. Two ghostly white figures in coveralls and helmets are softly dancing under a pitch-black sky. They make strange little skipping motions, which propel them upward amid barely perceptible clouds of dust. But something is wrong. They take too long to come down. Encumbered as they are, they seem to be flyingâ€â€a little. You rub your eyes, but the strange tableau persists."
  4. You guys do know, that the NASA pack is a small DLC, right? They are going to release the NASA pack, but bigger(maybe) for DLC's.
  5. ULA, why? It's Boeing. And Lockheed Martin. Those are 2 huge aerospace enginnering companies. They can make a spaceplane if they wanted
  6. In Canada, you can get your Student Pilots license at 14, and then your full one at 16. Well, as long as you have your hours. But Student Drivers is 14, and drivers is 16 as well
  7. Testing this now - About to install a "few" mods. Will report on if you can go above 4 Gigs
  8. 1. Civilization V 2. Armed Assault 3. ARMA II 4. ARMA II: Operation Arrowhead 5. Microsoft Flight Simulator X
  9. Actually, no. I just don't like SpaceX. I wish that the government of the USA would realize that it has a much greater potential instead of - Hurr, Murica... I do hate SpaceX, though.
  10. All the mods, and including the Rennisance pack Deadly Re-entry
  11. C3PO, Star Wars episode 4 "It’s a sultry night in July. You’ve fallen asleep in the armchair. Abruptly, you startle awake, disoriented. The television set is on, but not the sound. You strain to understand what you’re seeing. Two ghostly white figures in coveralls and helmets are softly dancing under a pitch-black sky. They make strange little skipping motions, which propel them upward amid barely perceptible clouds of dust. But something is wrong. They take too long to come down. Encumbered as they are, they seem to be flyingâ€â€a little. You rub your eyes, but the strange tableau persists."
  12. "Hey, USA Congress. Do you want the United States of America to be cemented into human history, forever? As the great, and powerful nation that sent humans where no one has gone before? Well, you have a great chance right now. You are currently giving NASA half of a penny out of everyone's taxes. Raise this up to two pennies, and you can give NASA a good chance. I hope you do realize that your nation will not survive, unless if you do something. Something is now. Give NASA another chance, and a great time to get out of LEO." Say that to them, see if they will get NASA a greater budget
  13. I didn't watch the video, because it's 25 minutes, but I did listen to the liftoff sound. It is a great sound, although it does get choppy. May want to reduce that.
  14. Oh, and by the way. This is almost where Apollo 11 landed in real life. Just less rocky, and dangerous.
  15. http://www.allworkallplay.org/games/orbitaldebris/ I found this game around, and it deals with kessler effect. You will see as you play
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