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Everything posted by TheCanadianVendingMachine

  1. The devs have a plan for the game, and it is going on the right track right now. Currently, the devs said no to any procedual, as for they think it ruins creativity within the game.
  2. Yea, if the meteor was in space, and the phone was going 1m/s slower than the soon to be meteor. If it hit earth? No. If it direct hit it, it would be flattened and destroyed.
  3. Sorry to ask, but, why is Telemachus only used on LAN. Why can't it be used across the internet? Sorry, but I am not a web specialist
  4. Well, I was riding my bike. I looked both ways, and went. A bus turned a corner and was going towards me. I stared at it, and got passed the crosswalk I mean, it was about 30 meters away, but it is still scary seeing the front of a bus going toward you at 30km/h
  5. No, just to save space on the thread. Not everyone wants to see all the pictures
  6. You should put your pictures in Just quote this post to find out how
  7. Sigh, I wish I will live until NASA does something huge again. Thanks for sharing!
  8. Granted. However, you cannot wish two wishes ahead I wish for more people to use boo
  9. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=131648680&searchtext=wario Giving this to a friend. Don't ask why
  10. So does that mean, if your lucky, you can have it capture itself? (Ignoring the 2.5km range. Lets say you have a probe also deorbiting)
  11. As the title should suggest, a question to the Devs. Will the asteroids have a chance to get hit by the Mun, or Minmus and destroyed?
  12. What I specialize in? Well, I can build lifters to get me to Duna based on guesswork Same to any planet And Kerbol "escape"
  13. As the title should suggest, post your favourite film scores here. Any movie, as long as has a great theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCgeRv36lMM Personally, those are my two best music's in any movie.
  14. Granted. Instead you get banned I wish for me to become a better programmer
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