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Everything posted by TheCanadianVendingMachine

  1. Quite easily, especially if you really want something to do. Instead of the "Test a part" contracts. Lets hope 0.25 has better ones...
  2. Or do something Bohemia Interative does. Put a "No one has posted in this thread for X days" on the top of the thread. Example.
  3. This is a bug I have encountered before. It's when KSP runs out of memory/CPU power. Not and easter egg, the shovel, however. Is not
  4. It's disabled because of security breaches.
  5. This is a feature I never thought of. But now want. I agree completley, it's something like the newly relesed Buzz Aldrins Space Program Manager, and Buzz Aldrins Race into Space.
  6. Seems to be a bug, like I had in my game a few months ago Here
  7. And THATS the reason why the Devs didn't release the x64 version, when they said that there was bugs
  8. Variety? Something to actually look at to do, instead of just clicking and accepting? Of course they won't be simple things. But they will be more like "Test This giant engine in low sun orbit".
  9. Hello! I am bringing up this topic that I posted before the April forum glitch. So I will tell it again The idea is that there can be a Kerbal Prince (example), which offers you to do a greatly difficult thing, for a great price. You would do this, but then nothing in return. He would be easily identifiable, but still hard to tell if he is legit or not
  10. It could be that Mechjeb switched directions. Instead of backwards, it's now forwards
  11. Banned because you banned the wrong person. Bad banning moderator (That was a joke persisting to this thread only. Had to clarify this)
  12. I cannot find this in the forbidden posts category. But are conspiracy theories now allowed to be discussed?
  13. The Sims 2 Ultimate collection is free for July 23rd, 2014. That means you get all the DLC, and the game for today only How to get - Go to Origin. Redeem a product. Redeem the code "I-LOVE-THE-SIMS" (Remove quotations) Have fun!
  14. TBH, there does to be a subtle raise in intrest for space, it seems. With more, and more countries going into space. More news coverage
  15. Moderators Space Shuttle Challenger
  16. A M134 Minigun, duel wielded to a AH9 "Little Bird" helicopter. Challenger
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