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Everything posted by TheCanadianVendingMachine

  1. Hmm, on the log it says the person disconnected. All the time, whenever someone joins
  2. Personally, I don't see why you have to lift a lot to orbit anyhow. I find 23 tons to be pretty good. I have a rocket that can lift (almost)any payload up to the Mun in it's first stage alone. Sure, Jet's are more efficient, but what about part count? A basic 23 part rocket can get heavy payloads into orbit, even space stations.
  3. I have a question, what will happen with the Deep Space Kraken? Or are the planets still within the "habitable" zone of the Kerbol system?
  4. Can we see your development schedule? As in: What you will do next. Something like Frizzank did
  5. With the magic boulder, a friend found out that if you do a EVA report, it hints the Magic Boulder. Again, on Ike
  6. @Nathan, well, 100, 000x time warp. Takes a long time to warp to Jool in default KSP. Imagine real planet size KSP
  7. Yes. With 7-zip and the default extractor. I have the files of all the engine cfgs and resources, but no RealSettings.cfg
  8. Eight. Eight. Eight. Eight. Eight. Eight. Eight. Eight. Eight. Eight. Eight. Eight. Eight. Eight. Eight. Eight. Eight. Eight. Eight. Eight. Eight. Eight.
  9. Nathan, I meant how does your mod, this one I presume, edit FASA. I think I heard you say it will scale it up?
  10. First of all, Unity can't handle much particles. Second of all, Eve is Venus
  11. How do the mods work? I mean, with FASA, does it make it realistic, or do I have to mod it myself?
  12. Bug: Ship shakes it's self apart. I have FAR, Your mod, and DR. Edit, its launch clamps
  13. Also, is this the developer thread? Or do I post suggestions into the other?
  14. Whoo! Finally, a release stable enough for the main thread! Edit: First.
  15. Can you have Technodes, lets say, upgrade your tracking station at all? As in - Longer ranges for communication?
  16. Squad says "No random damages or errors to ships in flight. This is to prevent you from being halfway to Jool, then a random failure will ruin the mission"
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