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Everything posted by TheCanadianVendingMachine

  1. So, as the Title says. Do you, community? Of course, when they know it is done.
  2. Wow, Whackjob. Didn't know that you had so many faces
  3. Actually, KSP Weekly goes out in about 2 hours for me So stop dreaming.
  4. Really? Wow, congrats on this. It is actually funny. Anyhow, I already downloaded an installed. Thanks!
  5. I have a question, once Easter is over, do all the easter eggs in the world dissapear? No.
  6. The peasants? Idea: Virus's. Lots of them. Although, I have no idea how to get it to them
  7. Granted. You spontanisouly combust I wish I can fix this bug...
  8. Well, allmhuran, the sandbox mode is complete. Nothing can be added to it. Now, Sandbox mode doesn't include planets, parts, or anything of the such
  9. Do you know about the easier mod system yet? GameData is your friend, just copy and paste the folder inside the zip to the Gamedata folder. Do note - NOT IN THE SQUAD FOLDER
  10. No one remember the magic boulder? With it's strange green streams? No one?!
  11. Yes, how is G-Force measured. I want to find out something on a project I am working on. Thanks!
  12. How powerful is your computer? I'm wondering, just for "statistics"
  13. Now, after this thread is locked, lets go fourwards in our lives
  14. Kerbal Name: James Kerman Quote:"Never trust sheep..."
  15. The forums, where destroyed. In April of 2013, thousands lost. It was a fight we all had to survive, we knew. It went on for several days, it was tragic. Some, didn't survive. Others did, but they lost many numbers.
  16. I have a bug to report - With Orion, the parachutes bring me down at 40m/s
  17. Deploy it at a higher altitude. That way, the terminal velocity of the chute is lesser than the cargo. The parachute fly's out and idles
  18. It is exactly the same. The chute deploys, but the air drag isn't high enough so it "idles"
  19. No, asfor that is a paid version. Only unpaid ones are avaliable until the devs say. Also, don't necro threads, even though this one shouldn't be locked in the pits of despair
  20. Oh Whackjob. You will have a 1000 part asymetrical SSTO if I know you
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