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Everything posted by TheCanadianVendingMachine

  1. Hello all, I am going to make a game called: As easy as drinking water. The game will be about making atoms and so on. This will continue until you make H2O, which will be the end game. Maybe. If anyone wants to help with art assets or the actual making of the game, please do tell me. Also, if I have anything wrong please tell me, as for I am no major in Chemestry. Thanks!
  2. Add a Science Get variable for the mod! Then you can say "Get atleast 20 science on this missions" for a bonus!
  3. Random explosions - Happened in 0.18 for me Parachute always had sound
  4. He already fixed multiplayer. It wasn't that hard, what is harder is rotation. Read the OP
  5. No? They can't jump to that, unless if they have 28 more versions. They can jump from 0.22 - 1.0 if they wanted. Why? Because 1.0 is the full version, when they think the game is done
  6. When the KSP forums is the first link when you say "K" in google
  7. Always Make a LES on manned craft Same launch stage for every rocket Never Do Put anything nuclear on manned rockets
  8. But, they said 10/16/2013 In my timezone it is the 10th day of the 16th month of the 13th year
  9. Nova made a muffler mod. Let me see if I can find a link... Edit - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/50236-0-21-Audio-Muffler
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