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Everything posted by TheCanadianVendingMachine

  1. Well, you see, the campaign isn't going to be scripted. It will be sandbox mode with money.
  2. Did you try it yourself? *Inset link here to challenge rule page*
  3. Well, it DOES work, sometimes. I used it for 0.20 but not 0.21 as for it wasn't really working. Still, you can try
  4. Well, mine are a choice between the Saturn-V, and this
  5. Well, nothing is stationary unless if you are in a perfect Geo Sync orbit. I mean perfect, as in 0 m/s of movement. Even then, you are orbiting the Sun.
  6. This is highly detailed, and isn't a community project...
  7. 1. Procedual Fuel Tanks! Procedual Wings! Procedual Fairings! 2. Hi! 3. Possibly 4. Explode from the heart out
  8. You need to update the OP: Better planet loading systems Engine Updates Model Updates More Efficient Code
  9. You see, it is because most people don't care for the third world countries. Sadly, most of these are news reporters.
  10. Well, you see, Chad Jenkins (C7Studios), a KSP dev, said he forwarded this to Harv.
  11. He actually made the terrain custom. You can tell if you spawn it from the KerbTown plugin
  12. No, even though people want it like that what about the people who don't? Personally, that would mess me up. I would then want it to be changed back. Then you lot would be telling me to just press Q.
  13. Ah, well then. I thought you would still need it but never the less, I like this mod
  14. I took the time to get the images, then import them into Imgur. OP, feel free to copy and paste the links. Here are the photos: And where's the source code?
  15. To add onto the OP: Instead of that, it's the KSP weekly. That is of course if it is still around then
  16. Send virus into Survivalist.computer ERROR: Virus sending cancled by Cure.exe Cure.exe running... Zombie.exe delete? [Y][N]
  17. I have seen you around, so I would say 7.53/10
  18. Zeb, it was there since timewarp was implemented. It just speeds up physics to 4x. You can use this in atmosphere and in space.
  19. Hello all, I am asking just one question: Have you actually tried to simulate physics at time warp? Or did you just assume that it would lag. I am assuming you did, but just to make sure I must ask basic questions Thanks!
  20. what you are looking for is a gif. I do not think there is any other formats for moving images beside stop motion.
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