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Everything posted by LaydeeDem

  1. Your signature is violating the rules. It's way too big. Might I add that adding text and an artistic filter is hardly art.
  2. Sillisko posted these in the awesome ksp pictures thread:
  3. Get the TKS in a slightly lower, (5km difference orbit) and gradually catch up with the station. Once the station is slightly behind you in map view, raise your apoapsis to the target craft's height. Once within 1km, use gentle RCS taps to maneuver ever so slightly closer to you station.
  4. Yeah I know. I just cleaned out my mods folder. I had it before.
  5. I used NovaPunch. I could probably do it stock but I just downloaded Novapunch and wanted to have some fun with it.
  6. I just moved the camera. I don't have attached Cameras yet.
  7. I just pulled off my first rendezvous! It feels awesome! Launching of Ageena target vessel: Nosecone Separation! The vessel, docking node and all: Launch of the (very ugly) manned vessel Geminimi: Gravity Turn: General coolness here: Some catching up later: Getting closer: Approaching! Aww yea Docking! Al Kerman hops out for some fresh air: Thompwig Kerman joins Al next to Ageena: Deorbiting Ageena: Deorbiting Geminimi with KSC below. You can see the runway from space! Chute Deploy: Slowing Down: Landed safely!
  8. So, who's going to be the first to take a dip in Eve's mercury oceans?
  9. How do you replicate it, might I ask?
  10. BUSTED! You stole models and didn't give credit!!!! http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/15348-0-16-Spaceplane-parts-rescales-edits-and-additions?highlight=ramjet EDIT: Mods and original author have been notified. YOU ARE GOING DOWN.
  11. That's no golf ball. That's Mimas! Aka deathstar in real life.
  12. I'll help you out. Do not post Release Date speculation!
  13. The unmanned core isn't unmanned. I killed three Kerbonauts Please add this to the part.cfg:
  14. I agree completely with this. Mechjeb is only good when it comes to the info. Many times my rockets hate high G's so I have to fly it carefully otherwise it will blow up during the gravity turn. EDIT: And all attempts to land nearby another craft have failed miserably with mechjeb. All of my Munar landings are manual.
  15. If I remember correctly the night side of Moho should be relatively safe considering it's tidally locked.
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