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Everything posted by LaydeeDem

  1. Oh. The 3d glasses weren't official though.
  2. You should see a doctor. EDIT: You're probably going to get punished for that.
  3. This is why I stick to rockets. Every Kerbonaut who flies a space plane thinks they're eligible for the Top Gun award, when they clearly aren't.
  4. Mods take time. Don't be so impatient.
  5. It simulates physics in timewarp. You can control your engines, rcs, spaceplanes at up to 10x time warp.
  6. I wont have to use landing gear for animations anymore! I love you as well.
  7. I'm starting to think there needs to be harsher rules for bumping a dead thread.
  8. I seriously hope the OP made a typo when he said he wanted to parachute on the lunar surface. There is no air on the Moon/Mun. NASA even has to be careful on Mars missions because the air is not enough to slow the craft down.
  9. Payment or not, I'm still going to procrastinate on my mod projects.
  10. Kerbal is really clever in that it only renders what's around you. This enables a giant universe with minimal lag.
  11. No. That is impossible. Mammals descended from reptiles and even lived alongside the dinosaurs. Many dinosaurs had to protect their eggs from small, possum like mammals. Some of these mammals began to go up into trees after the KT extinction and later evoled into primates, which then evolved into hominids including us.
  12. Or you can edit the internal setup and set crewcapacity to zero. Check my blog.
  13. They work horribly in the atmosphere. NERVAs are vacuum engines. No one is going to be firing NERVAs in our atmosphere.
  14. Does your part have a normal map? Invert the green channel on your normal.
  15. We are getting adapters next update. You may want to try the KW PLF pack and Novapunch in the mean time.
  16. Soonâ„¢ I have been really busy in real life. All sequel animations I've made don't feel right. I'm getting close.
  17. Fuel hug fix as well. Also stronger decouplers and the large sas and large rcs. And the miniboosters too.
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