I landed NEAR Shoemaker on an asteroid sized body, what more do you want? Seriously though I recorded the whole thing so you can see. Should be up soon.
Calm down. Let him have his fun. He's new to this game and this is the first time he saw the Mun arch. Despite your new username, VincentMcBuzzkill still applies to you.
I didn't realize a silly comment I made could derail a thread so much. Sorry Jeebs. We should be congratulating you, not debating how the Mun arch was made.
Trial and error buddy, trial and error. How do you think us bitter vets made it to the Mun before plugins? Anyways I assume this lander takes advantage of the fuel bug?
Yes I know. But that was BEFORE earth had water. Even if it did, it would be vaporized by the impact and none would survive to make features. Plus, in a vacuum, the water would boil off the moon anyways.
It should go like this: 1. Back up sound you wish to replace for example: sound_rocket_spurts.wav in the "sounds" folder. 2. Rename your sound to sound_rocket_spurts or whatever sound you're replacing. Make sure you made it a .wav. 3. Plop it in the sounds folder 4. It should work!