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Jean Deaux

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Everything posted by Jean Deaux

  1. Hey hey! Gratz! The more in-line (direction, speed, inclination) you are the better you will be at getting your relative speed to zero. I honestly wouldn't worry about being at zero, you're never really going to be "perfectly" matched until you're physically docked to something. As long as your relative speed is .3 or less there's plenty enough time to maneuver around before the distance becomes too great to interact. In space, close is a pretty garsh darn big area in comparison to what we think close is for ourselves. Basically the higher your relative speed the smaller your window of opportunity will be for an encounter and a higher risk for physical damage if contact is made.
  2. You really need to work on that bed-side manner as you're implying no thought was given this subject matter and I find that a bit rude. Thanks everyone! I think what was adding to my confusion was the atmospheric pressure gauge just below the altimeter indicator. Once I hit the light blue area I was expecting "Kerbal like" atmospheric performance. Apparently this is not how this gauge should be interpreted.
  3. I've been at this game a while now, but have only fairly recently gotten space planes down. I've successfully flown to Duna and have landed on the surface, but have had to do so as if I were on the mun as the atmosphere does not appear to provide any lift at all on my wing surfaces. The air breathing engines do not get any oxygen to run (not totally unexpected as nothing says it has to be an atmosphere of oxygen) but I'll admit I'm surprised that my wing and control surfaces have no effect on steering or with lift. Is this normal, or is the 64bit updated version got a bug in it? I've got EVE on my to-do list and I've seen posts using parachutes to descend so can I expect to find a fully flyable atmosphere on Eve?
  4. Welcome to the club! I gotta tell you, it took me over year to get in myself, so I know what you're feeling. Gratz!
  5. Good luck, shout out a good Yeaaa Baby!!!! when you finally real him in.
  6. This was my favorite part of this challenge, was finding the needle in the haystack of emptiness. Here's some tips that I use that may help you. The Navball is your friend here, be sure you have your Kerbal targeted so he'll show up on the Navball as a target to steer towards (pro grade or retrograde). Once you're close, keep your speed slow just as you would a docking maneuver. Now you just need a point of reference to help align your view to your target. I like to use the sun because it's so easy to find. What I do is point the nose of my ship directly towards my target (the floating Kerbal) and rotate the navball to a level/horizontal plane so I can easily tell North & South and take my relationship of where my nose is pointing and where I am in relationship to the sun. If the sun is behind me and the angle is up and left, when I switch to the Kerbal using the "[" key I know I should be looking towards the sun down and right (the opposite direction). The ship should be easier to see than the Kerbal, and simply use your RCS pack to fly the Kerbal to the ship. You may have to bounce back and forth a few times until you're close enough but this method worked for me without fail.
  7. If you were a terrible pilot and needed money, those boring tasks would be perfect. Be thankful you don't need them and can simply ignore or decline them (that big red X there on the right of the screen). A good game considers all types of pilots, good and bad, be glad this one does that.
  8. Rumor has it there may be a hidden universe out there, maybe you can find it!
  9. My list of the minor things currently in game... 1) TT18-A Launch stabilizers going to some odd stage instead of to the very last stage of the current design. 2) The navball being minimized by default on the Map view 3) VAB assemblies starting out with the gear indicator turned On even though the gear is Off on the launchpad. 4) Closing a window grabs a part off your current assembly, mucking up your progress 5) Spaceplane flights are rather jerky and tough to control
  10. Conditions for the mission are to load into a command "module" and return to Kerbal safely. So yah, any other method of retrieval is a fail.
  11. I haven't made it to the huge piece count rockets yet, so I'm not really noticing much of a difference, but then again I have a high end machine and have been running at max settings in 32 bit mode. The only difference I've noticed so far is that the Kerbal animations in the cockpit cameras are no longer smooth and animated. It's now more like a slideshow with insta-changes between facial positions and expressions.
  12. Wouldn't it just be easier for those who want Ironmad mode, simply not to load from a previous save, and perhaps even further, don't save?
  13. I'm a visual guy, I'm terrible at remembering names/words n such. As-is, I'm writing down (electronically on another screen) the parts I need and the test conditions. (Yes, I know there's a pop up window with the same stuff but I find it too small to be useful when I have multiple monitors with a much larger display that works better for these old eyes). If a graphic image of the part to be tested were to pop up, it would be much easier to remember/identify which parts are being referred to as opposed to having to switch back and forth between mission control and the assembly building to identify the part in question. "Ideally" you could have those mission windows as separate windows I can position on my screen anywhere as well, but that seems like I might be asking too much.
  14. Love proving negative attitudes wrong. Positive can-do attitudes get you to SPACE!!!!
  15. While I do a agree, this is a slippery slope. Earlier on the development that was the plan, to charge more for additional development but there was a player base "UPROAR" over that, so much so Squad made all future updates free. Yes a few of us are willing to pay for quality stuff, but the masses will disagree. It's also the down side of the jumpstart program, you pre-sell seats at a discount to raise funds at the cost of getting full price (or additional) funds down the road from those already vested. Nature of the beast.
  16. There's still 2 days left in the work week, it could still happen!
  17. The burning question is, did he make it back home to Kerbal?
  18. Spaceship in a can, just add water? Waaaay to much free time there, but amusing.
  19. Don't think you're getting promoted to Captain Sunshine anytime soon.
  20. This week... I've got a good feeling about this week. This is a great week for an update! Do you feel it too?
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