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Everything posted by Atanar

  1. You know you can repair weels on EVA? Also, you can just start building with a probe and put a command module on that, it will be empty then.
  2. You can't cluster the nuclear engines like that anyway, the jettison of the cover would blow them away.
  3. Your signature? But how did you get the idea "cursus" means boosters? That means cicle, circuit, course etc. as far as I know. Closest I found is "rocheta" which seems to be a suspicious neologism. I would use "radius ignifer" which literally means firestick.
  4. Thank you! I love you! Exactly what I wanted!
  5. I have a very specific request because I know what I want but I am horrible at image manipulation. I want to parody the "house martell" symbol from "a song of ice and fire": I want my flag to have space with kerbol (maybe the wiki picture) and some stars in the backround, and this type rocket in front of the "sun": I also want a nice, readable caption saying " Acnun Odagelbod, Acnun Otor" (which is reverse spanish for the house words according to the spanish asoiaf-wiki). Of course it should be as symbolic as possible, but the "spear" should be recogniseable as a spaceship. And yes, the "unbroken" in combination with ksp is the joke. Ps: Should the bones below not be a lot shorter?
  6. I tried it finally: First I made a Rover for all the kerbals that I wanted to load in: And drove it to my rocket waiting on the launch pad: Loaded my kerbals onto it: But then my transport vehicle I got hit by the space kraken (I dropped a kerbal seemingly too hard onto the launch pad): So I took off with the 8 Kerbals I got cause I did not want to load it with kerbals again: Highest altitude: Funny thing is,7 out of 8 Kerbals survived the impact back on the planet: I earned myself 703 points. The point system you posted is flawed I think. It boils down to how many kerbals you can get over 10 kilometer altitude.
  7. What's the method of comparioson then ? Part count for the landing stage?
  8. What else is there? Is this basically the challenge to land on RCS? I am totally going to try that.
  9. What I like to show off: What I usually use:
  10. Don't you know that Kerbals are sponges that reproduce by budding?
  11. Do it get bonus points if I build a ship that atually looks like a ship?
  12. One question though, why the hell do you use the very heavy rockomax decouplers? Is it that much cheaper?
  13. The placement of the RCS matters a lot. If you want to turn you should place thrusters in 4-symetry somewhere away from the centre of mass. Same goes for the command module torque.
  14. If they are covered, they need space besides them when activated. Blocking does not help. Try to place them so they have no side panels.
  15. I would redesign your lander, it's way too heavy for what it's supposed to do. How many kerbals are on the Mun? A lander like this would already be enough to bring back 3 kerbals: (there is a generator clipped inside, I also forgot the fuel lines from the outer tanks to the inner one)
  16. You go to settings from the main menue. It determins the maximum amount of debris that is kept in your save file. Once you set it to 0 and load your save, all debris will be deleted.
  17. When you get your ship in orbit just to watch destroy itself with dockingport-wobbelyness. Also, when you throttle up 5 small steps when you are about to land...
  18. I have gone from LKO to use the Mun gravity to get out of Kerbins SOI, is that efficient or am I wasting my time?
  19. Too bad you did not get sponsored by Batt Man.
  20. Not a flying object, but still very improbable: It works with the magnet force of the docking ports, and it seems to pick up speed as long as you let it run.
  21. Name: Mun Transfer Station Size: 25 parts with 9,385 Mass units. Capacity: 8 Kerbals and a big tank of RCS fuel Features: - Probe Core, will not be debris without kerbals - Which means: It's empty, no return flight needed - Two big docking ports as well as two small ones, no worries about incomparbility - Well-placed lights that light up the entrances as well as the docking ships (can't see the 2 on the back side pointing outwards on my screenshots but they are there) - only one generator to power them all as well as the probe core, no solar panels to bump into - RCS with a big tank - 2 ladders reaching out so you can get inside easier (I fiddled with more ladders but they don't help if you can't climb to the entrance with them) - fully tested, I brought it in Mun orbit myself without any mods Screeshots (on the dark side of the mun to show the lights): Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6fkdqo2tdxr6za4/Mun%20Tansfer%20Station.craft
  22. Made a prototype so we are sure what's being discussed: I just don't know yet were to put the RCS thrusters.
  23. Besides Danny2462 I also like HOCgaming and Macey Dean.
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