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Everything posted by Aragosnat

  1. I know that feeling. Have to pick someone up soon too. T.T But, good news is it will be there waiting.
  2. Main reason for not being released then... Christmas... Yup. Same reason for not doing it as they want to have it withotu needing to work. Pluse it would be 16th or 23rd both are on a Tuesday. Since they released showing and the common youtubers have released as well. That leaves 16th. So much likely tommorow.
  3. Well last night got a Duna Intercept that I should have waitied to do for my probes: Other then that. Got a roid around the Mün while it was still in Mün's SOI. Just needed to make my pull have wider placed thrusters or use a larger center stack. Which would do the same:
  4. Played around with Cannardless SSTO planes. Harder to do in stock then I thought. First Successful one: Then I tried to make one like this but found out that the control surfaces just dont like the v shaped wings. They did the opposite of what I needed them to do. So I tried it without. Was able to life off. But, not gain enough altitude: Then tried the twin turbo jet engine approch with a lot less air intakes. I still prefur a lot of them then so few. But, at least I was able to get an orbit: Also wish that there was just a liquid fuel version twin attachment node as that could have allowed me more time to burn the jets longer.
  5. Yeah. Just depends on what you are trying to put in there and how you arrange and what you are attaching to it. Here is a simple example on how to avoid things sticking out as well as what can fit in the tiny bay: Remember you can mix and match sizes. Also Struts are your friends. But, at least 0.90 will give us bigger bays to put bigger crafts in.
  6. Agree that having satellites and rovers/landing uncover them. But, also have tracking stations upgrades do the same. Just not at the same level that a satellite/rover/lander will be getting. Also would be nice if sats, rovers, and craft can spot certain pesky things temporarily. A neat thing if possable would be to have the areas known only when the tracking station/satellite could see it. So it would give reasons to drop probes/bases as well as rovers to them. Also since it is clear you have the areas marked. Might as well not let the work go to waste.
  7. 600 parts it seems to be before I start to notice a slight lag at my highish settings.
  8. More like weekend trip since it takes about 1-2 days to get there and back. But, missions I like. The ones I make and finally finish.
  9. Kracken ate a bit of wing off when landing But it was still able to land without troubles. Might be ale to do with less wings: Other then finding out my Mobile Science Lab Rover does not work on Minmus, no surprise there, been refueling my roid catchers that are in a clock wise orbits around Kerbin.
  10. I have a few. Mainly as there is no way to get them back easily. Mainly highly damaged rovers with one still working as intended on the Mün.
  11. Well had fun getting this SSTO Plane up, yes it is dark. Just look at the speed and Altitude and Air intake: Which soon after I flamed out. But, was still neet to do as I now have a decent Kerbal Rescue craft or return. Thing as inline docking port. Just need a station in orbit for it to dock too. This SSTO suffered from a cracken attack and lost both Delta wings and flaps. But, it still landed at KSC without any problems and had no problem holding a heading at 80 degree mark when re-entering: A nicer looking picture for first SSTO plane shown well above:
  12. Well. I'll try and finish up my Duna and Eve runs. Hopefully I'll finish before then. If not. Oh well. Time to bash new features and get my orange suits back.
  13. Did something for fun and discovred magic: Yeah. I know it has been done before and enjoyed this Mün setting too: Been busy playing with SSTO planes.
  14. Sorry to hear that. You could have used satalites around Kerbin, Mün or Minmus, and have colonies of Kerbals on Mün and Minmus to plant flags. Doing such contracts gain funds back and very very little science increase.
  15. Built and got this up in orbit yestarday: Already have Ideas on how I can make it better or at least more effecient, maybe. Also the ion drive is attached to an undocking probe that will be used to explore the sun. For fun.
  16. Well. Finally finished my Mün Rover drive of Mün to gain all science from it except the first few landings (only landed at 2 diffrent biomes) that gave me a boost to get better science stuff. This is the type of angles it can live through: This is the road trip I had taken using the second rover that was delivered with the first. Top of East Crater down to the edge of it to gather the polar and polar lowlands then dashed over to Southwest crater then went north to Northwest Crater again for reasons then went to Polar Crater then headed to Farside Crater then West to East Farside crater: I would have done all that with my first one if I had not had an accident in Northwet Basin. But, Delivered a crew transfer over to get them back to the second one with all the science they had gathered; yes I could have just returned them to get the science. But, was more fun to keep it and store it on the second for the end total as you can see here: And with that I finished off the tech tree again and basicly goofing off while I wait for some crafts to return from a quick in and out of Kerbin SOI and a Correction Burn for a Duna fly-bye. =^.^=
  17. Well. Made it past FArside Crater from the Polar Crater: This is how far I drove on Mün before calling it a night which when trying to get back to KSC game crashed: 377 km. Was trying to reach East Farside Crater. But was getting to tired to keep on going.
  18. Currently 40k in Funds. But, trying to get one that does more the get Kerbals. Think it can care a small payload too. About 2 tons or less?
  19. Yeah. They are useful for using on small probes. But, most of the time by the time I need small probes I can get bigger more useful ones or have access to the other tiny engine parts that make such a part not look as good and more costly then the Rockomax 48-7s. Now if we had square or rectangle fuel tanks and decouplers. Then the ant might be perfect. Also it might be alright for a Mün or Minmus Escape craft with a rover seat attached or for repositioning light Sattilites that have fuel and a docking port for just in case you want to move it around when it runs out of fuel.
  20. Well had fun going from x place at Northwest Crater to the Polar Crater on Mün which ended up giving mer a bout 277 km long trip in one stretch: Here is my little trip indicator of where I started and went with this second very very long lived rover. Started from East Crater worked south to the edge of it (flags hiden by letters) then went west to the Southwest Crater then north up to Northwest Crater for my first long drive which I forgot to take a snapshot of then this long drive of 277 km to the Lower right side of the Polar Crater: Tommorrow I'll be heading down towards Farside Crater then West again, if there is enough daylight, towards East Farside Crater
  21. Well I went sight seeing in my longest lived rover ever went to here: Think you know all where that is I went. Had a few hours of rover driving last night went over 130 km. Not sure what the total was for that duration as I forgot to look and snap a pick. Heading to the Polar Crater after I get out of this certain crater.
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