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Everything posted by Aragosnat

  1. Kerbal funerals? As a good player might never see one. Craters are moar likely though dispite the fact a boared good player will find it just as fast. But, from the sounds it could be something a Kerbal can interact with maybe. Something like the soccerball. Oh. might be Kerbals can pick stuff up now and toss it around? Oh what? Think a mod does something like that? Maybe we will have Kerbals act out the Hoth Battle scene and have grappling hook gun to latch onto ships? Or magnetic boots for our Kerbals. Since if you are good with EVA you don't need to worry about sticking onto your craft.
  2. Yes. I taught another person who plays this game the get out and Push method as well recently. Also was the first time they EVA'ed too.
  3. Yeah. Sucks to think I might have to restart again just to avoid a broken save.
  4. Had some fun getting super sonic air effects: Was amaized that I got such speeds on said craft. Some time warp witch craft/non-witch craft: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/539626645480292717/2ADFD6473B6DC93E5BFF514232ADE05BE6A5F836/ http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/539626645480286346/B6A88C0F63F55D15684B8ABCB4C2826004FD18CB/ All the while as I wait for my refueler to catch up with one of my captured roids as well as waiting to capture another roid.
  5. Well. Built my shuttle and docked for my Interplanetary craft so glad struts don't act like they exist: Here is a shot of just the Shuttle: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/539626189500192713/1C6C8E02A64EF02D9579DA680AC979796B63EAB2/ The shuttle has a nice 2 ion drives for interplanetry runs if need be. Unlikely to be useful but it still helps out the the LV-909 which will be used for when the extra umph is needed. But, the main use will be to transfer science and Kerbals from lower orbits to a higher one to hopefully make it to orbit another planet's moon(s) if there is one.
  6. When starting out yes. I make sure the Kerbal has a way to live some how. But, if the design is clearly a useable one. Then no need.
  7. What are you not hoping for reasources other stars to travel too or even KSP2? But, yeah. I would like them to work on bug fixes in addition to adding moar content as well as much needed mental brakes so they can come up with there next great push. Then again. Could be missing yer point too. =^.^=
  8. Not yet for the Science to funds. Was mentioned that it was in the works. But, from the sounds of it they scrapped that idea, maybe, for 0.25 as they went with something else that was mentioned in one of the Dev notes. Think it was the one before last. Yes. It certainly would be nice to have moar ways to spend Science on. One way would have been get a mod that increases all the tech trees costs. Other then adding mods. Just have fun exploring the system. Kind of like what I'm doing right now. Building a multi-docked craft that will farry Kerbals to other planets SOI. Become, the next Whackjob and bring your pc to its knees, begging for mercy.
  9. Might be the only sane Kerbal way of getting off Eve. =^.^=
  10. Just use default starting parts for as long as you can or just play like you normally do. Also... It is possible to get to Minmus, land, get a science (depending on how long you want to stay, you could walk to all the biomes on Minmus to get 1 soil and the 2 EVA reports) and come back. Just be warned you will not get the Explore Contract Mission to do Minmus if you get to Minmus before getting the Mün Contract.
  11. To the op. If you want to avoid similar dumb comments. Post yer pc specs as well as if it is a lap top or deck top. Moar info you can give the better we will be able to help you.
  12. This is the end result of a successful multi-docking port test: Nice thing about it i. I can swap the engines out (at least for the 4 lower ones as teh top one is just a craft I had used from a previous mission) for better or moar powerful pones or an engine block (which I'm thinking of doing). But, for now this will be a crew transporter for other planets. The center normal docking port under the middle poodle will have a Kerbal shuttle craft that I'll be making for it soon. Edit: Yeah. Just noticed that the normal docking port I mentioned can not be seen easily. When I get to docking the shuttle I'll take a better picture then.
  13. Another thing to mention is.. Instead of using separatrons to push the debris away. One can simply point the thruster end towards the object smashing into center stack problem child. Yeah on the ejection force is almost non-existant. Except when the part is light enough. Which is rare for most of us. Another thing to try if you don't want to play with fire is try the winglets and angle them so they lift away. Again. Only do so if you can afford the extra cost, parts and able to mount them without clipping into something.
  14. Are you sure the rock did not catch you?
  15. That there is no resources to mine, the game is not at 1.0, no Kerbals in Elite: Dangerous, to addictive, must add K to every word, no Kerbals in Star Citizen, no comets in game, no stock cargo bays, no Kerbals in Space Engineer, and no FP view when EVA'ing.
  16. Yeah. The only times I have been hit by debris is after staging in atmosphere or hitting my crafts together a little to hard.
  17. There are no Kerbals in Elite Dangerous, Star Citizen or Space Engineer.
  18. Yeah. Bit of a shame that such could not be added to the game. Even though in a sense they have a start of one. I'm looking at you Funds. Sadly even though games like "Space Engineer" show that there is indeed people who enjoy such an added challange. But, I can see where it would not be fun-ish. The lack or x material means no ship built = no fun. That I can competely understand. The second (no fun for them at least) is figuring out if the resources is finite or not as well as how to distrubite them in a sane way that is easish for them to implement (this for myself would be the least fun as you would need to have every moon and planet there is with a unique-ish resourse table and hey still have yet to do biomes for outside Kerbin's SOI). Third no fun aspect is a signing resource values and where or not it takes time to build/refine said part/fuel. Right now it looks like a lot of work for modders to do. I know Kethane/Kerbinite mod show it could be done in a simplistic way. Regardless. It would be fun to build a base on a moon, planet or roid (well at least roids can be used to transmite science) that does more then look pretty and eats up time setting up. Edit: Also the devs have set up a way for them to allow use to play with such unfun concepts too. Since they made it possable to play with just the Science aspect and not the funds.
  19. Do have to agree with Renegade. Ion powered or needs lots of electricity to run properly.
  20. Nice little find and hope it keeps getting necro'ed.
  21. IVA movement where I controll my Kerbal to get out of his seat when possable and go to the back for snacks.
  22. Post away. Anyways. My initial trek from Southwest Crater to Northwest Crater to Northen Basin has finally happened. Now trying to decide if I should go to the poles or just head to the polar crater before heading towards the Mun Canyon that is attached to Farside Crater. Tough choicees. My little rover design works amazingly well. Been hitting 30 m/s a lot with it and living even reached 40 m/s. Catching space is still not fun when over 10 m/s.
  23. Yeah. Mün is a real fun one to have an eclipse. =^.^= But, any Moon or planet that crosses inbetween the sun and saide other object you can get some eclipses going. Yes. Ships can cause eclipses to if yer close enough and have a big enough craft.
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