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Everything posted by Aragosnat

  1. Well taking a brake from my second Mun Rover after driving 76 km's heading to the southwest or was it southeast crater: Basicly start at the east creater top where the base, flag, and over is then I worked my way south to the edge where I go both polar and polar lowland science for what ever reason. Not caring as it fits Kerbal logic somehow. Then moved west where my only active/capable of moving rover is currently parked some x km away.
  2. Yeah. HAve to agree with yu on that. Wish I realized I should have mention it too. If theboosters had a dockign port and probe to help prevent it being labled as debries. Then they should have had separtons to de-orbit them or at least enough that aero-braking can take them in to finish the de-orbit.
  3. I try to build 2 stages or less. But, some how end up with moar most of the time. XD
  4. Yeah. From one stand point it is a SSTO craft. But, if you wanted a 100% reusable craft. It clearly is not. Without adding moar to it to make it so number 1.
  5. Fire from their many exploding rockets and landings keep the grass short.
  6. While chatting else where. A user posted a link about Europa. Now does this not remind you of Eeloo just a little be. Sure does for myself. The original article is here: http://www.redorbit.com/news/space/1113285701/remastered-view-of-jupiters-moon-europa-112314/ Just in case anyone wants to go there and read a little about it as well as watch a short video about it too.
  7. SP+ mod is now stock as well as the admin building.
  8. Best guess would be. The initial sudden vector change was to much for the artificial gravity generators to handle and that it is not able to calabrate quickly back that causes such violent reation to the people on board. Causing higher and lower levels then the crew is expecting at random intervels. Which could also be explained by random power fluctuations to the artificial gravity generators.
  9. Yes. We like crazy challanges that sometimes only this game lets us try.
  10. Well had this rover deployer finally deployed to a kertain area on Kerbin. This be the second one that made be brokeish. 355 k (rover is around 90 k) just to put it into a suborbit is costly and also need to balance it better could have made my life easy by doing it in pairs: As you can see here it made it safely and had to drive it 20 km to the area I wanted Which was to transpot Kerbals to a certain area. Fell short and thank goodness no deadly re-entry: Then I had some fun at the site with the ladder system I had on the rover (not linking image just to keep people sane): http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/540758958779045700/E69E9F7A936396B4295C0357710B9B0AC5745741/ http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/540758958746903866/FB38CEA882F56BD57674A8F746CC230D28240F3D/ Then had a nice group photo op at their new base and at the new science area (not really) where they will live and study and have my jet plane transfer in new crew and the old out. Think I will also need a smaller crew transporter that can move crew about without needing to move the lab too:
  11. Mainly staging issues for me. Take a part off add a new one then add an old one but new as in I grabed it from the list and it gets put in old stage instead of new one. Forgetting to add chutes is another classic one that I sometimes do along with decuplers along with the chutes.
  12. Would it really need them? Well. I know in one of the updates we can make thinks out of just one part. Look up Scott Manly and Enterprise as that ship was to scale and counted only as 1 part. And it looks like he had a decent frame rate too. And it went silly fast.
  13. Lost one Kerbal looking for a certain thing. Then was able to fly this over it even though I over shot it without realizing it. Had to back track to find it as well as cheated a bit and used the wiki to find it again. Which still had enough fuel left over to do a landing back at the KSP runway. Here is the picture with a way to spot what I was lookig for: Those are just weatherballons. Ignore them.
  14. Well not only will center of mass be off and thrust too. But, that is why space bar as well as when building it. They have the ceter of mass and thrust toggel one can use. Used that to deploy a single rover from underneath a rocket. That forced the center of mass off unless I do it my normal way for deploying in pairs and off the sides. Edit: Also the other good news is you can limit how much thrust the larger engine is pushing out too. Just as long as you keep gaining altitude.
  15. While it does sound nice. Don't think it is really needed as some contracts make having enough funds not a problem. Unless you are wasting your entire budget with every launch. Would it not be better to let us go negitive instead? As that would also give the instentive to land closer to KSP as well as have ways to return all or the bulk of the parts back. With how much you sacrifice your reputation allows you to go deeper and deeper into det before they shut your program down. With rep loss effecting every contract while the strategy is up.
  16. I'll try and come to your funeral. In other news.... MY One of two decent rovers finally had an accident where it was not the wheels popping. A.K.A. was not watching my speed went to fast, wheels popped, should have been flatish terrain but had those invisable speed bumps. Broke off the front command pod (the other was at the back end to keep it balanced) before the rest with the science lab with moduals cam to a stop. Did try driving from the back one. But, with the fact I had no way to switch ends (without file editing) I ended up only driving 14 km away before turning it into a base. But, I had hit a few biomes as well as finished out a few too. Here is teh picture of the area it crossed, Starting from the east crater bottom rightish with the capsule and flag the going up to the left to hit a midland crater, then Northwest Crater and finally braking down in the Northern Basin: Science gathered science I had all science pats unlocked, East Crater finished up, Highlands, Finished up midlands, Midland creater, Northwest Crater, Northern Basin. I know I could have done it faster if I just used a lander instead of having to be active for the few hours drive to each spot with no time warping.
  17. Flown an eariler version of this at around 2 am: Needless to say the first one crashed and burned do to wings flexing into the ground. Removed a twin set of trubos on a later one. Got up to 18xx m/s at 30km up (flaming all the way) had to switch to me twin lvl-909 got up to 19xx at 34k km up before it dropped like a rock. Crew still lived. Most likely will need more intakes as well as reaction wheels to make it to space. Other then that it flys and glides alright.
  18. The only gravity assist I can regularly get is.... Going down hill with rovers and up hills when all the wheels have been blown. Sadly it only saves me time as I only drive during the day time so the solar panels always keep the rover charged up.
  19. Well my Mun rover drove off a cliff as I thought I had enought time before needing to turn before going over it. Went over it at 11.3 m/s catching space as it where had my wheels intact for the bulk of it till I hit the max speed of 38 /ms about some time before this picture was taken: But, yeah it skidded just fine up then back down the other side of the crater and if I was using the other wheels I would have long ago flipped over and crashed. Didspit this rover being only able to reach 8 m/s normally on even ground as well as being able to fish tail my way up a 20 to 30 + degree incline at about 5 m/s. Where my smaller rovers weep at going up 15 degree incline. But, able to go 20 m/s + no problem. So it does appear slow and steady can be a better selution.
  20. I know I should use them. Just most of the time I forget about them to don't want to try and find out when to do a burn as I'm keeping my mod count down to very very little.
  21. Or an even easier approch would be. Don't use it. But, glad to see what part of the file changes what if one wants to try and create custom admin stuff..
  22. Yeah. Part of it is the lighting issue the game has. And it seems to happen a lot with the rover seat too. As when I get off the seat it goes poof and when i sit back it most of the times comes back.
  23. I do agree there are some stunning places to visit at Kerbin. Just takes a bit to find them as well as what you like. Or maybe we are easily impressed. =^.^=
  24. Well my rover made it to Mun. Need to remember to add the goo and science moduals to staging: Did drive it around. Very stable with just a small problem. Not enough wheels and have to fish tail up the mountain side so far. Dispite the wheels look like they are all touching the ground. But, it looks like I can climb 20 degrees up. True it was at 3.7ish m/s. Might be faster if I had 6 wheels. Getting enough juice to run 18+ currently with no loss. Yeah over kill. But, well worth it. Edit: I like dropping rovers in pairs.
  25. Passed by Tylo a few times when I went to Laythe. Have not landed/crashed upon any other Joolin moon.
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