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Everything posted by Aragosnat

  1. Close panels. Let the Kerbal run into it and push it up. The kerbal has amazing strength and can lift as well as push obects 500 times there mass (joking, they can push a lot more then you realize). The other thing is when the gears get it moving in the upawrds direction. Help it along by using says to pull in that direction too. Not sure if you have done or tried that yet.
  2. Well a few minutes ago. I test fired this ship and got a Minmus Encounter then polar orbit: The amazing thing is. That is was the very first ship to leave the VAB. Wasted a little bit to get the encounter since it was so small: As you can see this is the end result for a 10 km by 14 km polar orbit.
  3. Amassed 7.5 mil Bottlecaps and do-dads. Thinking of building a big lag inducing moster of a ship that needs to be assembled up in orbit. Just need to unlock all the parts right now.
  4. While using the Kerbal hit the "L" key. That turns on 2 lights on his helmet.
  5. I can say my flag bearer is better then yours in a sense: At least yours has a chance to go home if the Kerbal can right it. Which looks like it could be possable by using the landing legs as well as rolling it. Juust remember to close the solar panels first. Also got a mission underway to upgrade his home and take away is old one.
  6. use the braket keys "[ ]" to select the Kerbal when under 2 km then hit "r" to get him to use his jet pack. For the rescueing of the Kerbals. It is mentioned we are not the only space agency around. So that would explain why they are up there. Also look at the new vid they did for 0.24 update showing a Kerbal being dragged up into space. Do agree with some points that the contracts that give science points should not give much funds or a lot less science points. As I had fun going to the other biomes to aquire the science. One thing Squad could do is. Instead of new tech costing science points. It could also require Funds to unlock too. But, on the whole. I feel the contracts are very Kerbal.
  7. Find wood lite match. Oh you mean how to spend your unwanted millions. Build the most over powered (500 ton +) lower stage that can never be recovered that sends up 1 ton probs. Or you could stop accepting contracts and start sending and building bases on every Moon and planet, even Kerbin, till you need to accept another contract. Also this the reason why I don't use the debrefun type mods.
  8. Launch straight up and get into space, 736 km straight up should do fine. Wait and let gravity do its thing. BE amazed you don't burn up upon re-entry. Hope you have enough mass to keep the speed as well as remembering to have an extra test stage just incase you need a speed boost downwards. Also remember to have a parachute on a seprate stage to prevent unwanted slow downs as well as from ripping off anything they are attached to. Also remember to add chutes too.Edit: The ones I dislike a lot are. Test SRB at 18km+ at 70-170 m/s. Not impossable just time consuming getting the timing right for them.
  9. Yeah. Mine are like that too. Have 2 types of decouplers leaving Kerbin's SOI too. Which gave me Duna and Ike contracts. Test decoupler landed, lauch assist part landed, test x chute at y speed and z altitude, collect Kerbal from orbit, recover data from orbit as well as test small gears in orbit. A lot of strange combos one can try at once even.
  10. Yeah. Plus there are some missions that just ask for data to be sent from orbit around x planet/moon. As long as you have a craft in orbit and a way to transmit data (any will do even ones that will net you 0 science) You will get the funds. Which I shall name "Do-Dads". I'm only 6 days in and have made close to $640 K. Dispite thinking I have wasted about $100k + in boosters and other waste full spending I have done testing parts they wanted tested which does not help do what I want to do most of the time. Edit: At least now stations and satellites have use for being there with the contracts that ask for data being sent from certain orbital locations.
  11. Well. In short a bridge version. Kerbal )that crashes in): Asks for a rocket that goes up and really fast and puts down some funds (love the bottle caps and do-dads for money). Engineer : Basicly says he has something for that price. Kerbal: Complainns that it is a toy and not likely to do what he wants Engineer: Explains that it does what the other kerbal wants. -then deminstrates toy rocket- Kerbal: Basicly saying awsome or cool or something along that lines. -then runs away happy- Kerbal: Asks will this luggage bag be enough for that type rocket. Egineer: Basicly says yes. -after bringing it up panics as he realizes it going to launch. Kerbal: -panics tries to run away- Basicly is terrorfied his foot is snagged in the cord. Kerbal: -as the cord is dragged into the hole and pulling the Kerbal in- Saying something along the lines I don't want a go in or must hold on. Kerbal: -as rocket goes up wards- The Kerbal is screaming.
  12. Found out we can spam transmisions that give no science points as well as get credit and money for contracts that just want data from x orbit around x planet / moon. Edit: Yeah. A lot of the graphics looks a bit nicer on my pc too. Text is a bit easier to read as well.
  13. There is a little (+) when you look at the contract section while getting ready to explode your craft at the launch pad. That will tell you what you need to do to to test the part properly. I had the ant engine that needed me to right click and 'run test' and not go through staging. So not all parts that can be staged need to be staged for it to complete. The above should be done with what Maximus97 mentioned too.
  14. Nah. I like the fact they are listed as a class size. Also size does not say how much mass the target has.
  15. But... But, the suit was made of fool's gold. Anyways. Feel sorry for the Kerbal in that he forgot his helmet. Also I like the fact they used bottle caps and other do-dads for cash and that the kerbal brought in a lugage quite possibly full of said currancy and that the engineer was willing to sell the Kerbal a rocket.
  16. But, yeah. Parachutes opening on the way up on a stage you're going to ditch anyways makes the cost of using the lower stage a bit more tolerable. Transmite data around x planet/moon. The stupid part is, that you can spam / transmit data you have already sent in. You would think they would notice they already have that data. Then again.... =^.^= Their loss my gain. Another dumb one, for me at least, was to test the small gears (plane gears we all love to use) in water/splash down. Added the plane capsule T400 fuel tank Lv-909 4 wheels and 3 basic solar panels then slowly thrust my way to and into the water, tested and returned back to runway for 100% return on all parts and fuel.
  17. That parachutes are easy. Just have it activate on a stage you are getting rid off. Just time it so that the current in use stage has the chutes. Sometimes it is handy just to do it even if the stage still has fuel in it. Very possable I could have done it with 3-4 SRB. Just Might have a Kerbal left in Orbit minus ship. Get 736 km up. Eject and jet pack orbit.
  18. Well. Had a blast with the new 0.24. Slowly expanding my funds. AS you can see here. I'm close to $640k nd only 6 days in with contracts for Duna, Ike and Minmus avialable: On a side not. I also found out satellites are now useful for spamming certain contracts like orbit data around x planet/moon. Even if you aquire no science. You still complete the contract. The only reason why I think they are letting us, besides making stations and satellites useful, is that either they are very forgetful or making sure their data is correct. Either way. Not complaining. It certainly makes sure I can do missions I want to achieve possable.
  19. Did nothing yestarday and today with KSP except get the 502 bad gate error while browsing and posting on this website.. Which I never got till their web provider fixed things. As well as thinking of playing KSP as we wait for the patch.
  20. Could be just that. But, so far have been tring to find the thread or blog that mention. They where going to bring some of the older engines like main sail more in line with the new NASA parts.
  21. No. IT will still be in there. Just how career mode is changed to less sandboxy. If I remember right. There will be sandbox, Career with budgets & rep, and Science (which career mode currently is).
  22. Might have to try pushing a roid. Also one could always angle their thrusters too. While losing some of the thrust. One might get a better turning. I'm thinking 4, 6 or 8 thrusters might have better stability.
  23. You need to add both. Grind and do dare missions. As both seem like the Kerbal way.
  24. Yes. No Fixes for them 502 errors.
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