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Everything posted by Aragosnat

  1. All stock parts and no time warping. One part is true. The other part some what.
  2. Used to play it once a day for a few hours. Now. I'm playing Payday 2 in preperation for my Kerbals needing a quick influx of cash.
  3. Necromany is strong in this thread. But, yeah. Would have been grand if they could have kept it up.
  4. Don't make he turn the craft around and head back to Kerbal after getting half way to Jool.
  5. Took a longish brake (for me at least) to play Payday 2. You know when we have to teach the Kerbals how to rob banks successfully when they are in need of a cash infusion or just something to do in their spare time while waiting for missions. Anyways. Made this nice little SSTO plane with enough fuel in orbit to possibly make a bigger orbit: Have a refueler on stand-by already just in case I need it to be refueled.
  6. Captured another roid today an C class one. Made sure it had a nice stable orbit. But, it is a clockwise one. Which I'll need to change as it is nicer to have counter clockwise one. Brought my A class roid I capped yestarday to a stable 100 km circular orbit around Kerbin going counter-clockwise.
  7. Mission: Jool Obgective: Build a base that can support 50 Kerbals on Jool's surface. Return: Good luck.
  8. Getting ready to grab 2 roids one the normal counter clockwise which will be first and the orther the harder clockwise direction.
  9. Currently in orbit around Kerbin out of fuel in a SSTO plane that uses single basic jet engine and 2 LV-909s:
  10. Drove this rover on the Mün for 78 km stright without needing to hit F9 while waiting for my probe loaded with Mün science to return close enough to Kerbin for landing:
  11. Nice one. Need to do that at Jool and hit evey moon.
  12. Put SRB SSTO plane on hold till I get farther up the tech tree as I was tring to use very very earily tech to see if it can be dune. Anyways. Was able to do so with the standard liquad engine and basic jet engine: Looks like I might need the next level of wings as well as air-intakes to cut down on mass even farther.
  13. Just goes to show you. One can get into space with just a basic jet engine and SRB. Just now I need to figure out a decenty thrust rate so I can make orbit with it: I might try 75% then 50% then 25%. Not sure how well it will work. But, at least I'll have fun passing the time trying.
  14. Well last night. I had fun landing close to a probe rover I had on Mün: And here is a shot with the brave crew by the probe rover: http://cloud-3.steampowered.com/ugc/3278932873103429324/CED78ABD52BA7ACD8301CD74565F358E5DFB523E/ Also prior to this. I have a Kerbal that is terrified in all situations it seems: http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/3278932873103469880/2B6BFCA74532352CC8053103ECC0E4B530CA6A8C/
  15. Not to burst ypur bubble to badly. But, it is Eve is Eclipsing Kerbin not Kerbin Eclipsing Eve on your steam shots. Just a tad bit misleading there other then that. Great chance shots.
  16. That looks like Whackjob's picture? Or very least someone who likes to build big.
  17. I used the infinate EVA refueling trick for the get out and push the craft time due to opps not enough fuel. Used the Infinate Fuel in debug mode when I said I would not. Killed Kerbals and used the F5 and F9 keys. Fly my planes while reading a book or getting a meal or having a bio brake. Think you all can tell what happens when not paying attention while flying in an atmosphere.
  18. Heard about this game while chatting with people in the now dead Star Citizen Chatroll (old version) before the great KSP Forum Kraken. Played around with the 0.18? demo Hit and and then successfully landed and returned from Mün and a bit later bought the game after the Kracken was squashed. Also Manly videos to help with docking. Rest trial, explosions and Kerbal deaths..
  19. For the challange and I like space type games. What other game where you can a poor sod off on a 50+ year orbit around the solar system and still live? Or see the terrified expresions when something goes boom on their ship.
  20. Bishop from Egosoft forums? Anyways. Last night I uhm. Landed a "A Class" roid upon Kernin soil. Just wish the orbit speed switch to surface speed so I could have saved the probe that was under it. Needless to say. I had to switch quickly over to the roid and had to watch it roll to a stop: Then I had to fly a plane over to the roid and over 2 hours later due to brakes to chat in SC chatroom I was finally able to get a Kerbal over to do some science: Yes. I know if I went orbital I could have shanved my time down. Just my pin-point re-entry sucks and wanted to make a stock plane as is.
  21. Depends on how far away the station will be. Those that are going to orbit around other planets tend to either be really small with out RSC thrusters (20-30 tons) will still have monoproellent or really large for me at least and will usually have at least one or two full fuel tanks or at the very least have easy spots to dock with so the tanker can top them off hopefully. The other type is stuck around Kerbin as assembling it in pieces is a lot easier to do in Kerbin's SOI then OMG I missed my launch window and also tend to be used to help store fuel so Kerbin outbound crafts can top off before leaving. This type also has the pusher for the core being able to be removed so it can swapped out for other parts as well as prevent accidental engaging of thrusters effect.
  22. Kind of mixed feelings. While I can eye ball it. I can still end up with a craft that runs out of fuel where I have to get out and push for return from Mün or Minmus. Having Delta-V avaliable/left still does not mean that a person would not waste fuel getting into orbit or for that matter getting to one of Kerbin's moons with enough fuel to return from landing if they don't create craters. But, do agree it should be made avaliable from the tech tree. How far in for a decent balance I cannot say. From a personal perspective. If you can make it into orbit repeatidly. Then you should have a chance to know about Delta-V. Just as long as it optional part to add as well as require electricity to aquire the information. Kind of like the other science bitz where you have to toggle to see the raw data that does not stay up all the time unless power is being supplied constently.
  23. Depends on the crafts objective(s) and what size it is. Since most of mine use normal sized ones (inline, clamp-o-tron, and shielded) as they are usually not f'ing big most of the time. Sirs are the next most used do to the fact it does make it nice to dock orange tanks together with less wobble then normal side ones does. The Jr are the least used as they don't really have a lot of use except as a way to detatch and retrieve small very light weight probes or to make it look good and weigh less, which cannot be said when using the larger ones that often.
  24. Big fuel tanks I like to have on with them. I also like making the science labs into orbiting stations that act as fuel dumps. So it is a win win either way for my play style.
  25. Depends on how many you use, how they are placed and when they are used. I found a good rule of thumb is 2 per fuel tank with the ends pointing away from the center stack otherwise this happens: But, yeah. I have not onced used the LES part yet. Either I restart or they go out in a blaze of glory or I have a better system anyways. Usually for me. The rockets take out anything on the nose of the pod or right below the pod or outright kills them before I get the chance to abort or the failure/destruction would make it pointless to use as the pod is safe as can be.
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