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Everything posted by Aragosnat

  1. Well on Duna. Had two 120 km trips. One where the rover over shot the landing point to reach the stranded Kerbals that had no fuel left. Then had to travel to the ship that had fuel do to well missing the landing area again. But, my longest drives that where safe where recently on Kerbin in a Basic Jet powered rover. Where I was happily crusing around 35-50 m/s most of the time. Made it from KSC to about 3/5 to around 4/5 the way to the north pole.
  2. Well. Yestarday I found out the Grav detector could be used in low orbit around the Mün. Developed a craft that could gather all the bits. Going to do that for Minmus next. Have a nice picture of one of two Stations around the Mün this one has a lander that has return from the Mün:
  3. For me. The hardest is which path I want to try out and keeping to it. As well as what my goals would be. Then finding the spots to do the science as some are a real pit to find/spot expecially when you are trying to find the last one in a cluster of them. Midland and Highland Craters come to mind.
  4. Well currently it is develope a lander that can land and take off from Mün at any point that is also able to get all the science done in that spot. So far I have recently unlocked all the science tools and Working on getting Kerbin's science done before atempting to do a Mün then Minmus landings. This will be the same as the 0.24 build but wth the addition of trying to have a space station that can support 50 Kerbals around Minmus and Mün before expanding out to places like Duna and Lythe.
  5. Well you could always add "TAC Life Support" as that just adds parts to help take care of the new needs of Kerbals needing air to breath and water and food to eat as well as dealing with their wastes. Other then what has been mentioned. Taking a brake and coming back after they have a few updates might be a good idea. To bad there is not a mod that adds another solar system.
  6. Today I put a Kerbin in polar orbit around around the Mün. Just to get the EVA reports above biodoms as I'm scratching for more points to get the last two science bits. Will being doing that for Minmus with same craft. As well as docked two escape pods to my mobile science lab that will hang around Minmus or maybe the Mün before my Mün Minmus lander start to collect science. Here is a nice little picture: Also want to note that the Pods to the side where docked by A Kerbal that had to EVA to it and only had RCS for thrust as well as that the Hatches on both sides can exit Kerbals. Have to right click then left click the hatch area to bring up the trapped Kerbals.
  7. Both to what ever I need. But, when budgets get introduced. I will most likely be building smaller then normal as well as using Solids a lot more just because they do cost less.
  8. Well. Last night I had a nice Minmus Encounter where I ended up short on return fuel. Had a Nice Mün Encounter to get me even closer back to Kerbin. Then ran out of fuel with Pe at 81 km up. Then got the Kerbals out and had them push it down to a Pe of 22 km up and only needed to do it 7 times once each for my 4 Kerbals.. While it was true I had enough fuel in each of my brake away pods which could have returned on their own with no need to get out and push. But, last time I tried to drop them all back at once and leave the main part behind. Only 2 of 4 survived the 4 seprate entires to Kerbin. Anyways here is the better result: This is the they got out push and yes Leia it would help if you get out and pushed. With the 4 capsules braking of in atmoshpere.
  9. Aragosnat


    Yes there is. One of the daily posts the devs(?) put on the front site showed a mod that lets you repaint the parts.
  10. Teh one main prtoblem with the science lab is you need docking ports unlocked before you get the lab. Not really. But, it helps. Yeah the Mün driving speed is really slow. 20 m/s or less most of the time with 10 m/s being the overal safest speed. We need walkers. I know there was a mod that had them legs.
  11. Kerbal Engineer /Redux ? gets installed right away. Just because it has the TWR. And a Propeler mod for water. As I like thinking that they have boats to go get stranded returned Kerbals at sea.
  12. Yeah it was. Problem is getting the docking ports is usually the problem. Then its the docking and making sure you have fuel next.
  13. Dragon Slaying Kerbals or was it Kerbal Slaying Dragons?
  14. As long as people have debries set to higher then 150. Good chances are they will hit something while entering into orbit. Unless they crash alot on Kerbin.
  15. You can currently have splash downs for Grasslands, Highlands, Badlands, Desert, Shores Biodoms. Trying to see about Polar Caps and Tundra Biodoms.
  16. Question: I have been getting splash downs in water that are reporting as Grasslands, Higlands, Desert, Badlands. Are thes glitches or bugs or the real deal?
  17. Nah. Those things don't even have enough power to slow down. You would need to use something with greater push. Unless you slow down an increadable amount before hand. One thing to consider would be to get an obit within Eve and refuel there. That way one can have more fuel as well as less need less to stop with.
  18. hold the ALT key before hitting the accellerate key
  19. @G'th: Part of the science data comes from the experiment. The other part comes from finding out how your tools fair after they are used and returned. As the tools used can become damaged during testing or just not work under such conditons. For myself that would explain why we gain so much on a return as they are looking at the equipment that was used during the experiment.
  20. Science-->Money (patents) Money-->Science (Research Funding, Theft, Abduction) Reputation-->Money (Space Program Funding, Extortion) Science-->Reputation (patents that save lives, like the medical technology that NASA has developed) Money-->Reputation (Blackmail, Falsification, Assasinations of Critics) Reputation-->Science (Fear, Intimidation) The in colored text is just a Jest and needs to be taken with a grain of Salt or lots of humor....
  21. Don't blame you one bit. Even with forced 4x it takes a long time for a lot of burns. The only Time I think PB-Ions would be useful for going from Moho anywhere inbetween Kerbin. As then you can run it on full power with small solar panels till you make it past Eve. LV-N's should stay space bound. Which then levels the LV-909 or Rockomax 48-7S.
  22. The Lord of the Ring: Return of The King Cartoon song, "Where theres a whip! There is a way!"
  23. Drove around Kerbin in my Basic Jet powered Rover using the Aircraft landing gears as wheels. Found out that there is a splash down (a.k.a. land on water) for Grassland, Desert, Highlands, and Badlands just for some extra science points (water samples included). Still not sure if it is a bug or not. But, hay. I'm doing it for science anyways. =^.^=
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