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Everything posted by Aragosnat

  1. Water landings I would go with 6 m/s or less as well as making sure either the design was wide enough or it was a very stubby. As long ones when landing in water have a tendancy to splash hard even after entering the water.
  2. Part of it sounds like the craft he is using is to top heavy. Weight crushing what is under it and very possable the PC in question is suffering from lag do to to many parts, the terran setting is set to low (heard that physics take a nap at lower settings when terrain detail is set to low). Yeah. KSP is not optimised properly. Hopefully the next patch will help out.
  3. Think someone posted a while back after the science bitz came out. That it was around 120,000 points one could aquire with Kerbin SOI netting you something like 15,000 points.
  4. Been long time. Since I had forgotten chutes. Usually it is something else I forget or placed them on the wrong stage or stage is messed up.
  5. I try to build SSTO craft while failing miserably at it. Except for this one SSTO space plane. Mostly I try to minimise the number of stages needed to get into orbit. As in space even a brick can fly well there. The looks mostly I try Sci-Fi ish that could sort of work realistically. Somewhere between 30 and not dead.
  6. Yeah. Like the part of time being on the part more so then the finished craft.
  7. Yes. I have. Been doing that for when others do a live streams too.
  8. That when you stop playing after a few days. You get depressed easily. Yeah. KSP withdrawls are no fun.
  9. I feel your pain. But, in a diffrent way. I'm suffering from withdrawls. No KSP for the last 5 days. And yes this is a back-up pc. Always need a back up way to access and send e-mails.
  10. Mainly the exploration of space. Since it is something I don't believe I will ever be able to do in my life time. As well as noticing that I was happier less stressed when I could play KSP (new pc is on the way). Being able to play in space with beings I sort of care about as well building insane conrtaptions no RL company would ever let you build let alone fly just to see how far it can go before its distruction. As the as the addiction to see how small and light I can make the craft (Still working on that one).
  11. When ording a new pc. Make sure you do so before the one you're playing KSP on dies as well as to remember to use those portable HD to save all info regularly. The KSP withdrawls are painful.
  12. I have launch assisted Kerbals using such device on the Mün, Minmus and Duna. Needless to say the science experaments where intresting. My Duna Kerbal had made orbit using his Eva pack to give you an Idea on how effective it was. Minmus: They go solar orbit. Mun some Eva pack assistance for orbit.
  13. Ordered a pc today. My KSP addiction is to strong. Well did get one that was easily twice as good as what I had before with room for upgrades later on. Now the evil wait.
  14. One of those I can see where it can add a challange to the game. Just don't think it would add a lot to it unless one is a stickler for on time launches or we have to deal with life support for our Kerbals or want to do a rescue mission to prtevent craft destruction (there is a mod for life support). Would be great if we could customize our career start. Then one could choose weather or not to turn such a feature like this on or off. Someone mention what would happen to existing craft when adding new parts. Easiest I would think of for making it happen is the new parts add time without adding the origanal's craft build time unless building from the ground up. Also would think taking away old parts from existing ship would take time to do as well.
  15. I did that to. Well. Maybe with not as much as you. But, still. Those first atempts going fot over kill is better then under estimating it.
  16. Been in morning for my lap top since yestarday. Was able to salvage my KSP save off the hard drive. Now looking for a better pc to play KSP, Star Citizen(when it comes out), X Rebirth(when it comes out) and some other games I own.
  17. Career mode is on hold. Due to dead lap top and me needing a pc that can run it.
  18. Landing approch for my hopefully returnable lander: http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/920152288713780269/67E2FDC79A318A608E4D55A8D88E5A0E9048F27A/ Can see in this picture that the back right wheel was the only thing to brake upon landing and not bad to have that much fuel left too: http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/920152288713788528/1574BF27050601C2B1622E074D6BBC5E274D341F/ And here is Jeb by the lander part for the rover which barely had enough juice to right itself: Reason for the wheels on the top is just in case I roll over. But other then that. I'm hoping to use the wheels to gain enough speed to jump off a hill to save a bit of fuel. Since the wheels are supposed to be able to take 60 m/s before having a blow out. Did sort of test it out on Kerbin so it should work better upon the Mün and Minmus.
  19. Agreed. IT would make it easier to find and remember that it exists.
  20. Kerbin I think. As It happened most likely when I played the demo. Many Müns back. Since the demo is the only place one can commonly expect to run out of fuel.
  21. Not true. It just happens that you lose speed very very slowly. Most of the time not making much of a difference unless it is a large fat craft. But, it makes sense on certain worlds say like Duna where it would be nice if they deployed sooner.
  22. Yestarday played with a Rover VTOL. Should have taken a picture. Maybe for another time. But, found out that it does help to have either CoM or probe part in the middle to help align the craft while in flight. Might just build a jet instead that has some VTOL capability that uses rover wheels now.
  23. Hehe. And my poor old dual 2 core lap top can barely handly over 216 parts. XD Yes I have to limite my parts and keep what I make small. Good part is. Less fuel is needed. Bad news. I can never build a Eve return ship.
  24. True. But, the real question is. Can other peoples pc's handle that craft?
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