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Everything posted by Aragosnat

  1. Yeah. Wonder if they remembered what day it was?
  2. Well. We clearly need our weekly fix of KSP updates. =^.^=
  3. Well. Currently combing Kerbin and Mun for every last bit of scrap of its beautiful science points. Even though I have the basic retractable solar panels. Have yet to send out a probe beyond Kerbin's SOI.
  4. Yeah. I agree there are some glitches and here is the nice Tundra near KSC shot:
  5. Any crash you can walk away from. Is a good one:
  6. Any crash you can walk away from. Is a good one: Did not even need to use parachutes to land. True it would have been better at the KSC runway or one of the other ones. But, at least I figured out how. Lost basic Jet and LV-T30 and a winglit. Rest stayed with the craft mostly.
  7. Found out that one does not need Aerospikes or Jet engines to make a space place into space and that the small SRB helps compensate for lack of Turbo Jets, might even found a way to make them re-usable too. Getting an orbit or one with enough fuel to de-orbit I'm still working on:
  8. That it is fun making rocket planes and Jeb when in control seems to increase ones success rate.
  9. Found Tundra right very close to KSC: Yes. I need to re-rover back over there. But, still was shocked to see it. Was expecting Grass lands. Also found an intresting glitch. Just near the waters edge after the runway. I got I was in water but you can clearly see I was not: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/1045126531502477803/B51919585DAB79E11D0B24A7B6C598E11C05362D/
  10. Drove around Kerbin a little bit, Found out that while I was still on the beach It says I was in the water. When I was just off the KSC runway:
  11. Yestarday tested out this returnable rover: Back wheels land a bit hard on Kerbin. But, with a Kerbal it is a minor problem since it will be used on Mün mainly and possabily Minmus. I thhough that if I could get a bit of free speed from the wheels I could boost off the Mün easier as well as not needing as much fuel to either get back or at least make orbit. Just need the last 2 science bits which means another manned Kerbal recon or two to the Mün to hopefully pick up enough points.
  12. Sorry. Them greens are hard to tell apart. For those of you that can see better in gray scale or in the color of Kerbin.. Here is this with a nice starting postion for the tundra biosphere:
  13. Not yet. But, I do have debries set up to 50 parts. Also reacently saw one of my orbiting craft fly over my craft while I waslifting off from Kerbin. So Not yet will work for myself still.
  14. You my friend might want to use this: Parachute Calculator as well as use rockets to slow down to more reasonable speeds. Also have you tried aerobraking? You can bite deep into Duna before needing to deploy chutes most of the time.
  15. Gee that is simple. Impact craters from roids. =^.^= To lazy to see the other pages.
  16. Well redesigned my Mün lander. Added fuel transfer lines and legs to it even though the legs are slightly worthlesss as is. Re did my refuelers and extra fuel cans for my landers/crafts. Had fun improving upon my rocket plane: This plane reached almost reached 24km up on just rocket fuel alone. Now if it had drop tanks it might have made it up even higher maybe.
  17. Or Kerbals that return gain experiance as well as add even more science if they return alive. Dead not so much. But, another thing is. Until they implement life support systems. There is not much need to worry about Kerbals. Even though it is my choice to do so. They have gotten larger do to me trying to do all the major science in one go.
  18. I have to say it is the squid / octopus offspering thing we saw in the trailer. Open the goo container in the water and it says, "The goo escapes into the water"
  19. I wish there where more parts to spend our points on. Warp drives, space docks, colonization of other planets/moons tech, etc. =^.^=
  20. Since this some what relates to this. Found out if you do 2 fly-byes and then return the craft to Kerbin. Only one of them will count it seems. The one with the most point gains seems to be it. Need someone to help confirm this. Will Hit Mün again to see if I stil get points for doing a fly-bye. Also noticed that the Kerbin Orbit ones dont count either and I still had points left for that. Will double check.
  21. Well I made a rocket plane yestarday. Found out that the LV30 are the best in the sence the recharge your batteries the LV-909 are great just one needs to add solar panels and fly only during the dayor add more batteries: Courrently have done 2 Kerbin fly-bys first one netted me 12 science points. So it is worth doing fly-bys and then sending them back to Kerbin.
  22. One way would be the rocks we collect could be worth money. Even if they end up being worth not science points later on as materials to build with will always be in demand. Expecially with the way some of us build our ships.
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