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Everything posted by Aragosnat

  1. While this is good to see. The only bad part is. At least by the looks of it is we will still need to spam air intakes.
  2. Just for giggles yestarday. Tried to get a nuke powered plane to make orbit around Kerbin. Needless to say I had to use Turbo Jet to make it high enough so the the thrust was enough to keep it speeding up. Regardless back to the drawing board. Might have to make it a 3 engine craft with 2 spikes.
  3. It was fun. Now it is a chore and soon it will be fun again.
  4. Yestarday. I had built a glider that if I felt like it. It could have glided around Kerbin forever as I was gaining altitude at 16 m up with a speed of 43 m/s from sea level up to 96 m with a speed of 73 m/s. Then did a nose dive into the ocean as I did not want to fly forever with the probe. Here is teh picture of what it looks like: Today I got my returnable rover Mk2 onto Mün and had a nice surprise: A Kerbin eclipse. Had to waity for a bit till the sun came out. Now I can biosphere hunt again.
  5. Few days ago. Eve has a new colony as well as finished my tech tree from all the science points. Still going to Hit all the Mün's biospheres just for the fun of it. Might happen today maybe tomorrow. Played Minecraft recently as it helps pass the time for 0.23 to be released.
  6. Jeb, Bill and Bob are living upon Eve right now.
  7. Asspect of building my own rocket to then explore the great beyond called outter space. And to the OP. They don't need guns they have 100 ton + rockets to kill the Kerbals off as well as several mods that adds lasers to it and the all powerful space Kraken...
  8. Jeb along with Bill and Bod are heading to Eve to live there.
  9. Jeb, Bill and Bob arrived at Eve finally. Well at least in orbit as I need to make sure they land safely. Will do that later. Also found out one can have a very low Pe for Kerbin. Had nice flaming effects all the way down to 16 km. Now IF I was using Deadly Re-Entry Mod. That Kerbal would have been toast.
  10. Well yestarday did a solo Mün mission instead of my 5 Kerbal CoM that lets me get all the samples in one go.. But, keep forgetting that I need to remember what docking port size I use on what craft. Having fun trying to reach all of the Müns biospheres. Today I'm thinking of doing a see how fast x craft flys in Kerbin's atmosphere comming in from deep spece before going boom. As well as planning on setting up my Eve colony With Jeb, Bill and Bob. Need a place to keep them safe. And Eve is certainly safe-ish.
  11. Played around with the concept of Ion Drive Escape pods. Found out I need to add landing gears if I want to keep the engine. Also started trign to do multpiple missions at once and not just leave them in orbit while I wait to get one done. Re adjusted my Mün lander made it not as top heavy. Still need a better place for the landing gears. My Kerbals took this picture of the Mün on fire either from crash landing into Kerbin or from the many crashes uopn it.
  12. I don't see anything wrong with avoiding one way missions for Kerbals. I do enjoy the challanges of making sure they have a way home. But, I also don't mind leaving them there as I go by they are my construction crew looking for a suitable building site before the construction equipment arrives with extra crew suppot. From which they will build a base that constructs rockets as well as everything else that goes into supporting such an endevor.
  13. Been playing dsince April of this year? Think the version was 0.18 something or other?
  14. Right now I'm planning on using probes to do the fly by x object for science points. As I can build them very light and not as luikely need to refuel them.
  15. Currently found a few places upon the Mün around the Far East Crater that looks like decent bases or the very least an outpost to contain back up food supplies as well as comm stations. Going to have to get my steam user file off old HD from dead PC once more. Just to get the pics that where on it for KSP. Have 2 missions 1 heading to the Mün and orbit there so when Jeb finds a good spot they can come in and take samples hopefully. The other is a probe that is leaving Kerbin SOI to aquire some data on what it is like beyond it as well as enough fuel I hope to let it return to Kerbin. As I would like to get the science points from leaving Kerbin's SOI and getting an orbit around the Sun.
  16. Well. My 0.22 Jeb would be alive since he is driving on Mün looking for base sites and 5 others currently enroute to the Mün to gather more dirt as well as land at potential base sites too. But, after they get refueled in orbit.
  17. I want to see 0.23 in 0.24, 0.25, 0.26, and 0.9
  18. Enjoy playing KSP on a decent enough pc that my launches are running smooth as glass and can use the default settings. Basicly so this is what it would be like if it was optimized better for my dead lap top. Anyways. My ISP is either being a dick, something wrong with their servers or something on my end, namely the box I connect to them with might be the problem.
  19. That you are willing to brave the fumes of a brand new pc just to play KSP instead of waiting for the bad smell to be aired out first.
  20. Hight tables to see how tall the Kerbals are as well as a way to see the ground floor of the rocket building area. Mainly for the reason I want my rockets to be close to the ground as possable when using clamps. True I could just have the clamps hold the rocket well above it. But, that to me is a tad bit cheating. =^.^=
  21. Enjoying reading what others have done while waiting for my prize so I can start up KSP again. As well as marking which page I was last on so I don't have to figure out what page I last stopped on.
  22. That is not a bad thing. At least you will have an idea on how to escape Earth when needed. =^.^=
  23. Yeah. Only had to get out and push once, well several times. But, after that. I have tried to make sure they all had either docking ports or more fuel then they will ever use usually.
  24. Quite a few times. Once when my Can Lander had chutes above it on another part. Was blissfully unaware of what was about to hapen when the chutes fully opened as normally nothing bad ever happened when I hade them above. Needless to say when they opened the can lander part went down minus its top section, one of those WTF moments. Luckly the Lander section landed upon its SAS and Monopropelent tank, both of which where destroyed but saved the lander and its crew from death. With the top part drifting down. Have screen shoots on steam. Just dont have steam on this pc to go and post them from.
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